
With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

author:Construction machinery today

From May 10th to 14th, 2024, the 8th China Brand Day was held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center with the core concept of "Chinese Brands for the World to Share" and the theme of "New Brand Quality and New Light for the Future". Many well-known brands and innovative technologies shined on the stage, and the new image and new achievements were eye-catching, deeply demonstrating the outstanding achievements of brand building in mainland China over the years. With more than 50 years of development history, Lingong Group, a leading brand of China's construction machinery, made a wonderful appearance and bloomed a unique and dazzling light in the bright brand stars.

During the event, a series of special activities were organized on site, which attracted the attention of many visitors. In addition, in combination with the actual brand building work, all localities have carried out their own brand creation activities through various forms to tell the story of Chinese brands. During the event, Wu Hao, Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission, visited the Lingong Exhibition, learned about the independent research and development of Lingong, and expressed full recognition of Lingong's products and development strategies.

With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

At 16:30 on May 10, the launching ceremony of the event began solemnly and warmly. Wu Hao, Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission, presided over and introduced the leaders and guests, Zhang Yuzhuo, Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Luo Wen, Director of the State Administration for Market Regulation, and Chen Jining, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Then Zhang Guoqing, member of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Vice Premier of the State Council, and member of the Party Leadership Group, delivered a speech and officially launched the 2024 China Brand Day activities. Tang Junbin, assistant general manager of Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., was invited to attend the meeting as a representative of the exhibitors.

With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

As a national brand rising in the old area of Yimeng, Lingong started to develop in 1972, all the way to follow, run, and eventually become the leader of China's manufacturing industry, which is a history of hard work, a history of innovation and development, and a typical epitome of the development and growth of China's construction machinery industry.

Today, Lingong, which is striding towards internationalization, is integrating the concept of green and sustainable development into the entire value chain, effectively transforming the development mode and building a new development pattern. In this brand day event, Lingong brought innovative products such as E660H EV excavators, mobile robot AMR, forklift AGVs, and joint robots to the stage, conveying the determination to vigorously develop green and innovative products, as well as the strong confidence to build a world-class construction machinery brand on behalf of China Industry.

With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

▌Innovation-driven, leading green intelligent manufacturing

Science and technology are the primary productive forces! For a long time, Lingong has been based on the construction machinery industry, rooted the brand in the fertile soil of scientific and technological innovation, continued to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and achieved a series of remarkable achievements in the industry. In recent years, the company has successively won the honorary titles of China's Industrial Innovation Benchmarking Enterprise and National Green Factory; The products have also won many heavyweight awards such as China Construction Machinery Annual Product Award, Technology Innovation Award, and New Energy Product Innovation Award.

At a time when "vigorously promoting the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productivity" has become the common pursuit of all walks of life, Lingong continues to implement the innovation-driven strategy, uses new technology and new technology to promote the development of products towards high-end, intelligent and green, improves production efficiency and product quality with new quality productivity, promotes industry transformation and upgrading, and accurately embarks on a new path of green intelligent manufacturing.

With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

▌Brand leading, steadily moving towards internationalization

The ultimate development of an enterprise lies in internationalization, and it is necessary to show its strength and style on the global stage with a global vision and mind.

For the construction machinery industry, in the process of "Made in China" to "Made in China", more and more Chinese brands have begun to step onto the world stage, releasing a strong influence that cannot be ignored. At present, whether it is the European and American markets with high demand driven by real estate and oil and gas investment, or the emerging markets with a downstream market size more than twice that of China, or the global mining equipment market with a scale of 250 billion yuan, it is attracting Chinese companies to go out more actively.

At this time, Lingong embeds new quality productivity into the strategy of going overseas, and the pace of going out is becoming more and more sonorous. On the basis of fully realizing the value transformation from single marketing to the whole industry chain going overseas, from 2024 onwards, Lingong will accelerate the construction of a digital platform, focus on opening up the digital closed loop of the whole cycle of sales, R&D and production, upgrade from product going overseas to digital going overseas, firmly take digital technology as the core, promote new quality productivity with big data and artificial intelligence technology, and promote the high-quality development of overseas to take solid steps.

With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand
With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

Nowadays, Lingong has not only established a complete international supply chain system, but also combined with the "Belt and Road" initiative, comprehensively formulated six major subdivision strategies for overseas markets, and its leading products cover six series of host products and core components of scraping machinery, excavation machinery, road machinery, mining machinery, aerial work machinery, and industrial intelligent equipment, with business covering more than 160 countries and regions around the world.

With innovative products and services, SDLG has built an international network that radiates the whole world and explored an internationalization road with "SDLG characteristics". At the same time, the company also continues to enhance the competitiveness of overseas markets from the aspects of focusing on market demand, rapid response to customers, local value-added services, continuous improvement and upgrading, etc., and better integrates into the international market with a newer international perspective and closer to the local way of thinking and communication.

Facing the future, SDLG will adhere to the goal positioning of "world vision, international standards, SDLG characteristics, and high-quality development", and is committed to building a world-class brand, building a Chinese construction machinery brand preferred by customers at home and abroad, and striding forward on the road of internationalization exclusive to "SDLG's characteristics"!

With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

The new quality of the brand, like "breaking the cocoon into a butterfly, transforming into a new life", its core lies in technological innovation and excellent quality; It is necessary to have the momentum of breaking through the bamboo, and continue to make efforts in channel evolution and model innovation; It is necessary to be like "lush vegetation and endless growth", and continue to deepen in green environmental protection and sustainable development.

With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

Zhuozhong construction machinery media organization

With new quality and new light, SDLG accelerates towards a world-class brand

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