
Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

author:Lao Li Health said

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In the bustling community square, the eldest uncle, Wang Xuhai, was chatting with several neighbors. The weather is getting warmer, and the conversation is changing from the cold of winter to the diet of spring.

Wang is a retired teacher who loves food, especially pork liver, which he believes is not only a nutritional supplement, but also a great joy in life.

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

Just as he was talking about the homemade pork liver dish last night, a neighbor suddenly mentioned a shocking news: "I heard that if you eat too much pork liver, you can easily get coronary heart disease!" ”

After hearing this, Wang Xuhai felt his heart shake. Despite his physical fitness, he is now in his sixties and is increasingly concerned about his health. In the cardiovascular department of the hospital, Wang Xuhai met Li Shenghao, a senior physician.

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

As an experienced cardiologist, Dr. Lee has a deep understanding of the link between food and heart health. Wang expressed his concerns to Dr. Li and hoped to receive guidance from a professional perspective.

Dr. Li Shenghao smiled and began to explain: "Uncle Wang, the problem you are worried about is very common, but about the relationship between pork liver and coronary heart disease, it is not a simple 'you must get it if you eat it'. Let's break it down. ”

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

First of all, pig liver is an excellent source of iron and vitamin A, which is extremely beneficial for preventing anemia and protecting eyesight. Frequent consumption of high-cholesterol foods increases blood levels of LDL, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

"However," Dr. Lee added, "it is important to avoid overdoses. Proper intake of pork liver, combined with a balanced diet, actually has little impact on health. It's okay to take it once or twice a week. ”

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

Next, Dr. Lee presented some data on diet and cardiovascular health. And most people because of their preference for meat products.

He asked again: "Dr. Li, I heard that in addition to pork liver, there are some foods that are common but may not be very heart-friendly, can you tell us more about it?" ”

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

Dr. Li Shenghao nodded, he knew that this was a common doubt for many patients, so he began to explain in detail: "Indeed, in addition to pork liver, some common foods may also affect heart health. For example, red meat, which many people like to eat, such as beef and lamb, can also increase the burden on the heart if eaten in excess, especially the greasy part. ”

He goes on to mention another food product: "In addition, processed foods, especially processed meats, such as sausages, bacon, etc., because they contain a lot of salt and preservatives, long-term consumption can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. ”

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

Doctor Li Shenghao saw that Wang Xuhai seemed to be a little nervous, so he said in a more relaxed tone: "However, Uncle Wang, the key is 'appropriate amount' and 'balance'. We don't need to avoid these foods altogether, but we need to learn how to organize our diet properly. For example, you can limit the frequency and portion size of red meat to no more than two to three times a week. ”

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

He continues, "For processed foods, try to choose products that are low in sodium or have no additives, while increasing your intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, which are great for heart health. ”

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

Dr. Lee Seung Ho explained in detail how to reduce the risk of heart disease through dietary modifications. In addition, Dr. Lee stressed the importance of exercise, suggesting that Wang could further reduce the risk of heart disease by doing at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling.

After listening to Dr. Li Shenghao's advice, Wang Xuhai was relieved, but he was still curious and confused about some specific dietary details.

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!

Through this conversation, Wang has gained a deeper understanding of how to maintain his heart health, as well as a new understanding of his eating habits, and thanks to Dr. Li Shenghao's professional answers, he can now enjoy a healthy lifestyle with more confidence.

What do you think about pig liver as an "inducer" of coronary heart disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is pig liver an "inducing agent" of coronary heart disease? Doctor: I don't want heart disease to come to the door, eat less of these things!