
Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

author:Rehabilitation physician An Hengyuan

To this day, how do you feel when you mention the new crown? Although the pandemic has passed, its impact on us seems to be still there.

Mr. Zhang, 36, has been infected with the coronavirus three times before, and although each time he has had mild symptoms, he recently discovered a troubling problem: his skin has become unusually prone to allergies; The symptoms of hives made it itchy for him to sleep, and because he could not tolerate the nuisance of hives, Mr. Zhang had to go to the hospital for treatment.......

Although 28-year-old Ms. Li also had an allergy to poplar catkins before, according to her own report, after the new crown passed, it seems that new allergens have been added, and now that the skin is exposed to the cold, there may also be skin redness and swelling......

What do you think after reading the above two cases?

Is there a connection between their allergic symptoms and the new coronavirus infection? Don't worry, in this article, we will introduce you from a medical perspective what allergic reactions are and the possible association between allergic reactions and the new coronavirus.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

Coronavirus: Even if the disease is mild, the risk of allergies increases significantly after recovery

The coronavirus infection is not only a threat to our health, but can also lead to other health problems after recovery, such as allergies, which are the same as the two patients mentioned above.

In a study published in Nature this year, researchers analysed more than 3.7 million participants from different regions, including South Korea, Japan and the United Kingdom, and found the following:

1. Within 30 days of infection with the new coronavirus, the risk of allergies increased by about 20%, and it lasted for a long time.

2. With the extension of time, the risk of allergies in patients infected with the new coronavirus has decreased; Taking the South Korean cohort data as an example, the risk of allergies increased by 42% within 3 months of being infected with the new coronavirus; The risk of allergies is 14% higher in 3~6 months, and after 6 months, it is almost the same as that of normal people;

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

3. Even if the strains are different, whether it is the original strain or the Delta variant, the risk of allergies increases;

4. Vaccination with two or more doses of vaccine reduces the risk of allergic diseases by 19%.

From the above data, you should also feel that there is indeed some connection between infection with the new crown virus and allergies, in order to make it easier for you to understand, I will first take you to learn more about allergic reactions.

What are allergic reactions and what are the common allergic reactions?

An anaphylaxis is an abnormal immune response to a specific foreign substance, usually after an individual has been exposed to an allergen. Allergic reactions occur when the body's immune system mistakenly perceives harmless substances as threatening; Patients may experience varying degrees of allergic reactions, but the most common ones are the following:

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

1. Skin allergy: Skin allergy refers to when the body's immune system reacts to a substance or stimulus.

Usually, skin allergies will bring discomfort such as itchy skin, and after scratching, the skin will appear erythema, maculopapular rashes, blisters, pustules, etc. If the allergic reaction is severe, it is also accompanied by symptoms such as burning, pain, redness, dryness, and flaking of skin flakes. Even, some people have difficulty falling asleep because of the discomfort of skin allergies, which has a certain negative impact on daily life and work.

Since most people with skin allergies will have recurrent symptoms, their mental health may be affected to some extent due to skin scarring, dandruff and other conditions. At the same time, persistent itching and discomfort trigger feelings of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem, reducing self-confidence and social skills.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

2. Dyspnea and throat edema: Dyspnea and throat edema are common symptoms in allergic reactions, mainly manifested as wheezing, shortness of breath or superficial breathing. Others have severe allergic reactions, swelling of the endotracheal tissues, leading to narrowing of the airways, which in turn causes symptoms such as throat edema, bronchospasm, and lung inflammation.

Dyspnea and throat edema can have a serious impact on physical function and quality of life. Because our body needs more oxygen to maintain normal physiological functions, breathlessness leads to a lack of oxygen, making us feel tired and weak.

In severe cases, difficulty breathing may even trigger panic and anxiety and the inability to breathe normally. Swelling of the throat can also cause hoarseness and difficulty speaking. It can also cause dysphagia, which may affect the patient's eating and drinking, and even lead to malnutrition.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

3. Sneezing and runny nose: these two symptoms are one of the most common and noticeable manifestations of allergic reactions.

When the body is exposed to allergens (such as pollen, dust mites, etc.), the immune system releases chemicals that cause congestion and increased secretions in the nasal mucosa, which can trigger sneezing and runny nose. While these symptoms are often thought of as mild discomfort, they may interfere with an individual's daily activities, affecting productivity and quality of life.

However, allergic reactions go far beyond superficial symptoms and may include more severe symptoms such as eye inflammation. In some cases, even in some cases, severe allergic reactions can lead to anaphylactic shock, a life-threatening acute allergic reaction that requires immediate medical intervention.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

What is the relationship between allergic reactions and the new coronavirus?

Is there really a correlation between allergic reactions and the coronavirus?

In fact, not only the relevant data is published in the journal Nature, but also the British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology has published relevant data: about 5-7% of patients with new crown infection have allergic reactions after recovery.

At the same time, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Immunology showed that these allergic reactions usually manifest as symptoms such as itchy skin, hives, and difficulty breathing.

So, after recovering from the new crown, why do some people frequently experience allergic symptoms?

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

Or why do some people who are not prone to allergies also start to be troubled by allergens after experiencing the new coronavirus infection? There may be complex immunological and physiological mechanisms behind this phenomenon, which need to be investigated in depth.

First, some experts and researchers believe that the susceptibility of recovered COVID patients to allergic reactions is related to immune system disorders. After infection, the body produces a large number of activated immune cells and molecules, leading to immunomodulatory disorders, which can lead to allergies.

In addition, the new coronavirus may affect the interaction between airway epithelial cells and immune cells, further inducing allergic reactions. This explains why patients who have recovered are prone to allergy symptoms.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

Secondly, the effects of viruses on the body are also a factor in the disorder of the immune system.

Studies have shown that the novel coronavirus is highly contagious and pathogenic, causing an inflammatory response and activation of the immune system. After infection, patients may experience damage to the lungs and other organs, causing an imbalance in the immune system. The persistence of immunomodulation deficiencies during the rehabilitation phase makes the recovered person more susceptible to allergens and increases the risk of anaphylaxis.

In addition, the coronavirus itself may cause an overactivation of the immune system, which can trigger an allergic reaction.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

Understanding these mechanisms can help us better understand and manage the risk of allergies in people who have recovered. At the same time, the prevention and management of allergic reactions is essential to improve the quality of life of those who have recovered. So, how can we reduce allergic reactions in our lives?

If you want to reduce allergic reactions, these three points are worth noting!

To some extent, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic does not stop at the infection and treatment phases. Recent studies have shown that even patients who experience mild symptoms and recover successfully have another overlooked risk: a significant increase in allergic reactions.

This finding has raised concerns about how to effectively reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions after being infected with the new coronavirus. From a medical point of view, the following three details can effectively help us reduce allergic reactions.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

First of all, it is very important to have regular medical checkups and immune monitoring.

Since the immune system is key to the body's defense mechanisms, it plays a role in protecting us from disease. A strong immune system not only improves our resistance but also reduces the risk of complications after infection.

This is because the coronavirus may have an impact on the immune system, causing some people to be at increased risk of allergic reactions during or after recovery. For these populations, through regular immune monitoring, such as blood tests, to understand the level of specific antibodies in the serum, the number and function of immune cells, etc., we can grasp the changes in the immune system at an early stage and take necessary interventions to avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Secondly, after the new coronavirus infection, adjusting the diet has become a crucial part.

Nutrient intake is not only an adjunct to treatment, but also the key to helping the immune system return to normal function. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the combination of diet in daily life to promote the recovery of good health and enhance immunity.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

Vitamin supplementation, of which vitamin C is essential, is particularly important. It has antioxidant properties that help fight viral attacks and alleviate allergic reactions. Therefore, it is wise to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, red peppers, spinach, etc., which are rich in vitamin C.

At the same time, trace elements such as zinc, iron, selenium and protein should not be ignored in maintaining immune function.

Zinc helps boost the activity of immune cells, iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and selenium helps scavenge free radicals in the body. These nutrients can be consumed through foods, such as lean meats, eggs, legumes, and nuts that are rich in these important minerals.

Finally, the impact of environmental factors cannot be ignored.

Air quality, especially particulate matter, harmful gases, and even some special odors, can trigger recurrent allergic symptoms. Therefore, we should choose places with relatively clean air for activities, and regularly check the air quality of the residence, and take air purification measures if necessary.

Study: People who have been infected with the new crown, even if they have mild symptoms, still have an increased risk of allergies after recovery? Listen to the analysis

At the same time, know in advance what allergens you are allergic to, such as common pollen, dust mites, animal hair, etc. Staying away from their activity environment as much as possible and paying attention to the hidden allergens that may be contained in the diet can also reduce the probability of allergies.

Write at the end:

In summary, people who have recovered from COVID infection face the challenge of an increased risk of allergies. To reduce this risk, individuals need to keep a close eye on their health and undergo regular check-ups and immune monitoring, as well as adjust their diet and lifestyle habits. In addition, any abnormal reactions should not be ignored and it is necessary to seek medical attention and seek professional help in a timely manner.


1. Chen Hao. Chinese Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy,2020,14(04):401-402.

2. Chen Sijue, Cao Wei, Xiao Xianjun, Shi Yunzhou, Zou Zihao, Yang Qian, Chen Mingling, Li Ying. Association between COVID-19 infection and skin diseases during the epidemic[J/OL].Chinese Journal of Hospital Infectious Diseases,2024(11):1720-1724
