
So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

author:Guan Wen Shi said
So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

At the United Nations General Assembly on May 10, there was a very striking scene:

Israel Erdan took out a paper shredder in public and said to the bottom, "You are tearing up the UN Charter with your own hands", and then he himself put the UN Charter in it and turned it into shredded paper.

And the reason why he did this is only because the UN General Assembly successfully passed the vote in support of Palestine's accession to the United Nations by a ratio of 143 to 9, so the Israeli representative directly staged such a wave of "performance art". [Listen to the song]

01 Performance art

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

Why is this "performance art"? In fact, it is because of his approach, it is difficult not to think of an old man, that is, Gaddafi, who has the title of "mad dog in the Middle East".

At the 2009 United Nations General Assembly, Gaddafi directly came to the stage and angrily scolded the United Nations and the P5 for 96 minutes, and also tore up the UN General Assembly Charter in public.

Of course, everyone knows what happened to this old brother in the end, after all, he is directly the enemy of the United Nations and the P5, and he is also guilty of public anger in the surrounding area, so his death is also very miserable.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

So what is the purpose of Israel doing this this time? In fact, it is about the accession of Palestine to the United Nations.

However, there is no objection to this matter itself, whether it is from the previous "1967 two-state solution" or the current United Nations vote, there is no problem for Palestine to join the United Nations as an independent and sovereign state.

Even the "1967 two-state solution", which was the result of the Palestinian side's continuous concessions and the acquisition of nearly one-fifth of the historical homeland, was still unable to realize this wish.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

As for Israel, they obviously will not agree, because in their eyes Palestine is not a state at all, and they do not even have the local people in mind.

And if Palestine really succeeds in joining the United Nations, then everything they have done before is a violation of the laws of the United Nations and an aggression against a sovereign country.

But from the results of the vote, we can see that even if Israel opposes it, it will not be able to change the facts.

02 The dawn is emerging

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

On May 10, local time, the United Nations General Assembly held its 10th emergency special session, which included an agenda item on "admitting Palestine as a new member of the United Nations".

In this vote, 143 countries, including China and Russia, expressed their approval, while 25 countries, including Britain and Germany, abstained, and only 9 countries, including Israel and the United States, voted against.

It can be said that the adoption of the resolution on Palestine's accession to the United Nations without objection is equivalent to giving Palestine, a country that has suffered from disasters for many years, a glimmer of hope.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

Many countries cordially congratulated the Palestinian representatives, but this made the Israeli side break the defense, and Erdan even went directly to the stage to "do the whole work", so the "performance art" we saw appeared.

Later, the Israeli foreign minister also said that the United Nations was a "reward for Hamas" and had become an "insignificant" institution.

Israel even began to tell the story directly, including how Nazi Germany brutally slaughtered Israel, and then changed the tone to equate it with Palestine in order to prove how righteous it is.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

However, it is clear that if they were really the so-called "justice", 143 countries would not have come forward to express their support for Palestine, and even Western countries such as Britain and Germany have chosen to abstain.

That is why the actions of the representatives of Israel have only shown their arrogance in the eyes of many countries, so as not to take the United Nations and other countries into account.

The United Nations also showed ridicule of the Israeli representative's actions by asking them what they thought of Erdan's actions when a reporter interviewed UN Under-Secretary-General Farhan.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

As a result, the other party directly took out a new UN charter, saying that "there are many more charters, such as this one, this charter is intact, and the concept has not been damaged." So all the representative of Israel did was shred a few pieces of paper.

And Farhan also said that "I have seen a lot of this kind of drama", but also, after all, the only thing that has changed so far is probably that Israel has a relatively high technology content and has been replaced by a paper shredder.

Of course, for the Palestinians, although there is some hope now, there will be difficulties in the future, and Israel is also operating against Rafah and is still seeking to expand the war.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

And looking at their performance now, they have basically torn their faces, so there is a high probability that they will be more ruthless in the future.

But in addition to Israel, there is another country that is also really interesting, and that is the United States, after all, Israel's approach is actually roasting them on a fire.

03 American difficulty

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

Why do you say that you are roasting the United States on the fire? It is because the establishment of the United Nations itself has a historical relationship with the United States, and it is also a permanent member.

However, the Jewish bloc, represented by Israel, also has a lot of control over all aspects of the United States, and the recent "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act" shows this situation.

Someone even wrote a paragraph saying:

Q: Chinese netizens are so wolf warriors, can I say that I don't like wandering the earth?

A: In China, you can't do it in the United States, because the country that proposes the Jupiter burning plan at the end of the movie is Israel, and according to the American Anti-Semitism Act, you have to like the movie.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

Moreover, there have been fierce demonstrations of college students in the United States to protest the various kinds of American support for Israel, and now the passage of the bill is equivalent to the accusation of these students.

There was even violent repression by the police on campus, borrowing a line from the movie "East Becomes West", which is "You can't think about it, and it's also guilty to think about it".

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

However, it is important to note that whether it is Columbia University or any other prestigious university, the students in it are also the elite of the United States.

This is equivalent to the increasingly serious contradictions between the Jewish bloc forces in the United States and other elite forces, which has led to the further and more fragmentation of the United States.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

Externally, it is clear that Israel's image in the international community has plummeted, regardless of the tragedies it has caused in Gaza; Or in the United Nations and other occasions, there are constantly all kinds of clamor and provocations.

This time, he even directly "smashed" the UN Charter, showing an attitude of not taking the UN seriously at all, but the UN is still a key activity platform for most countries in the world, even the United States is one of them.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

If Israel really wants to ignore the laws of the United Nations, when the majority of countries support Palestinian statehood.

If the United States expresses its agreement with the United Nations, it will anger the Jewish bloc within it; And if you stand on the side of Israel, it will arouse the opposition of more people and stand on the opposite side of many countries.

Now, the United States can only choose to "play dead" to ignore it, and on the one hand verbally condemn it, and on the other hand provide assistance to Israel.

So arrogant? The representative of Israel shattered the Charter of the United Nations on the spot, and the Palestinian victory was achieved

However, Israel will probably not rest on its laurels, and it is likely that it will not honestly accept the various resolutions of the United Nations and provoke bigger problems.

So for the United States, this is really roasting it on the fire, but it can only be said that they are "self-inflicted".

Sources of information:

[1] CCTV News 2024.05.11: At the UN General Assembly meeting, the Israeli representative smashed the UN Charter

[2] CCTV 2024.05.11 : Absolute majority! The UN General Assembly adopts a "historic" resolution!

[3] 2022.05.11: The United Nations responds to tear up the UN Charter on behalf of the United Nations: I have seen too much

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