
Fei Runxiang: "The Most Beautiful Grandfather" leads the new fashion

author:Shanghai Changning
Fei Runxiang: "The Most Beautiful Grandfather" leads the new fashion

With 50 years of party experience, he has always taken firm steps in practicing the original intention of "serving the people": actively making his own tools to participate in community garbage classification, and enthusiastically helping neighbors in need to send more than 1,000 catties of vegetables...... He is the model of helping others in the streets of Xianxia New Village - Fei Runxiang. In this issue of "Changning District Moral Model Advanced Deeds Tour", let's get to know the "most beautiful grandfather" who took the lead in playing the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

Fei Runxiang: "The Most Beautiful Grandfather" leads the new fashion

Interest is a matter of interest

In recent years, Changning District has actively carried out garbage classification work and continuously led the new fashion of garbage classification. When Fei Runxiang volunteered to sort garbage, he observed that residents often get their hands dirty when they pour out wet garbage. So, he thought that he had an old fishing rod at home that he didn't use, "and instead of sitting it idle or throwing it away, it would be better to put it to good use." The skillful Fei Runxiang immediately transformed the old fishing rod and made it into a "broken bag artifact". "Just use this tool to scratch the wet garbage bag, and the wet garbage can be easily emptied without getting your hands dirty." A small but practical tool has brought great convenience to the residents, and everyone is full of praise for Fei Lao's ingenuity.

Fei Runxiang loves calligraphy and painting, and has achieved a small success, he often uses fans as scrolls, and paints a lot of fan paintings with the theme of beautiful homes. On weekdays, he gives these fan paintings to friends from afar and neighbors in the community...... A small fan is full of the old man's heart.

The most beautiful grandfather, pass on love

Fei Runxiang in life is a caring person, and he always sees and remembers the people in need in the community and society, and passes on his love through action. "Thank you Mr. Fei, I feel warm" "There is still a lot of dew on my spring bamboo shoots, it is really very fresh, thank you so much" "Everyone got not only the dish but also full of love"...... Among the owners, many residents expressed their sincere gratitude to Mr. Fei. It turned out that Fei Runxiang noticed that many elderly people in the community were not very good at online shopping, so he contacted friends to raise fresh vegetables. With the assistance of the streets, residential areas and relevant departments, the residential areas are smoothly reached through logistics.

For a while, Fei Runxiang noticed that at the bus stop in front of the community, people often felt inconvenient to travel because they did not wear masks. So, he bought masks and went to the station to give them to citizens in need. After a long time, people who come and go to the station are familiar with him, and everyone calls him "the most beautiful grandfather".

"The 'good neighbor' that everyone praises is the Fei Runxiang family in our community." Lu Jumin, secretary of the general party branch of Duyi Residential District, Xianxia Xincun Street, said that Fei Lao and his wife are both old party members, and they are usually low-key, but they are both "warm-hearted" in the community. Be sincere, loving, and giving...... These are all the various impressions that neighbors have of Fei Runxiang's family. In the 50 years of glory in the party, Fei Runxiang always thought about helping others, serving the people wholeheartedly, caring for the masses, and solving problems for the masses. "I am a veteran party member who has been in the party for more than 50 years, and these little things are really not enough to worry about, I just hope to do something practical for everyone." Whenever a resident praised, Fei Runxiang always replied modestly: "This is what a Communist Party member should do!" ”

Fei Runxiang: "The Most Beautiful Grandfather" leads the new fashion
Fei Runxiang: "The Most Beautiful Grandfather" leads the new fashion

Source: District Civilization Office

Written by: Chen Rongchao

Editor: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Wang Bo

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Fei Runxiang: "The Most Beautiful Grandfather" leads the new fashion

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