
Pioneering and innovative, planning and hard work Yongchuan did this in the second quarter

author:Chongqing and the world
Pioneering and innovative, planning and hard work Yongchuan did this in the second quarter
Pioneering and innovative, planning and hard work Yongchuan did this in the second quarter

On May 10, Yongchuan District held a regular meeting of the town and street secretaries and department leaders of "pioneering and innovative, deep and hard-working". Zhang Zhikui, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Chang Xiaoyong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, Pan Wenfeng, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Wen Liangyin, chairman of the district CPPCC, attended the meeting.

On May 10, Yongchuan District held a regular meeting of the town and street secretaries and department leaders of "pioneering and innovative, deep and hard-working" to take stock of the economic work of the district in the first quarter, further summarize the achievements, analyze the problems, and deploy tasks. Zhang Zhikui, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Chongqing, fully implement the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee, highlight the work orientation of steady progress and efficiency, risk removal and security, reform breakthroughs, and benefiting the people and strengthening enterprises, coordinate development and security, coordinate the short-term and long-term, coordinate the stock and increment, iteratively upgrade the development ideas, goals, tasks and work measures, iteratively optimize the "four systems", seek deep and practical "four majors", and further work at full speed, work hard, overcome difficulties, and improve the ability to control problems. Consolidate and expand the trend of stability and improvement, promote the overall acceleration and overall leap of the work in the second quarter, and promote the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's entrustment in Yongchuan with high-score reports on high-quality economic and social development.

Chang Xiaoyong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, made work arrangements. Pan Wenfeng, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Wen Liangyin, Chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, Cai Tao, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, members of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, and district-level leaders attended. Hu Chuan, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and head of the Organization Department, presided over the meeting.

The meeting briefed on the "eight statements" and "eight lists of problems" and the operation of the main economic indicators in the first quarter of the region. The heads of Shengli Road Street, Chashan Zhuhai Street, Banqiao Town, Baofeng Town, Wujian Town, District Public Security Bureau, District Economic Information Committee, District Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee, District Health Commission, Yonggaoxin Group and other units made exchange speeches.

Pioneering and innovative, planning and hard work Yongchuan did this in the second quarter

In his speech, Zhang Zhikui fully affirmed the achievements of the region's economic and social development in the first quarter. He pointed out that since the beginning of this year, all departments at all levels have conscientiously implemented the decisions of the Party Central Committee, the deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, and the requirements of the District Committee, maintained the state of "fighting", riveted the momentum of "doing", carried forward the style of "practical", and promoted new progress and new results in various tasks. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly realize that there are still problems of imbalance and inadequacy in the work, adhere to the problem-oriented and goal-oriented, comprehensively review and conduct in-depth inspections, analyze the causes, identify the crux of the problem, formulate effective measures, and effectively solve them.

Zhang Zhikui stressed that it is necessary to strive to hand over the high-score report on economic and social development in the second quarter. It is necessary to stabilize the industrial economy, firmly establish the concept of establishing an industrial zone and a strong manufacturing zone, strive to build a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone, conscientiously implement the city's high-quality development action of manufacturing industry and the leapfrog plan in western Chongqing, introduce increments with stocks, optimize stocks with increments, iterate the industrial system, promote the quality and efficiency of key enterprises, strengthen investment promotion, and accelerate the construction of modern manufacturing bases. It is necessary to expand effective demand, firmly grasp the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, focus on giving play to the role of consumption as the foundation and the key role of investment, fully release the potential of consumption and investment, and ensure that the economy operates within a reasonable range. It is necessary to deepen reform and opening up, with the courage to be the first, comprehensively deepen reform, continue to expand high-level opening-up, actively explore pioneering and differentiated reforms, take the initiative to serve and integrate into major national strategies, and strive to play a greater role in the development of the western region in the new era, the construction of the twin-city economic circle, the construction of the new western land-sea corridor, the construction of the national strategic hinterland, the construction of a modern new Chongqing and other major strategic linkage to achieve better development. It is necessary to adhere to the bottom line of safety, coordinate high-quality development and high-level safety, prevent and resolve major risks, do a good job in safe production, adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, deepen the "integration of police network", and resolutely ensure social stability and public tranquility. It is necessary to do a good job in the "three services", adhere to the problem orientation, focus on improving satisfaction, strengthen departmental coordination, innovate policy supply, and solidly achieve the effectiveness of service enterprises, enhance the sense of gain of serving the masses, and reflect the long-term effect of serving the grassroots, and effectively promote the quality and efficiency of the "three services" work.

Zhang Zhikui demanded that organizational guarantees should be earnestly strengthened. It is necessary to strengthen operation scheduling, establish and improve the normalized analysis and judgment mechanism, and effectively apply the scheduling work to industries, enterprises and projects, take the initiative to find problems, prevent problems, and solve problems in a more targeted manner, and continuously improve the accuracy and effectiveness of measures. It is necessary to consolidate work responsibilities, leading cadres must strengthen overall planning, district-level departments must conscientiously perform their duties and responsibilities, and all towns and streets must be responsible, responsible, and responsible, and go all out to complete the goals and tasks of economic and social development. It is necessary to innovate working methods, strengthen planning, packaging projects, and strive for support, learn from the experience and practices of advanced regions, work together to tackle problems, strengthen closed-loop implementation, and strive to lay a foundation, add stamina and increase advantages for the high-quality development of Yongchuan. It is necessary to improve the work ability, further promote the action of improving the ability and quality of cadres of "100 refining into steel", carry out party discipline learning and education, deepen the "scholarly Yongchuan lecture hall" and "digital night school", continue to strengthen the ideological refining, political experience, practical training, and professional training of cadres, and constantly enhance the ability and ability to adapt to and lead modernization. It is necessary to improve the working mechanism, focus on the "eight reports" and "eight problem lists", further improve and improve the "five mechanisms", and create a strong atmosphere of catching up with and surpassing others and striving to be the first.

Source: Yongchuan release