
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness

author:Elegant white cloud fL
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness
As the saying goes, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness

In the bustling business world, Li Jun, the president of Centron Group, is known for his excellent leadership and hard-working attitude. One of the things he often says is: "Failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness." This sentence is not only his personal motto, but also his credo that motivates his team members to keep improving.

One day, Xingchen Group held an important project planning meeting. The atmosphere in the conference room was tense and serious, and all participants were well aware of the importance of this project for the future development of the company. However, as the meeting was about to start, a young project manager, Li Ming, was late. He hurried to the conference room with a hint of apology on his face, but there was a hint of disapproval in his eyes.

After the meeting began, Li Ming appeared absent-minded when reporting on the progress of the project, and his words were full of perfunctory and coping. Li Jun sat on the rostrum, his brows furrowed, obviously very dissatisfied with Li Ming's performance. After the meeting, Li Jun left Li Ming alone.

"Li Ming, do you know why I asked you to stay today?" Although Li Jun's voice was calm, it exuded an undeniable majesty.

Li Ming lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Li Jun's eyes, "I'...... I know that I was late and didn't report back seriously at the meeting. ”

"No, these are just scratching the surface." Li Jun shook his head, "I'm more worried about your attitude. You don't seem to be paying attention to the project, and your laziness and idleness are affecting your career. ”

Li Ming raised his head, a trace of puzzlement flashed in his eyes, "But...... I feel like I've worked hard. ”

"Effort?" Li Jun sneered, "Hard work is not just talking, it needs you to prove it with actions." Look at this data report," Li Jun said, handing Li Ming a document, "This is a comparison of your work with other project managers in the past three months." You work the least amount of time and are the least efficient. How can this be called effort? ”

Li Ming took the document and his face turned pale. He could not refute the authenticity of this data report, nor could he deny his laziness and idleness. He was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath and said, "I understand, Mr. Li." I will change my attitude and work harder. ”

Li Jun nodded, his tone softened a little, "I believe you can do it." Remember, failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness. Only by constantly forging ahead and working hard can we gain a foothold in the business world. ”

From that day on, Li Ming seemed to be a different person. He no longer arrives late or leaves early, nor does he cope with work perfunctorily. He came to the company early every day and carefully studied various materials and market analysis reports; He took the initiative to communicate with team members to discuss project progress and solutions. He also uses his spare time to learn new knowledge and improve his abilities.

A few months later, the project that had been a headache for Li Ming made a breakthrough. Not only that, but his work efficiency and team management skills have also improved significantly. His change has attracted attention and praise from all over the company, and he himself has never felt more satisfied and proud.

At an annual meeting of the company, Li Jun personally presented Li Ming with the award of "Best Project Manager of the Year". On the podium, Li Ming said with emotion: "Thank you Mr. Li for teaching and spurring me. It was he who made me understand the truth that 'failure is due to laziness, and waste is due to idleness'. I will continue to work hard and contribute to the development of the company. ”

Li Jun smiled and nodded in the audience, his eyes flashing with approval. He knew that Li Ming had truly comprehended the profound meaning of this sentence and integrated it into his life and work. He also believes that in the near future, there will be more hard-working and enterprising employees like Li Ming in Xingchen Group.