
Yicheng New Village Community, Xiyuan Street: "Warm Mayflower, Thanksgiving Mother's Day" theme activity

author:Phoenix Sky

With the May sun shining all over the land, and with the early summer breeze, we ushered in the annual Mother's Day. In order to carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, establish a civilized family style, inherit the culture of filial piety, and create a good social trend of respecting, thanking and caring for mothers, on May 11, the Yicheng District Civil Affairs Bureau, Xiyuan Street Office, Xiyuan Street Yicheng New Village Community, Fengfan Social Workers and Meng Lijiao, a caring enterprise, carried out the theme activity of "Warm Mayflower Thanksgiving Mother's Day" in the Party and Mass Cultural Home of Xiyuan Street.

Yicheng New Village Community, Xiyuan Street: "Warm Mayflower, Thanksgiving Mother's Day" theme activity

A wonderful opening dance "The Most Beautiful Song for Mom" kicked off the event. Dressed in festive costumes, the dancers danced to the accompaniment of music, expressing their deep respect and gratitude to the mothers with their graceful dancing. In the audience, applause and cheers came one after another, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Yicheng New Village Community, Xiyuan Street: "Warm Mayflower, Thanksgiving Mother's Day" theme activity

After the opening dance, Li Pingchuan, deputy director of the Xiyuan Sub-district Office, delivered an enthusiastic speech, in which he extended his most sincere holiday wishes to all the mothers present. He said that mothers are the soul of the family and the cornerstone of society, and they have made great contributions to the family and society with their selfless dedication and hard work. Therefore, we need to care for and respect mothers more, so that they can feel the warmth and care of society.

Yicheng New Village Community, Xiyuan Street: "Warm Mayflower, Thanksgiving Mother's Day" theme activity

Afterwards, the talent lovers of the community took to the stage one after another. Mr. Li Kai and his dance partner performed a pas de deux with elegant and moving postures, showing the beauty of dance to the fullest. Immediately afterwards, Ms. Zhu Xiaofeng touched the hearts of all the audience with a solo song "Mother". Her singing voice is soulful and sincere, as if telling the endless longing and gratitude for her mother. The audience at the scene was infected by her singing, and many people's eyes were moist, immersed in this strong maternal love. After that, Teacher Fang's team expressed their deep respect and gratitude to the mothers through dance.

Yicheng New Village Community, Xiyuan Street: "Warm Mayflower, Thanksgiving Mother's Day" theme activity

After the performance, Li Pingchuan, deputy director of the Xiyuan Sub-district Office, and Ms. Chen, brand director of Menglijiao, a caring enterprise, jointly presented Mother's Day gifts to the mothers at the event site, expressing their heartfelt thanks and high respect to them. After that, under the guidance of the host, all the residents and staff who participated in the event walked onto the stage and took photos with the leaders and performers. At this moment, everyone was immersed in joy and happiness, leaving a good memory.

The Mother's Day theme activity not only made the residents feel the care and warmth of the party and the government, but also narrowed the relationship between the community and the residents, further enhanced the cohesion and appeal of the community, and warmed the whole community. In the next step, the Yicheng New Village Community of Xiyuan Street will continue to carry out more colorful and enjoyable cultural and entertainment activities to create a better living atmosphere for the residents in the jurisdiction. (Source: Yicheng New Village Community, Xiyuan Street, Yicheng District Photo: Kang Chen)

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