
If the blood sugar of the elderly does not reach this number, there is basically no need to take medicine to intervene, don't scare yourself anymore!

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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On a sunny weekend morning, Jiang Ping pushed open the door to the gym and prepared to start his weekend fitness program.

As soon as he boarded the treadmill, he unexpectedly met Lin Tao, an old classmate he hadn't seen for many years.

If the blood sugar of the elderly does not reach this number, there is basically no need to take medicine to intervene, don't scare yourself anymore!

"Lin Tao, I haven't seen you for a long time, you also came to work out?" Jiang Ping greeted happily while adjusting the speed of the treadmill.

Lin Tao replied as he started his warm-up exercise: "Yes, Jiang Ping, it is really important to stay healthy, especially at our age. ”

Jiang Ping is a retired accountant and has been very concerned about his health since his retirement. He and Lin Tao chatted about health while exercising.

If the blood sugar of the elderly does not reach this number, there is basically no need to take medicine to intervene, don't scare yourself anymore!

"You know, I recently went for a blood sugar test and the results made me a little worried." Jiang Ping said with some concern.

Lin Tao asked curiously, "Oh? The result? Is there anything to worry about? ”

Jiang Ping explained: "My fasting blood sugar was 6.8 mmol/L, and I thought I would have to start taking medicine, but then the doctor explained something to me. ”

Lin Tao was very interested after hearing this: "What did the doctor say?" ”

If the blood sugar of the elderly does not reach this number, there is basically no need to take medicine to intervene, don't scare yourself anymore!

"Doctors told me that if the fasting blood sugar of the elderly does not reach 7.0 mmol/L, they usually do not need immediate medical intervention," Jiang said. He said that many older people are too nervous about the issue and often scare themselves. ”

Lin Tao breathed a sigh of relief: "That sounds like you're still within a safe range." ”

"Yes, the doctor also told me that proper blood sugar control goals can be slightly more lenient for older people than for younger people, because older people may have difficulty tolerating the side effects of too strict blood sugar control, such as the risk of hypoglycemia." Jiang Ping explained in detail.

If the blood sugar of the elderly does not reach this number, there is basically no need to take medicine to intervene, don't scare yourself anymore!

"It's true that hypoglycemia can be more dangerous for older people and may even cause heart problems and other serious complications." Lin Tao nodded in agreement.

Jiang continued: "Doctors also emphasized lifestyle changes, such as moderate exercise and dietary modifications, which are much safer and more effective than taking medication directly. ”

They went on to discuss a healthy lifestyle, including a sensible diet and regular physical activity. Jiang Ping shares how he controls his blood sugar by taking daily walks and reducing sugar intake.

If the blood sugar of the elderly does not reach this number, there is basically no need to take medicine to intervene, don't scare yourself anymore!

"In fact, many studies have shown that moderate physical activity can significantly improve insulin sensitivity and help control blood sugar." Jiang Ping said.

Lin Tao said with emotion: "This information is really useful, and I should also go for a comprehensive health checkup." ”

The conversation between the two caught the attention of other exercisers, who all appreciated the relaxed way of exchanging health knowledge.

During the discussion, Jiang Ping also mentioned some of the latest medical research on the management of diabetes in the elderly, including the selection and timing of some drugs.

If the blood sugar of the elderly does not reach this number, there is basically no need to take medicine to intervene, don't scare yourself anymore!

He stressed the importance of regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and the need to communicate with doctors in case of health problems.

In the end, Jiang Ping concluded: "In fact, through daily healthy lifestyle habits and proper medical monitoring, we can completely control our blood sugar and avoid excessive anxiety." ”

Through this occasional fitness and exchange, both Jiang Ping and Lin Tao have a deeper understanding and awareness of blood sugar management in the elderly.

Jiang Ping asks the question: "If we can manage blood sugar through simple daily behaviors and appropriate lifestyle changes, how should we integrate these healthy habits into our daily lives more effectively?" ”

If the blood sugar of the elderly does not reach this number, there is basically no need to take medicine to intervene, don't scare yourself anymore!

The answer to this question is that it is very important to establish a comprehensive management plan that combines diet, exercise, and blood glucose monitoring.

By working with doctors and dietitians to customize a personalized diet and exercise plan, combined with regular blood sugar monitoring, we can not only effectively manage blood sugar, but also improve overall health.

In addition, by participating in support groups or health education sessions to enhance health awareness and self-management skills, older people can participate more actively in their own health management and reduce the burden of disease.

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