
Happy Angel

author:Breeze Moon1AZF

"Are you happy today?"

The Angel of Joy often brings you infinite sunshine that warms your soul that is trembling with cold, and her light, full of magical power, can drive away all the filth and darkness of this world.

"Are you happy today?"

Happy Angel carries a burning fire in his arms, and wherever he goes, there is spring, and wherever he goes, there will be love around.

Happy Angel

"Are you happy today?"

Legend has it that the Happy Angel has a wand in his hand, which can make any unseen evil in this world reveal its original form under the strong light of the sun, and can no longer be hidden; However, it can also give super power to those good people who lose themselves in the dark night.

She is also supposed to be a goddess full of wisdom...

"Are you happy today?"

Hurry up and make a wish in front of the happy angel! In short, I have every confidence that she will make all our dreams, the last one blossom.

"Are you happy today?"

The happy angel in our minds should be a laughing girl, she is very rich, and she always likes to be generous.

She can make the poor and destitute who have no food and clothing to use the money they have worked so hard to beg to buy lottery tickets and win the lottery, and become people who no longer worry about not having enough food and clothing.

Happy Angel

"Are you happy today?"

Sometimes I also think that the Happy Angel should be a beautiful girl who always loves to sing the song "Potpourri":

"In my mind, thinking of you,

I have you in my eyes.

Every breath starts because of you,

The stars hanging high twinkle and shining,

It illuminates my heart and guides me forward..."

Her voice is so sweet, in the midst of a hundred flowers, otherworldly.

Happy Angel

I always feel that she has a pair of invisible wings, often when you are in vulgarity, give you strong confidence, let you see the future, see hope.

She will always take the trouble to say to you:

"Are you happy today?"

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