
400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

author:Chang'an Yu Lin Lang
400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

Key Takeaways:

1. In the first four months of this year, the European Academy of Natural Sciences has awarded the title of academician to at least 30 people, and a number of domestic universities have also announced that many people have been elected as members of the academy, which has aroused people's doubts.

According to insiders, if you want to select academicians of the institution, you generally need to pay a service fee of 40-1 million yuan. According to encyclopedia data, since 2021, the academy has developed 66 academicians in China.

After the outbreak of this turmoil, some academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences have been withdrawn from the official website of the unit or Baidu Encyclopedia.

2. An article in the journal Nature revealed that the European Academy of Sciences is not the same as the real European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea) and is a "fake Li ghost".

The Royal Society also said: "There is no guarantee of the credibility of the institution. But since then the institution has continued to develop academicians in China. In July 2019, the fake European Academy of Sciences announced that three Chinese scientists had been elected.

3. The emergence of "water academicians" is also related to the current situation of domestic academician selection.

It is relatively difficult to select academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and many schools and units regard academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences and the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering as one of the selection items.

Experts suggest that the state should introduce the certification mechanism and management measures for overseas academicians as soon as possible, and launch a certification list of authoritative academicians recognized by the state, so as to curb this trend of spending money to buy academicians as soon as possible.

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

The European Academy of Natural Sciences "fell into a 400,000 academician storm"!

In the first four months of this year alone, this institution has "developed" more than 30 academicians in China

Tian Zheng, 34, is a doctor of life medicine from Doshisha University, a private university in Japan. In 2015, he founded a bio company in Xi'an, mainly promoting the "self-service TCM diagnosis and treatment system" software developed by himself. On April 20, 2024, this post-90s TCM was awarded an academician by the European Academy of Natural Sciences.

According to media reports, as the only "post-90s" academician in the world and the only academician under the age of 35, he accepted the official award from Mr. Yegorov Vladimir Vladimirovich, Director of the Academic Committee of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, and became one of the world's first-class academics, and was recognized and concerned by scholars and experts from all walks of life.

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

In April of this year, the "leaders" of the European Academy of Natural Sciences were very busy in China. In the first four months of the year, at least 30 professors, rectors or bosses have been awarded academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, according to media reports.

In the press release of the academicians, the "European Academy of Natural Sciences" (Europaische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften), headquartered in Hannover, Germany, claims to have been established by a multinational organization of European scientists, and is "one of the most recognized and influential scientific organizations in the international cross-regional and academic fields".

According to the official website of the "Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences", there are more than 1,700 "scientists and scholars who have achieved outstanding results in the field of natural sciences", including "Nobel Prize, Einstein Prize, Copernicus Prize winners", etc.

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

Check the Baidu Encyclopedia entry of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, which has developed 66 academicians in China since 2021. And on this incomplete list, many of the newly elected academicians this year are not counted. Obviously, the academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences in China may be much higher than the number published by Baidu Encyclopedia.

"Academician" is the highest title and honor in the academic world, and academics are proud to be rated as an academician. These individuals and institutions who have been awarded the title of academicians have also made a lot of publicity as a major achievement of institutions and individuals. However, in the first half of the year, a large number of elected academicians exposed by many colleges and universities have aroused people's doubts.

Immediately, some media disclosed that the academician certificate of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, which looks very "authoritative", may only cost 400,000 yuan to buy. A teacher at a university in Henan disclosed in an interview that "in March last year, his colleague received an invitation letter from an institution saying: "In view of your excellent performance in academic research, my unit can recommend you to run for membership in the European Academy of Natural Sciences." The letter of invitation also recommended that the institution could handle "Fellows of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellows of the International Academy of Astronautics, and Fellows of the Georgian Academy of Sciences."

The teacher surnamed Liu also disclosed: "I heard from colleagues that if you want to be successfully co-opted as a 'Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (foreign)', you generally need to pay a service fee of 40-1 million yuan, and my colleagues are not clear about what scientific research results are needed to apply for 'Academician (foreign)'." ”

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

▎Public List of Academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (partial)

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

▎ The list of some members of the European Academy of Natural Sciences published on Baidu Encyclopedia

On March 19 this year, a vocational college released a message to celebrate the co-election of a teacher of the academy as a member of the European Natural Sciences, disclosing that "the European Academy of Natural Sciences adopts a strict academician replacement system, and the elected academicians need to be recommended by academicians, formal examination, defense review, voting election, presidium deliberation, notary notarization, medal awarding, Ministry of Foreign Affairs letter and other strict academic evaluation and legal processes, mainly to examine the candidate's academic achievements, creative contributions and influence, A number of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have served as foreign members of the European Academy of Natural Sciences".

However, according to media disclosures, the staff of North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower and Guizhou University responded that the honor was declared by the individual parties, not through the school.

As more and more questions about the European Academy of Natural Sciences grew, the media revealed that this was actually just a private company registered in Germany by six Russians, who cheated in the name of electing academicians, and they could buy the title of "academician" as long as they paid 400,000 yuan.

Google Maps shows that the registered office address of the Academy is just an ordinary street building in Hannover, Germany, and it shows "permanently closed".

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

▎Introduction of the European Academy of Natural Sciences

According to the official website of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, it was found that it was established in 2003 and has a history of 21 years.

由V.G.Tyminsky教授(俄罗斯)、R.G. Melik-Oganjanyan教授(亚美尼亚)、Helmut Hahn教授(德国)、Y.A. Rakhmanin教授、A.N. Orekhov、G.K. Lobacheva教授、G.V. Tyminsky博士、I.I. Zemskova博士等多国科学院院士(主要是俄罗斯人)联合创建。

The current Dean is Professor Владимир Георгиевич Тыминский (Vladimir Tinsky). The Russian name has recently appeared several times in letters congratulating the "newly elected academicians of China".

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

In the midst of doubts, Wu Jihua, head of the Chinese representative office of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, said in response to an interview with the media: he has also noticed the relevant public opinion in China, but the European Academy of Natural Sciences has never charged any fees for applicants, and Chinese members who are recognized as academicians will not charge annual fees.

However, the media interviewed the staff of two service companies in Qingdao and Beijing that claimed to be able to "assist in the application of foreign academicians", saying that after 180,000 packages from the European Academy of Natural Sciences, they could get the "foreign academician" certificate in a few months. In addition to the European Academy of Natural Sciences, there are also application services for several faculties such as the Royal Society of Medicine, the European Academy of Humanities and Natural Sciences, and the Russian Academy of Engineering.

After the outbreak of this turmoil, some academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences have been revoked from the official website of the unit and Baidu Encyclopedia. It is not known why.

Whether the European Academy of Natural Sciences sells academicians, whether it charges fees, and whether academicians have gold content, I believe that over time, more truths can be seen. Whether the selection of "foreign academicians" of the "European Academy of Natural Sciences" is authoritative, and whether there is a sale of academician certificates, the relevant departments should also uphold a responsible attitude for academic dignity to verify the facts.

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

▎Wu Jihua, Head of the China Representative Office of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (second from right)

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

The controversy over the truth and falsity of the two "European Academy of Sciences"!

In the controversial report on the European Academy of Natural Sciences, some media broke the European Academy of Sciences, the highest academic institution in the European Union, which is similar to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Sciences, is actually a pheasant academic and scientific institution? It is understood that a number of scholars from the mainland have been elected as academicians of this European Academy of Sciences.

The whistleblower said that the October 31, 2002 issue of the journal Nature published an article revealing that the so-called European Academy of Sciences was not the same as the real European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea) and was a "fake Li ghost".

"In recent months, researchers around the world have received letters congratulating them on their election to the European Academy of Sciences and asking for a $115 registration fee. But a survey in the journal Nature said: "It has not been possible to find any records of the Academy's publications, projects or conferences, nor to confirm the scientific credentials of the people behind them." The academy is not affiliated with the Vienna-based European Academy of Sciences and Arts, which claims to be represented in almost every European country, but can only be traced back to a rented office in Brussels. It also claims to have recruited about 600 members, including 40 Nobel laureates, but other scientific organizations in Europe say they don't know. The Royal Society issued a statement saying: "The credibility of the institution cannot be guaranteed, and we advise scientists to exercise caution before making any financial commitments to the institution." ”

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

▎左边为Academia Europaea官网

右边则为European Academy of Sciences官网

The journal Nature clarifies that the true European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea) is an independent academic organization and the Academy of Humanities and Sciences of the European Union. Initiated by the Royal Society and other European academies of science, the European Academy of Sciences was established in 1988 as the representative of the European Academy of Sciences as a whole, and it encompasses all academic fields. The Academy of Sciences of Europe elects members of the Academy of Europe from the 47 member states of the Council of Europe on the basis of academic merit.

On the official website, you can learn that the so-called European Academy of Sciences is a non-profit, non-governmental independent international organization founded in 2003 and registered in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Although it bears the name of the European Academy of Sciences, it is not part of the All European Academy (ALLEA), an organization that includes more than 60 academies in Europe.

For the European Academy of Sciences, which can also be translated as the European Academy of Sciences in Chinese, it is more deceptive and misleading.

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

But the Nature survey did not attract attention in China. This fake institution is still developing academicians.

In July 2019, the European Academy of Sciences announced that three Chinese scientists had been elected. Two of them are from Shanghai and one from Hong Kong. But then someone broke the news on the Internet that the European Academy of Sciences (European Academy of Sciences) is a fake "pheasant" organization, saying that as long as you pay a certain amount of sponsorship fees, you can become an "academician".

According to data published on its official website, as of May 8 this year, 33 Chinese have been elected as academicians of the "European Academy of Sciences".

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

▎Some Chinese academicians of the European Academy of Sciences

Names are transliterated.

In 2019, an article published by "Intellectual" emphasized: "In recent years, there have been endless news about Chinese scholars being elected as foreign academicians, which on the one hand reflects the improvement of China's scientific research level, but on the other hand, the gold content of many foreign academicians may not be as high as everyone thinks, so you need to pay more attention to the next time you see such news." ”

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

What are the benefits of a foreign academician certificate?

Is it possible to publish an authoritative directory of foreign academicians certified by the state to curb the trend of purchasing academician certificates?

In recent years, news about pheasant universities abroad and fake academies of sciences, and even wholesale academician certificates have been in the news. But how many benefits and uses can these "valuable academician certificates" bring?

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

According to a professor at a university in Guangdong who did not want to be named, he disclosed to the "CC Intelligence Bureau" that these academicians of the European Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of Natural Sciences, which seem to be very well-known, are undoubtedly an honor and affirmation in the eyes of people who do not know the truth, and have multiple benefits for individuals.

The status of "academician" is often accompanied by more academic and social resources, which helps individuals achieve higher achievements in the academic field and enhance social influence. At the same time, academician status is also an intangible asset, which has a positive effect on the status and reputation of individuals in the academic community. For example, it plays a significant role in applying for major national projects, funds, and school or unit ratings, and even becomes a major condition.

Due to the relatively difficult selection of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the mainland, many schools and units regard academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences and the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering as one of the selection items.

A search on the Internet for the application of academicians (including foreign academicians) workstations in various places in 2023 found that on the declaration qualifications issued by many provinces and cities last year alone, it was clearly listed that "academicians refer to academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, and experts refer to the United States, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, India, Ukraine, membership of the highest academic authority of the Israeli state (e.g. "Russian Academy of Sciences" and "Russian Academy of Engineering" only).

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

The workstations of these academicians, once approved, will receive a financial subsidy of at least 1 million yuan, and a maximum of nearly 10 million yuan. Applying for these academician workstations and becoming academicians (including foreign academicians) is the only condition, showing a considerable "gold content".

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

The Russian Academy of Engineering, which was once questioned about the "wholesale" academician certificate, was on the hot search. According to reports, in 2022, the Russian Academy of Engineering announced that 25 Chinese scholars were newly elected as foreign academicians. A signed "Dr. Jim" immediately published a public article questioning the Russian Academy of Engineering to engage in large wholesals, and at the same time revealed that there is a company specializing in the selection of academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, and it is clear that "the full amount will be refunded if the review is not passed"!

According to Dr. Jim, "In order to increase the chances of being elected academicians, there is a trend in the domestic academic community to 'export to domestic sales' - first obtain academicians from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, and then return to China to obtain supporting resources. Therefore, the news of spending a lot of money to 'procure' foreign academicians comes out from time to time-—— which is essentially no different from the wholesale import of "water" doctors from the Philippines or South Korea, because they also deteriorate the academic system and trample on academic values. ”

He even suggested that in the future, foreign academicians should be banned from selecting Chinese academicians, so as to crack down on the misconduct of "wholesale" of overseas academicians.

400,000 packs of academicians of the European Academy of Natural Sciences! Why are there so many "water academicians" in China?

According to a review article published by Southern Weekly, "Pheasant University", "Water Journal" and "Shanzhai Academy of Sciences" are actually in the same vein. There is a demand for fake diplomas, fake papers, fake academician titles, and someone creates pheasant, copycat institutions to meet these needs.

They spend tens of millions to get the title, and they will definitely not just keep it at home for their own view, but take it out and use it, and once they take it out and use it, it will become a fraud, a fraud of money, and a fraud of status. Therefore, it is necessary to puncture the mask of the "European Academy of Natural Sciences" so that the world will not be deceived.

The anonymous professor of the above-mentioned university suggested that the state should introduce the certification mechanism and management measures for overseas academicians as soon as possible, and introduce a certification list of authoritative academicians recognized by the state, so as to curb this trend of spending money to buy academicians as soon as possible.

May the return of the Fake be,

May the academic return to the academic.

... ...

Text / Lin Shengbin, Contributing Writer of "CC Intelligence Bureau" of


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