
Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"

author:Low-key yang

Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"

Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"

In life, we often meet some loners. Those people, who seem to be outside the hustle and bustle, have chosen a different path.

Behind those who are silent and loner, there are often complex reasons hidden.

In my opinion, most of them are these five reasons that shape their unique lifestyles and attitudes.

Let's delve into these reasons, uncover the mystery behind loneliness, and understand the inner world of those who choose to be alone.

Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"

1. The choice of loneliness

In this world, no one wants to be lonely, they just like to be alone.

As Schopenhauer said, "When a man is alone, he can fully become himself".

Those who like to be alone are actually tired of hypocritical socializing and see through the complexity of interpersonal relationships, so they will choose to be alone, without the urging of the phone, without the hustle and bustle of the party, and be at ease.

Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"

2. The realization of loneliness

When a person chooses this kind of life, it is not because he is withdrawn and others can't get close to him, but because he has realized the true meaning of life. No longer pursue superficial excitement, focus on inner peace and fulfillment.

As the philosopher Nietzsche said, "The higher philosopher is alone, not because he wants to be alone, but because he cannot find his kind around him." They understand that true friendships don't need to be maintained, and that those false friendships will only make them more tired.

Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"

3. Lonely detachment

A lone person is not that they don't like to walk in company, but that their realm is detached from the world and they no longer want to be bound by the eyes and evaluations of others.

Just like Tao Yuanming leisurely strolling through the countryside, gently picking the blooming chrysanthemums under the east fence, the golden petals look particularly delicate in the sunlight. His face was filled with a faint smile, and his eyes revealed a deep attachment to this land. The breeze brought the elegant fragrance of chrysanthemums, and also stirred his clothes. He raised his head leisurely and looked at the rolling Nanshan Mountain in the distance, the mountains looming in the clouds and mist, like a quiet and beautiful picture. In this beautiful scenery, he forgot the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, immersed himself in the embrace of nature, and enjoyed this moment of tranquility and ease. He is integrated with nature, as if he has become a part of this idyllic scenery, "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing the South Mountain", his life is full of poetry and beauty.

Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"

Fourth, the growth of loneliness

Smart people know that if they can't change others or the world, they can change themselves.

No longer caters to others, no longer wrongs yourself, no longer condescends to anyone, and no longer acts with anyone. Be your true self, be with your authenticity, and have a dialogue with your heart. Like Beethoven, he composed great musical works in solitude, and he continued to grow in solitude, constantly improving himself, and eventually became a world celebrity.

Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"

Fifth, the perseverance of loneliness

A silent and lonely person is not a portrayal of loneliness, but a pursuit of truth and a kind of self-perseverance.

On the road of solitude, they have found inner peace, found a path that suits them, can not be disturbed, concentrate, do their own thing, go their own way, and become a better version of themselves.

As Marquez said, "What really matters in life is not what happens to you, but what you remember and how you remember it." ”

Moving forward in solitude, they are firmly on the path of finding their true selves, not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of loneliness.

They interpret the meaning of life in their own way, live the life they want, and live the life they want.

Behind the silent and lonely people, these 5 reasons are often hidden, "yes"