
"Partial retirement" of 1 million post-00s? This generation of young people played scratch music out of the flowers

author:Jinguan News
"Partial retirement" of 1 million post-00s? This generation of young people played scratch music out of the flowers

May 10,


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"Partial retirement" of 1 million post-00s? This generation of young people played scratch music out of the flowers

Screenshot according to Weibo hot search

Although some netizens ridiculed "unsalable lottery tickets, help us",But in fact,Lottery tickets are not only not unsalable,Instant lottery tickets represented by scratch tickets have also appeared to a certain extent"Hard to find"The situation of "hard to find".

According to recent data released on the website of the Ministry of Finance,In March,A total of 55.601 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide,An increase of 5.809 billion yuan year-on-year,An increase of 11.7%. 1-3 months cumulative,A total of 149.466 billion yuan of lottery tickets were sold nationwide,An increase of 24.642 billion yuan year-on-year,An increase of 19.7%.

Among them,Instant lottery to maintain a rapid growth trend,The first quarter of the instant lottery sales increased by more than 8 percent,The gap with lotto lottery sales is only 3.944 billion yuan,The growth rate is unrivaled in all lottery types.

Because the sales are too hot,Recently,Scratch lottery tickets in many places have been "sold out""Difficult to get the goods"The phenomenon of "hard to get",Many lottery shop shelves and transparent glass cabinets are empty.

"Partial retirement" of 1 million post-00s? This generation of young people played scratch music out of the flowers
"Partial retirement" of 1 million post-00s? This generation of young people played scratch music out of the flowers

Screenshot according to Xiaohongshu

Xiao Ye, a veteran scratch enthusiast, told Jinguan Lab that she has been buying scratch tickets almost every week for more than a year. Since April this year,She has already felt that scratch is more difficult to buy,The lottery shop that used to go to is often out of stock,Some relatively remote stores even if there is still some inventory,But it is often some scratch tickets with large face value,Even 10 yuan face value is difficult to buy.

On May 11, "Jinguan Lab" visited a number of lottery shops, and the owner of a lottery shop said that scratch tickets were out of stock and the purchase time was unknown. Another lottery shop only two 50 yuan face value of scratch left,The owner of the store said,Now scratch is very tight,Many people will book in advance,Every scratch on the day of purchase is basically sold out.

According to the Daily People,A district-level lottery station manager said,In the past, every month,Provincial lottery centers will be stable supply 1 to 2 times,But now the wait with a distant taste,No one can be sure,When will the next batch of goods come.

In order to reduce the operating pressure of all kinds of lottery shops,The stationmaster will give priority to the limited tickets,Priority allocation to only sell scratch tickets such as a single product of the mall store、Or hypermarket; Then, there are some franchise stores that can also make money by competing in lottery and digital lottery; In the end, it was the turn of the part-time stores that opened in convenience stores and small supermarkets, because "these stores can make a living from small business and are relatively less affected by the scratch supply cut." ”

Many lottery stores are also trying their best to open up sources and reduce expenditure. On "open source", many bosses "grab tickets" on their own on official network channels. Whenever they received a rush notice, these bosses waited nervously in front of the computer to grab tickets, and were teased as "like me before the concert tickets went on sale." ”

If you can't grab a ticket, you can only "throttle". Some lottery shop owners are careful and carefully put out a small number of scratch cards every day, just to keep the counter from looking too deserted, and some lottery shops simply shorten their business hours.

According to the Economic Observer, a lottery expert said that the lack of printing fees is the main reason for the lack of tickets for the current instant lottery tickets. The expert introduced,Lottery management departments to implement the management system of two lines of revenue and expenditure,Every year according to the sales situation to arrange the issuance fee,And then according to the issuance fee to arrange the printing fee. The total amount of lottery tickets issued each year is constrained by the so-called total printing fee,But sales growth is faster,Tight supply and demand appeared.

Buying out scratch tickets, why are young people keen on scratching prizes?

"Because there's really money in scratch." A message on Weibo expressed the voices of many young people.

"Partial retirement" of 1 million post-00s? This generation of young people played scratch music out of the flowers

Screenshot according to Xiaohongshu

Compared with the traditional guessing lottery complex participation method and long draw time, the characteristics of instant lottery tickets purchased on the spot, drawn on the spot, and redeemed on the spot, so that young people can know the results of the prize at the moment of scratching the thin coating. This sense of experience and surprise is naturally very popular with young people. According to the "2022 Sports Lottery User Research Report", 18-27 years old people have accounted for 38.1% of the sports lottery buyers.

Buy a few when you're payrolling, a few when you're in a good mood, and a few when you're stressed...... As a form of entertainment, scratch has gradually integrated into the lives of many young people. In fact, compared with the expectation of winning the lottery, many young people value the emotional value it brings, "Spending a dozen yuan can bring a day of happiness, why not?" Xiao Ye said.

Nowadays, scratch is also being developed by young people to play more. Friends give scratch bouquets on their birthdays, and lottery tickets when they attend weddings...... Search for scratch on social platforms, and you can see countless new uses for it, and even drive the "upstream and downstream industries". Many bloggers live evaluate all kinds of "scratch music" on various platforms, and there are also bloggers who specialize in shooting scratch videos to attract many fans with their leakage videos.

There are also young people who use scratch music to add a sense of ritual to their lives. Some people put scratch music on the workstation, and the first thing they do when they arrive at the company every day is to scratch a grid, so that they can look forward to going to work; Some people study, exercise, and also use scratch cards to punch in, focusing on an instant reward, subtly injecting fun and motivation into their lives.

But moderate entertainment and pleasure, indulging in it hurts the body. We also need to keep a clear head while enjoying the fun that comes with scratching. After all, scratch cards are just the embellishments of a wonderful life, not the whole story.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Text Xie Xiadong Editor Ye Bing