
Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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In the bustling city center, a computer programmer named Meng Haoran is sitting in a chair in the community center, listening to the opening words of the doctor in front of him.

"You've probably heard of the concept of 'hair matter', but did you know that some seemingly harmless everyday foods actually have a very big impact on blood pressure?" This is a health talk about the delicate relationship between food and blood pressure.

Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

Meng Haoran's daily life is almost dominated by programming and takeout, with very little exercise, and food choices are mainly convenient and fast.

The health talk was a wake-up call to his realisation that his lifestyle might be quietly taking a toll on his body.

After the lecture, he decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up, which showed that his blood pressure was high, which forced him to re-examine his eating habits.

Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

The doctor gave him a list of four foods to avoid: salted fish, smoked meats, preserved foods, and high-salt snacks.

These foods contain a lot of sodium, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure. And Meng Haoran's takeaway food, which was essential for almost every meal before, was often inseparable from these ingredients.

Doctors also specifically mentioned that while fish is generally considered a healthy food, if it is in the form of salted fish, then it can be even more harmful than red meat.

Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

To illustrate this further, the doctor told the story of another patient.

The patient was also a middle-aged man with high blood pressure who enjoyed salted fish and smoked meat until his blood pressure problems were severe enough to require long-term antihypertensive medication.

On the advice of his doctor, he adjusted his diet and after a few months, his blood pressure improved significantly.

Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

Through this example, Meng Haoran understood the direct relationship between diet and health.

He decided to start small, such as cutting back on savoury snacks and choosing fresh fruits and vegetables and raw ingredients to cook his food.

Meng Haoran's change is not easy, especially for a person who is used to the life of takeaway.

Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

But he gradually discovered that the change had a positive impact on his life. A few months later, he had another physical examination and found that his blood pressure had returned to normal levels.

In the process, Meng Haoran also learned some basic cooking skills, and he found that he actually became interested in cooking.

He started sharing his healthy eating recipes online, hoping to help more people like him who didn't pay attention to eating healthily.

Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

This story teaches us that changing lifestyle habits, especially eating habits, can be hard, but the health benefits are worth it.

By adjusting our diet, we can not only improve existing health problems but also prevent diseases that may arise in the future.

The end of the article is not a summary, but asks the question: if the traditional food culture contains a lot of high-salt or high-sugar foods,

Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

How can we adapt our eating habits to modern health needs without sacrificing food culture?

In modern society, people's pace of life is accelerating, and the concern for health is increasing.

This requires us to make some adjustments in line with modern health concepts while retaining the essence of traditional food culture.

Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are

For example, we can use low-sodium salt instead of regular table salt, choose natural flavors instead of processed flavors, or modify traditional cooking methods to reduce the amount of fat and sugar in food.

This adjustment not only preserves the cultural characteristics of food, but also meets the health needs of modern people.

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Is fish the "hair" of high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, you have to endure the 4 things no matter how greedy you are