
Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

author:Geek Boom Documentary


Zhang Guiyuan's "suspension of training" turmoil: a chain reaction triggered by a birthday party

In the world of four generations of trainees, Zhang Guiyuan's name is like the brightest star in the night sky, shining brightly.

At the joyful moment when he was celebrating his birthday, a sudden "suspension of training" turmoil, like an unexpected cold wind, blew away all the laughter.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

A certain gathering between Zhang Guiyuan and Zuo Qihan was interpreted by netizens who did not know the truth as a "big incident" that violated the company's regulations.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

Netizens are like detectives, analyzing every detail of the incident and trying to find out the truth. Some people firmly believe that Zhang Guiyuan is innocent, thinking that he is just having a birthday dinner with friends, but he is misunderstood and slandered; Some people also believe that as a public figure, Zhang Guiyuan should be more self-disciplined and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

In this turmoil, Zhang Guiyuan seems to have fallen victim to the "victim guilt theory", but the real "culprit" has quietly disappeared.

Company clarification: a misunderstanding or a PR strategy?

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

In the face of all kinds of speculation from the outside world, the company finally spoke out, saying that it has not received a notice of suspension of training for trainees, and all training is carried out as usual.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

This statement was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

Some people believe that this is a public relations strategy adopted by the company to calm the turmoil, while others believe that it is just a misunderstanding caused by over-interpretation by the outside world.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

Just after the company clarified, new news came out that Zhang Guiyuan had indeed been suspended from training, and several other trainees who participated in the party were also implicated.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, making public opinion that had already subsided boil again. Netizens expressed sympathy for Zhang Guiyuan, believing that he was innocent, and also questioned the company's handling of it.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

The boundary between self-discipline and freedom

In this "suspension of training" turmoil, we have seen that public figures are enjoying the halo at the same time, but also under great pressure and challenges.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

Zhang Guiyuan's experience is undoubtedly a warning to all trainees: in the big dye vat full of temptations in the entertainment industry, self-discipline and self-control are essential skills for survival.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

Self-discipline does not mean giving up freedom, and how to find a balance between self-discipline and freedom is a topic that every public figure must face.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

Netizens' discussion of this matter is like a war without gunpowder, each insisting on its own words and arguing endlessly.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

Someone joked: "Zhang Guiyuan is really 'happy birthday, not happy to stop training' this time!" Some people also humorously commented: "It seems that when I have a birthday in the future, I can only blow out candles in front of the mirror at home." ”

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

These light-hearted and witty comments not only brought a touch of relief to the tense atmosphere of public opinion, but also triggered more people to think about the deep-seated issues behind the incident.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

In this turmoil, we have seen the helplessness of public figures, and we have also seen the wisdom and humor of netizens.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

Zhang Guiyuan's "suspension of training" turmoil may become an important experience on his growth path, and it may also become the starting point for self-discipline and free discussion in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

In any case, we are looking forward to Zhang Guiyuan's early return and continue to shine on the stage.

Zhang Guiyuan was suspended from training for his birthday party? The life of a trainee is really exciting!

I also hope that this turmoil can arouse more people's attention to the protection of the rights and interests of public figures, and make the entertainment industry a healthier and more harmonious environment.

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