
Activate the development potential of "new quality" and provide "new space" for rebuilding new flowers

author:Guangzhou Huadu released

On May 11, Huadu District held the 2024 mobilization and deployment and investment promotion meeting for the redevelopment of inefficient land (upgrading and transformation of village and town industrial agglomeration areas), fully demonstrating the development and investment potential of Huadu, building a tripartite communication and cooperation platform of "government-village-enterprise", and cohesively promoting the high-quality economic development and industrial quality improvement and renewal of Huadu District. Representatives of more than 40 enterprises and financial institutions attended the meeting.

This investment promotion conference launched 46 low-efficiency land redevelopment projects, and plans to focus on promoting 14 of them in the near future, with a total of about 6,800 acres.

Activate the development potential of "new quality" and provide "new space" for rebuilding new flowers

Redevelopment of inefficient land Huadu has broad prospects, and land elements are the foundation to support high-quality development, and the efficient use of land is inseparable from high-quality economic development. The redevelopment of inefficient land is of great significance to ensure the quality improvement and renewal of village and town industrial agglomeration areas, promote the high-quality development of new quality productivity in Huadu District, and build a new highland for industrial intelligent manufacturing in northern Guangzhou.

Huadu is the comprehensive gateway to the north of Guangzhou, and it is also the core area of Guangzhou's real economy and a new power source for high-quality development. More than 60% of the land in Huadu District is plain, and the industrial land area accounts for about 27.3% of the city's total, ranking first among all districts in the city, and the industrial development space is huge. Relying on the location advantages of the largest air-rail dual hub in the Bay Area, the policy advantages of the pilot cities for the redevelopment of inefficient land, and the spatial resource advantages of the 18.47 square kilometers village and town industrial agglomeration area, Huadu will usher in unprecedented development opportunities and have extremely high investment value and broad development prospects.

At the meeting, the leaders and guests at the meeting conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the redevelopment of inefficient land, the upgrading and transformation of village and town industrial agglomeration areas, the acceleration of the supply of high-quality industrial land, and the continuous creation of a relaxed, warm and reassuring business environment for enterprises.

Activate the development potential of "new quality" and provide "new space" for rebuilding new flowers

Photo by Yao Riwen

"Low-end fragments" become "high-end fragments"

Provide factor support for new quality productivity

The leaders of Huadu District said that it is of great significance to accelerate the redevelopment of low-efficiency land focusing on the upgrading and transformation of village and town industrial agglomeration areas to promote the development of new quality productivity. First, it is necessary to improve the political position and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility, mission and urgency of doing a good job in the redevelopment of inefficient land. At present, the total area of stock construction land in Huadu District is 257.47 square kilometers, and 56 square kilometers of inefficient land have been preliminarily sorted out, with huge development potential. In order to develop new quality productivity and cultivate a "four-type" economy, it is necessary to revitalize the stock of land resources and provide stronger support for industrial transformation and upgrading. Second, it is necessary to focus on key points and make precise efforts to promote the redevelopment of inefficient land. On the basis of the redevelopment of inefficient land, we will accelerate the construction of 15 key industrial platforms and 17 theme industrial parks, promote the transformation of land "fragments" into "contiguous areas" and industrial "low-end" into "high-end", form a "new blueprint" for the layout of industrial parks with clear leading industries, spatial contiguous agglomeration, and synergistic and complementary support, and effectively connect the "3+5+4" key industrial system of the northern growth pole. Third, it is necessary to strengthen service guarantee and promote the implementation of various tasks of redevelopment of inefficient land. Adhere to the "one game of chess" in the whole district, the district leaders "one-to-one" hanging points to contact key projects, and efficiently promote the construction of projects, all departments, towns, streets, and villages should give full play to their enthusiasm and initiative, and pay close attention to the "big implementation" of the work. Stimulate the "initiative" of enterprises, encourage and guide state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and village collective economies with strength and development experience to participate, and strive to create a number of typical demonstration projects.

Focus on high-tech "intelligent manufacturing" to release policy dividends

At the meeting, Li Wenwei, director of the Huadu District Bureau of the Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, introduced the planning of the industrial park and interpreted the redevelopment policy of inefficient land; At the same time, combined with the positioning of the key industrial platform of Huadu District, the industry-leading direction of the 14 village and town industrial agglomeration area projects focused on in this investment promotion conference was clarified. Among them—

Linkong Digital Smart Port Sector: Focus on the promotion of Xiangshan, Phoenix, Xinxiang three projects, these projects are located in the core area of the Linkong Digital Smart Port area, surrounded by Jingdong Asia No. 1 Operation Center, Yuhu Cold Chain and other high-tech enterprises in the airport, in the future, with the introduction of Fangbai intercity and other rail transit, it will become an ecological beauty of "port-industry-city-people" integrated development.

Huadu Digital Intelligence Pioneer Port Sector: Focusing on the promotion of projects such as Cen Jing, Dongguan, Dongjing, Qing Village, Guangtang Village, etc., this sector is dominated by the science and technology headquarters economy and urban fashion consumer industry. Relying on the advantages of air-rail intermodal transportation, in the future, it will gather the world's top digital intelligence technology companies to jointly build a "new industrial city in the park".

In the future, it will move from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing", build a high-end fashion industry cluster with leather goods, cosmetics and other fashion industries as the core, and create an international fashion intelligent manufacturing port with global industry influence.

Li Wenwei, director of the Huadu District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, said that there is great potential for the redevelopment and utilization of inefficient land in Huadu District. In this regard, our district has set up a special industrial reform headquarters, strengthened organizational leadership, established and improved the industrial reform work system under the above rate and joint management, and aimed at the pain points of the project, comprehensively built the "1+N" industrial reform policy system, and continued to release favorable policies from the aspects of land support, financial incentives, editing and review procedures, and organizational guarantees, so as to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of industrial projects, promote the dual matching of high-quality industrial projects and space, and build a space grip for the northern growth pole.

Introduce high-quality industries to create new advantages in industrial competition

Huang Liuhong, director of the District Bureau of Science, Industry and Information Technology, reported on the relevant work of industrial introduction, combined with the "Guidelines for the Industrial Introduction and Project Supervision of the Upgrading and Transformation Projects of Village and Town Industrial Agglomeration Areas in Huadu District", and interpreted the preferential production tax guidelines, access standard guidelines, and regulatory guidelines for the industrial reform projects in Huadu District, so as to escort the introduction of high-quality industries in the follow-up industrial reform projects in Huadu District. Subsequently, in combination with the guidelines for industrial introduction, high-tech manufacturing and R&D industries will be introduced through demolition and reconstruction, so as to create new advantages for Huadu's future industrial competition.

Strong responsibility and heavy cooperation to promote the smooth implementation of the project

At the meeting, representatives of relevant towns (streets) and villages said that they would closely follow the strategic deployment of the city and district, rely on the redevelopment of inefficient land, and accelerate the transformation of village parks. Strive to complete the renovation task with high quality within the specified time, improve the overall environment and quality of the village garden, provide high-quality bearing space for the industrial development of Huadu District, and provide an excellent development platform for enterprises to settle in.

Representatives of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in relevant districts said that it is the common goal of every enterprise to help the high-quality economic development of Huadu District, and they will give full play to their responsibilities, cooperate with the district party committee and district government, and all towns (streets) to strive to do a good job in the transformation of village and town industrial agglomeration areas; With the help of the company's own advantages, the introduction of high-quality industries, the cultivation of innovative talents, and the promotion of the upstream and downstream agglomeration of the industrial chain.

Fang Yitao, general manager of the Bay Area of Lian Dong Group, said that the Guangtang Village project allowed Lian Dong to participate in the transformation process of Huadu's village garden for the first time, and the promotion process was carefully guided by the leadership team of Huadu District and Xinya Street, which solved one problem after another in the work of the village garden, from spatial planning, to transformation paths, to transfer procedures, etc., escorting the project and setting records for efficiency. With such a business atmosphere, Liandong, as an intended cooperative enterprise, will go all out to ensure that Liandong's speed and Huadu's industrial development and village development are "two-way".

Gao Cheng, deputy general manager of Guangzhao region of Wanyang Group, said that Wanyang cherishes the opportunity to invest and develop in Huadu, which has always been an important strategic layout of Wanyang Group, and with the support of the government, we have a number of projects that are being followed up synchronously. The investment promotion of the industrial chain has always been the investment attraction characteristic of Wanyang, and Wanyang will carry out targeted investment promotion to strengthen and supplement the chain for the leading industries of Huadu, build an industrial agglomeration platform for Huadu District, and contribute to the construction of the northern growth pole of Huadu.

At the end of the meeting, all towns and streets submitted a letter of responsibility, stating that they would resolutely implement the transformation of village and town industrial agglomeration areas, and complete the grand goal of high-quality economic development of Huadu District with the belief of "not breaking Loulan and never returning it"; Relevant villages and enterprises signed a letter of intent to jointly promote the smooth implementation of the project and achieve win-win cooperation by deepening the details of cooperation and strengthening communication and cooperation.

Source: Huadu District Rong Media Center

Photo: Feng Licong, Yao Riwen, Jiang Shaocheng Correspondent: Luo Quan

Editor: Yi Shi

Reviewer: Gong Yaodong Wu Minna

Proofreader: Jia Yu Peng Tianyang

Review: Deng Biyan

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