
I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!

author:Home fairy

At a certain corner of my life, I unexpectedly stepped into a new living space - a 100-square-meter hardcover room. Although the original decoration style is modern and simple, it always feels that there are some traces of temperature and time. So, I decided to give the space a new lease of life and chose a material that was very popular with everyone – black walnut.

I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!
I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!
I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!

This year, the pre-owned trend is like a spring breeze, blowing through every corner of the design world. I was also tempted by the retro yet elegant style. Perhaps because I am over 35 years old and have a higher pursuit of quality of life, I have begun to have a soft spot for materials that contain stories and time. Black walnut, with its deep color and delicate texture, has become the ideal choice in my heart.

I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!
I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!

The black walnut elements throughout the house, from the floor to the furniture, from the door panels to the decoration, reveal a warm and noble temperament. It not only brings visual enjoyment, but also gives me great satisfaction in terms of touch. Every time your fingers gently glide over the smooth wooden surface, you can feel the quiet flow of time.

I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!
I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!

Although I haven't officially moved in yet, I already have a deep affection for this black walnut-style home. Every time you walk into this space, you can feel an indescribable comfort and peace of mind. I guess that's what it feels like to be "home" – not just a place to live, but a harbor that can carry personal emotions and memories.

I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!
I accidentally decorated my home into the walnut style that is now popular!

In this fast-paced era, we often lose ourselves in our busyness. However, when I was in this black walnut space full of anti-Japanese style, I felt as if I had found a place where I could slow down and enjoy the beauty of life. The warmth and texture of black walnut is exactly the tranquility and satisfaction I am looking for in my life's journey. The picture comes from @云多的家