
The United States does not dare to break out into a conflict with China, and if it does not fight an air war, 9 percent of its fighters will be lost

author:War Research

Now the United States is constantly making its presence felt in the Indo-Pacific region, showing its military presence in the Indo-Pacific region through a series of military exercises, and at the same time injecting strength into a large number of allies. In the "shoulder-to-shoulder" joint military exercise between the United States and the Philippines, the United States has already dispatched high-end weapons such as strategic bombers and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, but at the critical moment when the United States continues to increase its troops at China's doorstep, does the United States really dare to have a head-on conflict with the PLA after the outbreak of actual combat? According to the American media, a large number of US military bases in the Indo-Pacific region are very vulnerable to attack, which also makes US congressmen warn that according to the results of the latest war games, if a conflict breaks out between the United States and China, even if there is no air war between the two sides, then the United States will lose as much as 90% of its fighters.

The United States does not dare to break out into a conflict with China, and if it does not fight an air war, 9 percent of its fighters will be lost

The United States has the world's largest air power, in addition to the Air Force, the United States National Guard, Marine Corps, Navy and Army all have a large number of air combat forces, but the United States war games believe that the United States is now not enough to strengthen the hangar, protection measures are very limited, which makes it very likely that in the course of future conflicts, the People's Liberation Army is very likely to directly launch strikes on a large number of airports in the United States, even if there is no air war between China and the United States, then there will be 9 percent of fighters will be damaged. At present, the United States has a number of large bases in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Kadena base of the US military stationed in Japan, in addition to the Yokota base and Iwakuni base in Japan, and the Osan base in South Korea are all large-scale bases, and these bases are covered by the PLA's medium-range missile strike range, and even the PLA can use multiple types of cruise missiles launched by bombers to carry out direct attacks on the bases.

The United States does not dare to break out into a conflict with China, and if it does not fight an air war, 9 percent of its fighters will be lost

The U.S. mainland has extremely strong air defense and anti-missile capabilities, but do U.S. overseas bases have such air defense protection? Although the Patriot 3 anti-aircraft missile claims to have achieved many results in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, if the PLA uses hypersonic missiles and conventional cruise missiles for intensive attacks, can the allies of the United States really be able to intercept these missiles for the United States? Therefore, the PLA has an extremely strong ability to destroy US military bases, and if it strikes multiple US military bases in the Indo-Pacific region, then the United States will also lose a large number of fighters in a short period of time. According to U.S. lawmakers, the PLA not only deprives the United States of critical air assets, but also has the ability of the United States to deal with conflicts and situations by greatly weakening logistics in the middle of the road.

The United States does not dare to break out into a conflict with China, and if it does not fight an air war, 9 percent of its fighters will be lost

The U.S. turmoil in the Indo-Pacific region mainly revolves around the Taiwan Strait issue, so the current U.S. war games also show that the U.S. will intervene after the outbreak of cross-strait conflicts, and 90% of the U.S. fighters will be lost on the ground instead of in the air, which can actually make many fighters of the People's Liberation Army breathe a sigh of relief. At present, the United States still has a numerical advantage in fifth-generation aircraft, and the appearance of two fifth-generation aircraft, the F-22 stealth fighter and the F-35 stealth fighter, is deployed at the Kadena base in Okinawa, the first island chain, which is a big challenge for the PLA.

The United States does not dare to break out into a conflict with China, and if it does not fight an air war, 9 percent of its fighters will be lost

Now that the United States has pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the defense capability of major bases, it is actually a passive measure, which has shown that the United States has insufficient deterrence capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region, and of course, the United States will also strategically disperse a large number of troops and bases in the future. The United States has already built a runway on Tinian, not far from Guam, which will accommodate a large number of warplanes to take off and land in the event of an attack on Guam. Text/Iris

The United States does not dare to break out into a conflict with China, and if it does not fight an air war, 9 percent of its fighters will be lost

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