
The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"What's the matter with this back pain?" Li Hongxia gently held her waist, her mouth kept complaining, facing the market stalls full of vegetables and meat, she had to quickly choose the ingredients today and prepare to cook at home.

Li Hongxia, 53, is a supermarket cashier, and her daily job is to stand in front of the cash register, smile at the endless stream of customers and say, "Welcome, goodbye!" ”

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

This simple and repetitive work has put pressure on her lower back for many years, but despite this, she has always been optimistic about life.

On this day, Li Hongxia was shopping for ingredients in the market as usual, but suddenly felt that the world was spinning, and the whole person was shaky. Seeing this, the stall owner next to her hurriedly helped her, "Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Do you want me to call an ambulance for you? ”

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

"Oh, no, no, I may have been exposed to the sun too much." Li Hongxia tried to stabilize her body, smiled palely and waved her hand.

However, the stall owner insisted on dialing 120, and the ambulance quickly took Li Hongxia to the nearest hospital, where the doctor quickly conducted a comprehensive examination and finally diagnosed her with a cerebral infarction.

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

Although Li Hongxia has been strong for many years, she ignores the early signs of high blood pressure and cervical spondylosis, both of which are important risk factors for cerebral infarction.

Hypertension is caused by long-term high blood pressure, which makes the blood vessel wall under continuous pressure, which is easy to damage the blood vessels and form blood clots over time, once these blood clots fall off, they are likely to block the blood vessels supplying the brain, thus causing cerebral infarction.

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

In this case, high blood pressure is indeed a health killer that we cannot ignore. Cervical spondylosis is caused by the degeneration of the cervical spine due to long-term overload or poor posture, which in turn affects the normal blood supply to the blood vessels in the neck.

Problems with the cervical spine can block blood flow to the brain, especially in the carotid arteries. Cervical spondylosis is very prevalent among office workers and the elderly, and it is estimated that more than half of adults will experience symptoms of cervical spondylosis at some point.

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

Li Hongxia was in the hospital bed, although her mental condition had recovered, but her inner anxiety and panic were not less at all. She listened to the doctor's explanation of high blood pressure and cervical spondylosis, and her heart felt like a big stone hanging in her heart, which was difficult to put down.

"This cerebral infarction is really unexpected." She whispered to the doctor, trying to understand her condition.

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

The doctor patiently explained to her: "Aunt Li, in fact, it is not uncommon for a sudden situation like yours to occur. The nature of your job that causes you to stand for long periods of time, combined with irregular eating habits, can exacerbate blood pressure instability. In addition, you may not pay attention to the maintenance of the cervical spine and maintain a posture for a long time, which is a great test for the cervical spine. ”

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

At this time, Li Hongxia realized that some small habits that seemed to be okay on weekdays actually had a profound impact on health. The doctor continued: "Actually, the most important thing to prevent cerebral infarction is to manage your daily habits. ”

"For example, controlling salt intake; Get enough sleep, at least 7 to 8 hours a day; Also, appropriate physical activities, such as brisk walking, swimming, etc., are good options. ”

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

"It's also important to have regular check-ups." "Especially for patients with high blood pressure and cervical spine problems like you, it is important to have regular blood pressure and cervical spine checks, so that problems can be detected and treated early." ”

Li Hongxia felt a little more relieved after hearing this, and she began to think seriously about her lifestyle, determined to make changes to avoid a similar health crisis from happening again.

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

On the day she was about to be discharged from the hospital, she asked the doctor, "Doctor, can I return to my previous work and life after this cerebral infarction?" ”

The doctor looked at her medical records and replied seriously: "Aunt Li, your condition has improved a lot, but it will take some time and your own efforts to fully recover. ”

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

"You need to continue to take medication to control your blood pressure, take care of your cervical spine, and avoid overexertion. At the same time, it is recommended that you consider adjusting your work style appropriately, minimizing standing for long periods of time, returning home, and gradually increasing the amount of activity according to your recovery. ”

What are your thoughts on preventing cerebral infarction? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 53-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor reminded many times: these two parts of the body are wrong, don't ignore them

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