
Halfway through the trip, he decided to turn around and go back to see ......

author:Released by the Kunming police

On a quiet country trail

Inspect every inch of land with a keen eye

On the bustling city streets

Silently guarding every peace

Day and night, fearless of wind and rain

This is the Kunming Luquan County Public Security Bureau

Police officer Yang Guangquan

The daily epitome of 28 years as a police officer

Halfway through the trip, he decided to turn around and go back to see ......

Recalling the thrilling summer night of 2017, Yang Guangquan admitted that he was a little afraid. At that time, Yang Guangquan was dealing with a drunken dispute with the police, he was busy controlling the order of the scene and calming the emotions of the parties, but he never thought that a man suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed him! Yang Guangquan immediately dodged sideways, but the sharp blade still scratched his forehead.

"Civilians must not be allowed to get hurt!" In the flash of light, Yang Guangquan only had this one thought left in his mind.

Even though his eyes were blurred with blood, he struggled to confront the knife-wielding man and subdue him with his colleagues. To this day, Yang Guangquan still has a clearly visible scar on his forehead. The pain will be forgotten by time, but the scar is the "medal" of honor engraved on the flesh and blood of Yang Guangquan.

Trekking through mountains and rivers to measure the villages and villages with footsteps

In July 1996, after graduating from the People's Police School in Kunming, Yunnan Province, Yang Guangquan went to work in the Luquan County Bureau. At that time, the work of the grassroots police station faced many challenges such as inconvenient transportation and backward equipment.

Halfway through the trip, he decided to turn around and go back to see ......

They spend an average of five hours a day on the way to the police. Crossing rugged mountain roads and crossing fast-flowing rivers, day in and day out. Yang Guangquan said more than once, "The difficult working conditions have forged my spirit of hardship and hard work. ”

No matter how big or small, the original intention is to fulfill the mission and ensure stability

In December 2008, Yang Guangquan was transferred from the police station to the patrol police post. That's 15 years. In the past 15 years, he has broken the trap of "it is difficult for a clean official to decide family affairs", actively resolved family conflicts and disputes, let the deceived woman embark on a thousand miles home, recovered life-saving money for the driving school instructor who was so anxious that his legs trembled, and reconciled the disputes arising from the purchase and sale of bananas for 20 yuan......

Halfway through the trip, he decided to turn around and go back to see ......

Pile by pile, piece by piece, from day to night, from sunny to rainy, he has achieved zero complaints for 15 years.

The heart is as careful as sending out the police, and the road is warm and safe

Some people say that patrol police work is to pick up surpluses and make up for differences, and it is difficult for individuals to have a sense of accomplishment if they do not see achievements in their work. However, Yang Guangquan has always maintained that the patrol police have the most extensive contact with the masses, have more opportunities and channels to serve the people, and can do more in enforcing the law for the people.

Halfway through the trip, he decided to turn around and go back to see ......

One night in December 2022, Yang Guangquan successfully rescued a man who was about to jump into the river. Halfway through, he decided to turn around and look back, only to find that the man had again walked to the middle of the river...... If he hadn't turned back step by step and cared about everything, then a young life might have passed away.

Halfway through the trip, he decided to turn around and go back to see ......

After 28 years in the police, Yang Guangquan has always worked hard at work like an old scalper. The "troubles" of these masses are "troubles" in his opinion, and if they are not solved well, they are likely to become "troubles".

"As a grassroots policeman, it is necessary to solve problems for the people without asking for anything in return, and hold up the piece of heaven that he should be crowned." That's what Yang Guangquan said, and that's what he did.

Halfway through the trip, he decided to turn around and go back to see ......

From a handsome guy with a police dream to an experienced people's policeman, Yang Guangquan has worked in internal service, handled household registration, handled countless large and small cases, and traveled to more than 50 village neighborhood committees in the jurisdiction. Whether it is in the face of mass assistance, or the resolution of contradictions and disputes, or the elimination of hidden dangers to public security, he is meticulous and goes all out.

Halfway through the trip, he decided to turn around and go back to see ......

Today, Yang Guangquan, who is more than half a hundred years old, has habitually tilted his right shoulder because he hangs a law enforcement recorder all year round. Although the back is no longer straight, the party member badge and siren on the chest are still shining.