
Expand financial inclusion and "lend" to promote entrepreneurship and employment

author:Qitaihe release

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Expand financial inclusion and "lend" to promote entrepreneurship and employment
Expand financial inclusion and "lend" to promote entrepreneurship and employment

Invigorating the "financial ecology" and unblocking the "financial bloodline" is the core of optimizing the business environment. Since the beginning of this year, the city's special class for obtaining financial services has insisted on highlighting the key points of guaranteed loans for entrepreneurship, focusing on the convenience and satisfaction of small and medium-sized enterprises and the majority of entrepreneurial groups in obtaining financial services, guiding financial institutions to continue to increase financial support for different entrepreneurial groups, and striving to expand the coverage of inclusive finance to provide effective support for entrepreneurial and employment groups to reduce financing costs.

In the northern supermarket, there is a wide variety of goods, and shoppers are in front of the shelves to buy their favorite goods. Wang Yingxia, the person in charge of supermarket operation, wanted to expand the scale of supermarket operation but suffered from insufficient liquidity, and the staff of Qitaihe Branch of Harbin Bank came to the store to publicize the relevant policies of entrepreneurial loans. After understanding, Wang Yingxia immediately submitted a loan application in accordance with the application procedures, and after the review was passed, the 3 million yuan small and micro enterprise entrepreneurship guarantee loan was quickly successfully processed.

The implementation of the entrepreneurial guarantee loan policy is also for college graduates who meet the credit conditions, retired soldiers with valid certificates or urban registered unemployed persons and other groups, providing off-campus art training college graduates Wang Mingxia is one of them, Longjiang Bank in the first time to understand her financing needs, the first time to arrange a series of work, such as the household, sorting out information, meeting, reporting to the provincial college student guarantee company materials, etc., for her to solve the urgent need for funds. "After the investigation and approval of the bank staff, it didn't take long for me to get a guaranteed loan of 100,000 yuan for starting a business, which helped me solve my troubles like timely rain, and my training school was also expanded." Wang Mingxia said.

Driven by the city's special class for obtaining financial services, various banking institutions have vigorously promoted the five-in-one loan model of "entrepreneurial projects + multi-examination + fund guarantee + bank loan + financial discount". Guide banking institutions to strengthen the innovation of credit products, and guide banks to launch products such as "employment loans", "inspirational guarantees" and "incentive business guarantees" to effectively meet the financing needs of different entrepreneurial and employment groups. Up to now, a total of 53 entrepreneurial guarantee loans have been issued, with an amount of 12.59 million yuan.

The relevant person in charge of the city's financial service work class said that it will continue to adhere to the concept of "serving the real economy, serving small and medium-sized enterprises, and serving local development", strive to improve the satisfaction of market entities, continuously deepen government-bank-enterprise cooperation, broaden the scope of financial services, and contribute financial strength to the city's economic transformation and revitalization and high-quality development.

Reporter: Liu Xueying Editor: Li Yuanyuan Review: Teng Haixia Supervisor: Zhang Jinhua



Qitai River

Expand financial inclusion and "lend" to promote entrepreneurship and employment
Expand financial inclusion and "lend" to promote entrepreneurship and employment

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