
Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers

author:Pingluo County Rong Media Center

On the occasion of Mother's Day, various communities in our county have carried out rich activities to carry forward the traditional virtues of filial piety and love for relatives of the Chinese nation, enrich the cultural life of the community, and create a good social trend of thanksgiving for mother's love.

On May 9th, the Yinmahu community carried out the theme activity of "Creating a Warm Home and Thanking Mothers" in the North Gate Square on the bank of Jinshui Lake.

On the day of the event, the wonderful theatrical performances on the community square attracted the crowd in the jurisdiction to watch, and the residents gathered together to enjoy the group fan show "Qingming Riverside Picture", listen to the Qin dialect singing "Wang Baochuan Excerpts: I See My Sister-in-law Say to Me", and watch the dance "Mom Thank You" and other programs.

Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers
Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers

The community carried out this activity to promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, publicize the mother's love and kindness, praise the mother's spirit of selfless dedication, create a good social atmosphere of respecting mothers, caring for mothers, and thanking mothers, and build a happy and beautiful harmonious community.

On the same day, free clinics, free scissors, massages and other services were also provided for residents, so that residents could feel the care and warmth of their families and communities.

On May 9, the joint co-construction unit of Kanghu Community also carried out theme activities to celebrate Mother's Day with residents in the district.

Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers

On the same day, Kanghu Community Square was surrounded by residents in the jurisdiction, and the walking formation performance kicked off the event. During the performance, the team members walked neatly, moved beautifully and powerfully, and smiled enthusiastically and cheerfully, which deeply infected everyone on the scene. Immediately afterwards, the deeds of the "most beautiful family" were shared, and the neighbors and stories around them listened very carefully to the people present.

Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers
Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers

In order to further promote the traditional virtues of filial piety and respect for the elderly and cherish family affection of the Chinese nation, create a good atmosphere of respecting and thanking mothers in the jurisdiction, and guide and motivate mothers to be more active in family service and community construction, Kanghu Community jointly launched this activity to convey blessings to mothers through literary and artistic activities and public welfare activities.

On May 10th, the Peace Community and the Peace Home and Community Elderly Care Service Center carefully arranged the "bazaar", and booths such as free clinics, free scissors, and policy consultation were set up one by one. Medical staff, hairdressers, property staff, etc. are in place one by one, attracting many elderly groups and community residents.

Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers

In front of the free clinic area, doctors from AK Kang Hospital provide free health check-up services for the elderly, and provide professional health advice and guidance to the elderly based on the results of the examination. In the prosthetic cutting area, helpers and professional barbers provide haircuts for the elderly, and as the hair falls to the ground, the elderly have a happy smile on their faces. In the calligraphy experience area, calligraphy enthusiasts guide the elderly on site, allowing them to write their hearts and feel the unique charm of calligraphy. In the painting experience area, there are abundant painting materials and tools, allowing everyone to play freely and create their own works of art.

A special "Thanksgiving Wall" was also set up at the event site, and everyone picked up the pen in their hands to leave their blessings and gratitude to their mothers on the Thanksgiving Wall. Whether it is a simple "Mom, I love you" or affectionate words of thanks, they warm every mother's heart and constitute a warm landscape.

Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers
Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers

At the same time, in order to convey love and care, a donation area was also set up at the event site. Community residents have donated idle clothes, books and other items, which will be sorted and distributed to the elderly in need, so that they can feel the care and warmth of the society.

The purpose of this activity is to let the elderly feel the warmth and care of the festival and convey their gratitude to their mothers. At the same time, it also calls on more people to pay attention to the lives and needs of the elderly, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society.

On May 10, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Xinli Community organized mothers in the jurisdiction to carry out the theme activity of "Special 'Vegetable' Love and Gratitude to Mother".

Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers

With the warm photos of residents and their mothers "posted" on the big screen, the event kicked off, and everyone spoke freely and expressed their gratitude to their mothers.

Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers
Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers
Civilization practice in the new era丨Create a warm home and be grateful to mothers

Subsequently, everyone started the vegetable "flower arrangement journey", broccoli, green onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, shiitake mushrooms, corn and other ingredients were transformed into bouquets full of fireworks. Everyone gives full play to their creativity and ingenuity, and each bouquet of vegetable flowers is unique.

With the May breeze and everyone's laughter, residents have said that they have spent an unforgettable Mother's Day in the community. At the end of the event, the community once again expressed its holiday wishes to the residents, and called on everyone to inherit the traditional virtues of filial piety and gratitude in their lives, cultivate good family education, inherit good family style, and promote positive energy.

Reporter: Shi Yan

Editor: Ma Shengwen

Editor-in-charge: Wang Gang

Review: Si Bingxin

News Hotline: 0952-6016570

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