
Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village


Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Written by Sheng Fu Word Count 1746

The early summer season is also beautiful. Although there is a little sun in the daytime, the heat is still far away, and the morning dew and evening breeze are still so cool and comfortable. Looking at the land, the greenery is deep, and the countryside at this time is even more vibrant.

The lazy body of the bulky bicycle is really a little dazed for long-distance riding, and I don't want to ride all the short holidays, and I don't particularly want to go to the place, but I really want to see the fields, such as rice fields, vegetable gardens, and farm yards. It was found that the paddy field vegetable garden was mostly on both sides of the Dongjiang River, and the last time I went to Xiayuan and Weizai, it was not enough to go in a short period of time. Or Huidong, but Huidong is a little far away. In this way, thinking of the last time I rode Tonghu, Luo Village, which is not far from the Huangwu Dunlun Study, and the ancient village road is not far, it is not bad to go and see it.

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Luo Village Julongmen

Along the way, the flame trees are holding high red flowers like small torches, and the phoenix flowers bloom all over the canopy. Gao Lin cicadas hissed, underplaying the lines of summer poetry. It's just that there are not many rice fields and vegetable gardens in Lilin Town. After an hour and a half of riding, people have come to Luo Village.

Luo Village is located in the southwest of Lilin Town, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, 30 kilometers one way. In February 2016, it was rated as "Ancient Village of Guangdong Province".

Along the "Luocun Road", we first came to the east of the ancient village. There is a Xie ancestral hall at the front end of the east side. The ancestral hall sits west to east, with three entrances and two patios, and a rectangular layout. Brick and wood structure, dragon boat spine, roller tiles, blue brick walls, stone feet. There is a pair of stone flagpoles in front of the door, and the doorway and pond are placed. It is a more representative ancestral hall building of the Qing Dynasty in Lingnan, and is now a cultural relics protection unit of Zhongkai High-tech Zone. Xie ancestral hall gate couplet:

Yinling Weiqi Peak is delicate, and the clouds are steaming, and I suddenly see the new sword wat of Dongshan

The copper lake is surrounded by Jinlang Wenlan, and the wind is far away, chasing the old origin of the water

On the side of the patio after noticing the ancestral hall, there is a small kitchen. There is a kitchen in the ancestral hall, and this is the first time I have seen it, and I have never seen it before at the ancestral hall.

There is a academy adjacent to the right back side of the ancestral hall, the name is "Zhizhi Academy", it is a building of the Qing Dynasty, the door is east-north, it is the old Mengxue of the Xie family, it was changed to "Zhizhi School" after liberation, it became the primary school of the whole Luo Village, and the school has now moved. The academy is a three-room two-room building with left and right side corridors, with a herringbone hard hilltop, yin and yang tiles, and yellow glazed dripping edges. The granite square frame door is written on the forehead of the gray plastic, red edge, black ground and gold characters: "Zhizhi School".

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Lo Tsuen Tse Clan Ancestral Hall (right) and Chi Chi College (left)

There is a public toilet between the ancestral hall and the academy. From the notice on the wall, you can tell that there is a special person to clean it. From the good hygiene of the public toilet, it can be seen that the Xie ancestral hall is not limited to the Xie ancestral hall, and the Huizhou area has done a good job in the management and inheritance of the ancestral hall culture.

Luo Village: I think the most interesting thing is the Guxu City in the surrounding area. There is a gatehouse in Guxu City, called "Julongmen". The name of a polder city is so auspicious, which shows that the people here pay great attention to the meaning of feng shui. The polder market in Julongmen is well preserved, and the large and small shops in the gatehouse are small arcades with the same style. A arcade is a modern commercial and residential building with the ground floor of the building set back along the street surface and leaving public pedestrian space, such as the arcade on Shui Dong Street. The streets of the polder city are in a T-shape. More than 500 years ago, merchants and farmers from nearby villages and even Dongguan, Lilin and other places came here to catch the market. Later, due to the frequent heavy rains and flooding here, it was necessary to come in by boat, and it was difficult to carry the goods, and the polder gradually declined.

Today, the scale is really limited, the length is only twenty or thirty meters, the width is less than ten meters, and the ding head is even shorter. With such a scale, it is difficult to say how prosperous it is. But in those days, it must have been very lively. Due to transportation, information, and logistics restrictions, there are only a limited number of people who come here to trade, and it can be said that they are the leaders. Comparing the past and the present, the changes are not insignificant. As for the heavy rain and flooding, you have to take a boat, and now there is no such situation, there are only a few feng shui ponds in front of you, but it has become a good decoration. As for the rising water of Tonghu Lake, it will probably not be affected.

A new stone road three to five meters wide has been paved in the ancient village, which is just right to walk around the ancient village. At the south front end of the ancient village, there are two Xie branch ancestral halls, called the old hall building, the new hall building, which are twenty or thirty meters apart, all of which are Qing Dynasty buildings. Between the old and new halls, there is an ancient well near the river. The ancient well was built in 1338, a round well, 16 meters deep, about 1 meter in diameter, and green ferns grow on the wall of the well.

It was found that there were still a small number of houses living in the ancient village, and they were elderly people. On the side of the ancient wall, lychees and longans have begun to bear small fruits like flower buds. I also saw two papaya trees that were different from the common ones, they were very stout, and they were the thickest papaya trees I had ever seen. There are several paddy fields on the roadside of Luocun that are in a state of water shortage, and the seedlings are growing quite well.

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Guwei City in Julongmen

Visiting ancient villages and polder markets, what made me feel the most was that people are the products of the environment. People live in their environment, and they just take everything for granted, and that's how it is. Then, it can be expected that people in a few years will look at our lives today, and they will probably be old and backward.

Leave Luocun Guwei and pass through Laowei Town Road in Luocun on the way back. This is the old village of Luocun, and there is a market at present. Fruits, vegetables, and vegetables are mostly sold on the spot, and there are three or four pork stalls in the small and simple market. Interestingly, a signboard for the "Video Room" was also found. This signboard has also become a witness to history.

A little spit. Regarding the name of the village "Luo Village", Lilin Town is one of the ones I went to this time. In Taimei Town, there is also a "Luo Village", that is, Luo Village, which has an 800-year-old water pine. In addition, there is a "Yinling Road" in the street on the south bank of the river, and there is also a "Yinling Road" in Zhongkai, which makes people feel that they are two cities. This is not well done. Although it is not strange to have the same name, but in the same city, Huizhou is not very big, what does it mean to have such the same name? It's just two Luo villages, and it's a matter of stinky farts to engage in two Yinling roads. That's why I hate those leaders who eat idle meals the most.

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Herringbone wall, dragon boat spine, yin and yang tiles

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

The Luocun basketball honor flag hanging on the wall of the Xie ancestral hall

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Luo Village Xie Ancestral Hall

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Koi Kimura

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village
Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village
Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village
Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

In a corner of Luo Village, there are still people living at home

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Papaya trees on the edge of the ancient perimeter

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

A melon and vegetable patch on the side of the road in Luocun

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Rice paddies on the side of the road in Luo Village

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Luocun Old Village Market, "Entertainment Video Room" signboard

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Luocun Old Village Market

Ride the ancient village of Lilin Luo Village

Overlooking Luo Village (network map) (unless indicated, all are taken by me)