
Today's "fast food style" is eating into your life

author:Take a look

Recently, Xiao Kan's spirit seems to be a little sluggish, mentally weak, and seems to have no interest in doing anything. I sit still and think, why is that? ——It is the way the mobile phone gives us time consumption, the consumption content!! Like a certain hand and a certain tone, a video of ten or twenty seconds, although the time is short, but you will find that once you brush it up, you can't stop at all, consuming the little time you have left. Another point is the fragmentation of information – you will find that after an hour or two you have learned nothing and received anything! Watching a movie will also give you meaning or give you true feelings, while fast-food-style information will only consume your !!! #头条 #

Today's "fast food style" is eating into your life
Today's "fast food style" is eating into your life
Today's "fast food style" is eating into your life
Today's "fast food style" is eating into your life

Welcome to follow the comments to give you more food! I'm Xiao Kan.