
A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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"A pot of tea every day, I'm about to become a teapot!" Uncle Sun always said to his neighbors with a smile.

The 64-year-old is a retired postman who spends his days making a good pot of tea, sitting on a bench in the neighborhood and watching the crowds come and go. Uncle Sun's life seems to be quiet and peaceful, however, after three years, this peace is shattered by a sudden health alarm.

A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

One morning, Uncle Sun suddenly felt dizzy while walking in the park, but fortunately, the person next to him helped him in time and quickly called the emergency number. At the hospital, doctors diagnosed him with a mild cerebral infarction, which, although it did not cause serious consequences, was enough to make Uncle Sun and his family break out in a cold sweat.

"Uncle Sun, I know that you drink tea every day, which is a good habit, but just drinking tea is not enough. We need to talk about your other habits. The doctor's words made Uncle Sun feel a little confused, and he didn't understand what was directly related to drinking tea and his cerebral infarction.

A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

"While drinking tea itself has many health benefits, such as the possibility of reducing the risk of heart disease and antioxidants, excessive caffeine intake may also lead to an increase in blood pressure and a certain amount of pressure on the cerebrovascular vessels," the doctor explained. In addition, your eating habits and lack of moderate exercise, as well as prolonged single postures, may be indirect causes of cerebral infarction. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Sun began to reflect on his lifestyle and asked the doctor what habits he should avoid. The doctor gave three pieces of advice in detail:

A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

Drink tea moderately and avoid excessive caffeine intake: Excessive caffeine intake may lead to increased blood pressure and irregular heartbeat, especially for middle-aged and elderly people who are already at risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Eat a balanced diet and reduce the intake of high salt and high fat: High salt and high fat foods can easily lead to an increase in blood pressure and increase the cardiovascular burden.

A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

Engage in regular physical activity: Prolonged sitting increases the risk of blood clots, and appropriate activities such as walking and jogging can help improve blood circulation and prevent cerebrovascular disease.

Uncle Sun carefully recorded these suggestions and decided to adjust his living habits. He began to control the amount of tea he had every day, changed his diet, and insisted on walking in the park for half an hour every day. He also joined the community's tai chi group to do physical exercises and socialize with his neighbors.

A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

A year later, in the doctor's physical examination, Uncle Sun's indicators showed significant improvement. Blood pressure is stable, heart function is good, and there are no further problems with the condition of the cerebrovascular system.

At the end of the follow-up visit, Uncle Sun asked the doctor with some curiosity: "Doctor, I have adjusted my lifestyle according to your advice, and I do feel much better." I wondered, is there any other way to further prevent the risk of cerebral infarction other than what I'm doing now? ”

A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

The doctor smiled and replied, "Uncle Sun, your current lifestyle is already very good. To prevent cerebral infarction, you have made a lot of effective efforts. ”

In addition to continuing your current healthy diet and moderate exercise, I recommend that you also strengthen your mental activities, such as reading, playing chess, or participating in some cultural activities in the community. These activities help keep the brain active, improve blood circulation, and indirectly help reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

This medical experience not only made Uncle Sun realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle, but also taught him how to take care of his body more holistically. He has inspired more middle-aged and elderly people to start paying attention to their lifestyle habits and working together to pursue a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Uncle Sun's life has changed in a new way, in addition to walking and tai chi every day, he also joins the community reading club and is active in various cultural and health lectures. He became an advocate for healthy living and an active member of the community, influencing and helping those around him with his experiences and actions.

A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid

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A 64-year-old uncle drinks tea every day, and a cerebral infarction is found after 3 years? Doctor's advice: These 3 habits to avoid