
China has said a fair remark, which Israel strongly dissates and threatens China's security by using India's hand

author:Scholar of literature and history

According to Indian media reports, the Indian Air Force has recently added a batch of new equipment.

This new equipment is the "Fury" supersonic missile developed by Israel, which the Indian army has previously installed on the carrier-based aircraft MiG-29K. Now, with the help of Israel, India has gone one step further and integrated the missile into Su-30SM fighter jets imported from Russia. This fighter itself is an advanced model in the Russian army, and now it is equipped with advanced supersonic missiles, which can be described as a tiger with wings.

China has said a fair remark, which Israel strongly dissates and threatens China's security by using India's hand

This may seem like an ordinary arms deal, but judging by Israel's recent resentment with China and India's pretentiousness, it is actually a means used by Israel to threaten the mainland.

Why is Israel threatening the mainland? Because in the eyes of Israelis, China has long been "favored" to Palestine in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and it has become Israel's enemy. But in reality, China is just saying a few words of justice for Palestine.

As early as October last year, when a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict began, the mainland made clear its attitude, that is, calling for peace, opposing harm to civilians, and condemning violations of international law. Israel, however, took the right seat, believing that the mainland's words were condemning Israel, thus treating the mainland as an adversary in the United Nations.

China has said a fair remark, which Israel strongly dissates and threatens China's security by using India's hand

On October 25, the United States introduced a draft in the Security Council to unilaterally condemn Hamas, which was vetoed by China and Russia. The representative of Israel was annoyed, believing that China was helping Hamas "commit a massacre."

In response, Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, responded on the spot, pointing out that the mainland is not targeting Israel and does not regard Israel as an adversary: "It is not my intention to debate with Israel here. Israel has chosen China as an adversary, and it has also chosen the wrong target. "China condemns all acts that harm civilians and has previously endorsed a resolution condemning Hamas attacks.

In short, we just came out and said a few fair words, and we didn't deliberately take sides. Since the beginning of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict more than half a year ago, we have repeatedly expressed this attitude.

However, Israel is unwilling to accept even such fair words, showing the typical thinking that "those who follow me prosper and those who disobey me perish." Anyone who disagrees with their actions is regarded as an adversary, and for this reason they do not hesitate to make the whole world an enemy. It seems that in their view, the earth should revolve around Israel, and that Israel should be the priority of all international affairs.

China has said a fair remark, which Israel strongly dissates and threatens China's security by using India's hand

What's even funnier is that we have made it clear that we condemn acts that harm civilians and violate international law. Israel has taken the initiative to jump out and accuse China of favoritism in favor of Palestine. If they didn't do that, why would they think China was targeting them? The fact that even a few words of justice can make Israel so excited shows how weak their hearts are.

Israel is not reasonable, but it always feels that China is working against them. They themselves do not share a border with China, and they do not dare to directly trouble China, so they think of China's ambitious neighbor - India.

India, on the other hand, has repeatedly broken its promises with the mainland to stabilize the border situation, and has repeatedly come to provoke it every once in a while. The Doklam incident in 2017 and the Galwan Valley incident in 2020 are typical examples. Instead of repenting, India believes that the mainland is provoking them and "invading" India.

China has said a fair remark, which Israel strongly dissates and threatens China's security by using India's hand

Therefore, these two countries can also be said to smell like each other and hit it off. Some people may think that India and Israel are two countries that are not compatible, but in fact they work together quite closely.

Israel's friendship with India is not only because of China, but also because of Pakistan. Pakistan, with its nuclear weapons, close ties with Arab countries, and frequent solidarity with Palestine in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has long been regarded by Israel as a major threat. Therefore, Israel has hooked up with India, Pakistan's fierce enemy, hoping to rely on India to add some chaos to China and Pakistan.

Although India claims to be a great power and always has a dream of hegemony, its own military research and development capabilities are really stretched and cannot match the mainland at all, and it also needs Israel, which has relatively advanced military science and technology. India's self-developed "BrahMos" supersonic missile is still stronger than Israel's "Fury" supersonic missile on the surface, but India has not promoted it, but has actively introduced Israeli missiles.

China has said a fair remark, which Israel strongly dissates and threatens China's security by using India's hand

However, Israel's hope that India will cause chaos in China is doomed to fail. Throughout history, we can see that almost every time China has been able to defeat the Indian army with less than more, and the Indian army's provocations have basically been self-inflicted. No matter how provocative India is, it will not be able to affect the development of the mainland.

What's more, the arsenal of the Indian army is a "universal weapons exhibition hall", full of weapons from various countries and eras, which is enough to make logistics personnel anxious. Even if an Israeli missile is introduced, it will not be able to fundamentally improve the combat effectiveness of the Indian army, that is, it will only make the Indian army look good. So instead of thinking about how to rely on India to disgust China all day long, Israel should reflect on how its international image has fallen to this point.

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