
Health tips for May

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center
Health tips for May

It's the most beautiful month of May again. In order to enjoy the beautiful sunshine safely and healthily, the Linxia Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention warmly reminds that this month we should focus on the prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease, food poisoning, norovirus infection and other diseases.

Health tips for May

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Health tips for May
Health tips for May

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common infectious disease in children caused by a variety of enterovirus infections, characterized by fever, rash or herpes on the hands, feet, and mouth. It is more common in children aged 5 years and younger. It can occur all year round, and it is more common in summer and autumn, and our province has entered a period of high incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease.

Hand, foot and mouth virus is mainly transmitted through the following routes: 1. Close contact transmission, 2. Gastrointestinal transmission, 3. Respiratory transmission.

Currently, there is no specific treatment for HFMD, and prevention of HFMD, vaccination, and personal hygiene are key. Vaccination against EV71 can prevent hand, foot and mouth disease and other related diseases caused by the EV71 virus. It is also important to pay attention to washing children's hands with hand sanitizer and running water before eating, after using the toilet, and after going out. Avoid close contact with people with hand, foot and mouth disease. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching your mouth and nose directly with your hands. Avoid crowded places with poor air circulation. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep to strengthen your body's immunity.

Health tips for May

Norovirus infection

Health tips for May
Health tips for May

Norovirus, formerly known as norovirus, belongs to the caliciviridae family. The virus has the characteristics of short incubation period, rapid mutation, strong environmental resistance, diverse transmission routes, and low infectious dose, with the most common symptoms being vomiting and diarrhea, followed by nausea, abdominal pain, headache, fever, chills, and muscle aches. After norovirus infection, vomiting is the main cause in children, and diarrhea is more common in adults.

At present, there is no specific drug for norovirus acute gastroenteritis, there is no vaccine, there is no need to take antibiotics after infection, symptomatic or supportive treatment is the mainstay, and attention is paid to developing good dietary hygiene habits. Do not drink raw water, drink boiled water or choose bottled water that is hygienic and qualified, wash raw melons and fruits, and oysters and other shellfish must be fully heated and cooked before eating. Practice good hand hygiene. If you are infected, you should isolate as soon as possible and do not have close contact with someone who is sick. Primary and secondary schools, childcare institutions, training institutions, collective units, etc. are places with a high incidence of norovirus acute gastroenteritis epidemic, and it is necessary to do a good job in health monitoring of employees, canteen staff, students and students' parents.

Health tips for May

food poisoning

Health tips for May
Health tips for May

May to October is the month with a high incidence of food poisoning in mainland China. The risk of food poisoning increases during the holiday season, as do the opportunities to eat together and eat out. Food poisoning usually occurs acutely shortly after eating, with gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

The main preventive measures include: When dining out, you should choose a catering unit with complete licenses and good hygienic conditions. When cooking at home, keep the cooking area clean, use clean water and raw materials, and practice good hygiene practices. Wash your hands before handling food, separate raw and cooked food when preparing food, and cook dishes thoroughly. Be cautious about eating leavened rice and noodles and do not eat unknown wild mushrooms and wild vegetables. Do not touch sick people, vomit, excrement and contaminated items without protection.

Source: Linxia Rong Media Center