
Jiangxian County: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside It is time to ban planting and eradicating narcotics

author:Menghao Media

In order to further promote the work of banning the cultivation and eradication of narcotics, effectively curb the occurrence of cases of illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and create a good atmosphere for everyone to participate in the prohibition of planting and eradicating narcotics. On May 9, the anti-drug brigade of Jiangxian County Public Security Bureau and anti-drug social workers went to Dongwu Village to carry out a propaganda campaign to ban planting and eradicating drugs.

Jiangxian County: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside It is time to ban planting and eradicating narcotics
Jiangxian County: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside It is time to ban planting and eradicating narcotics

During the activity, the anti-narcotics police and social workers strictly followed the work requirements of key investigations and comprehensive inspections, and went deep into the fields to carry out dragnet bans and drug eradication inspections to ensure that the seeds of the original drug plants did not fall to the ground, take root or germinate. Through the distribution of propaganda materials on the prohibition of planting and eradicating drugs, explaining the characteristics of the identification of opium poppy and other narcotic plants, etc., we will go into villages and households to publicize anti-drug knowledge face-to-face with villagers, patiently and meticulously explain the types and characteristics of narcotics, methods for preventing narcotics, and laws and regulations related to drug control, and use cases to explain the harm caused by narcotics to villagers, and mobilize the masses to actively report, expose, and report the illegal acts of planting narcotic plants and smoking and selling narcotics, so that everyone can fully understand the legal consequences of illegally cultivating opium poppy, the original plant of narcotic drugsThe concept of "not wanting to plant, not daring to plant, and not wanting to plant" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the propaganda behavior of anti-narcotics police and social workers going to villages and households has been unanimously approved and recognized by the broad masses of the people.

Jiangxian County: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside It is time to ban planting and eradicating narcotics
Jiangxian County: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside It is time to ban planting and eradicating narcotics

Through this activity, the masses have expressed that they will take active action, starting from now on, to build the first line of defense against drugs, and effectively enhance the villagers' awareness of drug control and drug prevention.

Editor in charge: Yan Wenbin