
Note! Beware of Email Scams!

author:Xiamen Taxation

Recently, it was found that some criminals pretended to be tax staff to send emails to enterprises in our city, falsely claiming to carry out tax inspections to commit fraud, please pay attention to screening and beware of being deceived!

Note! Beware of Email Scams!

Here's a real-life example

Some corporate accountants reported that they received an email from the tax authorities that falsely claimed that the enterprise was listed as the target of tax spot checks, asked for relevant financial materials to be inspected, and tricked the enterprise into clicking on the fraudulent link, thereby committing fraud.

Note! Beware of Email Scams!
Note! Beware of Email Scams!
Note! Beware of Email Scams!

Please note

The above emails are not sent by Xiamen Tax

It's all false and scam information!

【Scam Analysis】This type of scam usually uses the pretext of conducting tax inspections to trick taxpayers into clicking on fraudulent links, or deceiving taxpayers into trusting them to commit fraud.

Fraudsters send forged tax documents in the name of tax authorities through email addresses, induce taxpayers to click on fraudulent links with Trojan horses to commit fraud, or deceive taxpayers into trusting them and further obtain other information from taxpayers, so as to carry out fraudulent actions.

Note! Beware of Email Scams!

Xiamen tax reminds again:

The law enforcement behavior of the tax department shall be carried out in accordance with the work specifications, and relevant tax-related matters will be contacted by taxpayers through official channels such as work telephone, electronic tax bureau, and tax-enterprise interaction, and will not require enterprises to provide information or send tax documents and receipts by means of WeChat, QQ, email, etc. The majority of taxpayers and payers must be vigilant when they receive emails, WeChat or phone calls on tax-related matters, and carefully screen the content of the notice and the source of information. If you are unable to distinguish the authenticity, please contact the competent tax authority or call 12366 to confirm the authenticity.

Note: Don't click on unknown links! Don't download unknown software! If you find that you have been deceived, please pay attention to protect the evidence and report the case to the public security organ as soon as possible.