
The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

author:Möngke talks about health

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On a stormy night, 68-year-old Aunt Wang, a retired middle school history teacher, was watching her favorite drama from the comfort of her home.

Time flew by, and it was already late at night. Suddenly, she felt a rush of urine. Despite the rain outside, Aunt Wang decided to get up and go to the toilet to solve the problem.

The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

However, as soon as she stepped out of the threshold of the bedroom, she felt a wave of dizziness, and then collapsed on the cold floor. In the following hours, Aunt Wang's family found her and rushed to 120 to take her to the nearest hospital.

The doctors quickly conducted a comprehensive examination and emergency rescue of her, but unfortunately, Aunt Wang eventually passed away due to a severe cerebral infarction.

The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

After a detailed case analysis, the doctor found that Aunt Wang's usual eating habits were extremely unhealthy, and high-salt and high-fat food was her daily routine, which directly led to the blockage of her blood vessels, which in turn caused a fatal cerebral infarction.

Here, doctors point out an often overlooked health perspective: while we generally know that a high-fat, high-salt diet is a major cardiovascular enemy, few people realize that frequent late waking up is also a major concern for the elderly.

The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

Many elderly people have increased the risk of falls and emergencies due to frequent waking up at night, especially in the context of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Therefore, doctors recommend that older people should avoid excessive water intake during dinner, and at the same time, keep the bedroom with enough light and unobstructed access to reduce the risk of nocturnal activities.

The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

In addition, the mechanism of the formation of cerebral infarction was discussed in detail by the doctor. Cerebral infarction, in layman's terms, is that the blood vessels in the brain are blocked, and the blood flow cannot reach certain areas of the brain smoothly, resulting in the death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen.

Long-term unhealthy eating habits, such as excessive intake of animal fats, fried foods, etc., can lead to increased blood cholesterol levels, the formation of blood clots, and may eventually clog vital blood vessels in the brain.

The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

In the aftermath of this tragedy, doctors made a point of emphasizing the importance of prevention. They suggest that the elderly should not only control their diet and arrange their water intake reasonably, but also have regular blood pressure and blood lipid checks to keep abreast of their health status.

In addition, appropriate physical activities, such as walking, tai chi, etc., can also effectively improve blood circulation and enhance heart function.

The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

At the end of this sad story, Wang's family asks the doctor a question: "How can we ensure that there is a safe living environment for the elderly family to prevent similar tragedies from happening?" ”

"In addition to the above-mentioned dietary and lifestyle adjustments, it is very important to ensure that every corner of the home is safe and accessible. ”

The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

"For example, the route from the bedroom to the bathroom should be clear, there should be no sliding items on the floor, especially carpets and wires, and a night light should be turned on at night so that the elderly can see the route clearly when they get up at night and reduce the risk of falling."

"At the same time, there should also be an emergency call system in the home, so that if something happens, you can get help in time." With these concrete measures, every family can be a safe haven for seniors and thus avoid unnecessary harm and grief.

The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old

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The 68-year-old aunt fainted at night, and the rescue was ineffective and died! The doctor was heartbroken: don't do it when you're old