
The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy

author:Wisboo knows the ball


今天雷霆输掉一场非常可惜的比赛,事情是这样的:首节双方都未找到外线手感比分‬僵持‬。 The Mavericks were 1-of-8 from three-point range, and the Thunder were 3-of-10. 次节‬雷霆‬率先‬发力‬,内外‬开花‬,能够‬取得‬微弱‬优势。 下半场‬雷霆‬攻防‬拉满‬,打出‬一波‬11-0,将‬优势夸大‬到‬两位数‬。 就在‬这时‬意外‬出现‬了,独行侠‬突然‬反击‬一波‬16-0,让‬雷霆‬彻底‬慌了‬阵脚‬,此后‬亚历山大‬、杰威‬开始‬乱打,瞎打,单打,连续‬失误‬白白‬送分‬,最后‬还‬来个‬砍‬人‬战术‬,雷霆‬又‬没‬把握住‬机会‬。 反观‬‬欧文‬连续‬单打‬成功‬‬,东契奇‬防守‬、组织‬不慌‬不乱…… 雷霆‬明显‬太‬年轻‬,这种‬必须要减少失误,这两场都有很多低级失误很伤,特别是今天‬最后一节那个转换失误太伤了,里外里丢‬四分……

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy


1.亚历山大打了‬42分钟,投篮‬23投10中,三分3投2中,罚球10投9中,他‬得到‬空砍31分10篮板6助攻2抢断4封盖。 亚历山大‬这场‬比赛拿到‬非常‬高效‬的数据‬,但‬看了‬比赛‬就会发现‬这场‬太‬糟糕‬了。 作为‬雷霆‬的领军人物,防守上专注度有所欠缺。 There were a number of distractions in the marking of Washington, missing a lot of defensive threes that should have interfered with the spot. 进攻端‬第三节的最后一攻不压时间鲁莽出手,反过来被‬对面一个压哨三分打进‬。 第四节追分时刻半转换打得犹犹豫豫,最后差‬三分‬,自己‬三个回合‬一个没打进,被‬造‬一个‬进攻‬犯规‬,直接把雷霆打没了…… 今天‬打的‬太‬不合理‬。

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy

2, Jalen Williams was 7 of 12 from the field, 1 of 2 from three-point range, and had 16 points, 6 rebounds, 8 assists and 1 block. 杰威今天效率‬非常不错‬,可能‬是因为受伤‬的原因,‬后面‬没怎么发挥,或者是说状态不佳。。 不得‬不承认‬杰威‬潜力‬太大‬了‬,身板‬技术‬和‬心态‬都‬是‬超巨‬的‬苗子‬。 总结‬评价‬:杰威,打球‬干净‬利落‬,各方面,攻守均衡。 Mid-range, three-pointers, breakouts, and passing are all pretty good...... 新秀‬第二年‬就‬打的‬非常‬成熟‬稳重‬,可能‬比‬同期‬的‬哈登‬还要‬出色‬,我认为杰威‬的‬上限是比亚历山大高的。

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy

3.切特全场9中5,三分2中0,他‬得到了13分8篮板3助攻1抢断4盖帽。 切特‬绝对‬是被‬低估‬的球员‬,没能‬拿到‬最佳‬新秀‬只能说‬文班‬亚‬马‬太‬变态‬了‬,切特‬攻防‬两端‬作用‬太大‬了‬,优点‬:进攻端,除了自身进攻能力之外,他的三分威胁更是为球队的进攻空间更是带来了质的提升。 Defensively, not to mention, it's no exaggeration to say that his arrival directly raised the Thunder's defense to a notch. 但‬缺点‬也是‬一针‬‬见血‬:切特‬处理球急需进步,投篮‬出手弧度‬过低‬,导致‬老磕前框,如果持球往里突,第‬一个,运球不稳,重心‬高‬,非常容易被切。 第二个,身体瘦弱,谁都能给顶住‬、防住,这两点造成了他容易失误。

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy

4.这场比赛的失利就我看来雷霆‬是的的确确地交上学费了。 A game of bayonets, winning the game is completely a breath of air. The lead was played too quickly, there were a lot of low-level mistakes in both halves, and in the last two minutes, the pressure was so great, it was three points short, and one of the three rounds was not scored and the offensive foul was fouled...... 教练‬的暂停也是叫得不够及时。 关键时刻‬双方‬球星‬差距‬体现‬

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy

Owen made a difficult singles kill

‬独行侠迎来大麻烦! 4 Facts!

1. Irving was 10-of-17 from the field, 2-of-6 from three-point range, and finished with 22 points, 5 rebounds, 7 assists, 1 steal and 1 block. 欧文‬今天‬神了‬,投篮‬17中‬10,一个‬罚球‬没有‬得到‬22分‬。 天生‬的大心脏‬球员‬,末节‬前面连进三个,雷霆立刻暂停,不敢让他打了,直接开始执行砍莱福利的战术,想让欧文手感冷下来…… As a result, at the last moment, Owen was allowed to score with a weak side hand to kill the game, and Owen really either stopped the bleeding or was heartbroken...... Statistically: Irving averaged 6.3 points per game in the first half and 17 points per game in the second half of the playoffs, shooting 57% from the field and 54% from three-point range.

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy

2.PJ华盛顿出战40分钟,投篮‬23投11中,三分球12投5中,得到27分6篮板2助攻。 独行侠‬赛季‬中期‬做的‬最正确‬的事‬情就是‬引援‬华盛顿‬、加福德‬,近两‬场‬比赛华盛顿‬合‬砍‬56分‬17板‬,命中‬12记‬三分球。 没想到pj华盛顿成x因素了,变成‬球队‬第三‬得分手‬,这两场比赛能赢,立了大功!

3. Doncic was 7-of-17 from the field and 1-of-4 from three-point range, finishing with 22 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 steals. 不要看东契奇今天效率低,最后三分钟立了‬大功‬,雷霆‬反超‬比分的快攻被东契奇‬抢断+自己‬一条龙上篮拉开5分,然后空中‬抢下‬球权‬+最后时刻造成亚历山大‬进攻犯规,基本‬锁定胜局,这‬几个‬回合‬攻防‬拉满‬,立了‬大功‬…… Doncic's offensive efficiency in this year's playoffs has dropped significantly, and he is very rational today, knowing that he has a bad feeling of injury, and he has also reduced his production a lot to create opportunities for his teammates

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy

Doncic defends the ball and falls to the ground

4. The Mavericks are completely panicked, Doncic is now injured not lightly, both knees are bleeding, and his offensive efficiency has dropped significantly, even after the Thunder, the odds of winning against the Nuggets or Timberwolves are still small. According to statistics, in nine games in the playoffs, Doncic averaged 27.7 points per game, shooting only 41.0% from the field and 26.4% from three-point range

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy


After the game, Doncic first praised the management for bringing in Washington, and then talked about his serious knee injury to win the Thunder to enter the Western Conference finals, and roughly said:

“我觉得我们应该早点交易来华盛顿‬,他攻防两端都打得很好。 We need him to continue to play like that...... 我‬感觉‬现在‬到处都痛。 I've hurt my knee again and I need to take advantage of all the rest time I can. I'm sure we can fight our way out of the west, but it's definitely going to be hard. We've not done anything yet. We've won two games, but we need four wins."

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 2-1 Thunder, and Doncic's postgame interview sparked controversy

Doncic was bleeding from both knees

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