
Youth is very responsible! Daliang Youth Power Helps "Millions of Projects"

author:Shunde City Network

On May 10, the Daliang Street Youth League Working Committee and the Daliang Street Education Office held the "Youth Standing and Responsible" in the lecture hall of Chengmei Junior High School - helping the "Millions of Thousands of Projects" Daliang Street May Fourth League Day with my youth. At the oath-taking ceremony, 110 new members officially joined the Communist Youth League.

Youth is very responsible! Daliang Youth Power Helps "Millions of Projects"

"Youth stands up and takes responsibility" - with the youth of me to help the "Millions of Thousands of Projects" Daliang Street May Fourth Group Day activities were held.

Chen Zhicong, Secretary of the Shunde District Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xie Xinzhan, member of the Party Working Committee of Daliang Street and Secretary of the Youth League Working Committee, Li Huifei, Director of the Party and Government Office of Daliang Street and Executive Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Working Committee, Dai Jianhua, Deputy Director of the Education Office of Daliang Street, and other leaders, more than 200 people from the five junior high schools in the district, youth league members and new members of various grassroots league organizations participated in the event.

New power of youth: More than 100 new members took the oath in a centralized manner

Youth is very responsible! Daliang Youth Power Helps "Millions of Projects"

Wear the regimental emblem for new members, and issue the "regimental badge" and membership card.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Youth League of China and resolutely support the leadership ......of the Communist Party of China", 110 new members took the oath loudly during the day's event, which also means that a new force of youth has been officially injected.

In recent years, the Daliang Street Youth League Working Committee has conscientiously implemented the requirements of strict management of the League, and the "League Constitution" stipulates that new League members must hold a solemn, solemn and educational oath-taking ceremony under the banner of the League representing the League organization.

Youth is very responsible! Daliang Youth Power Helps "Millions of Projects"

The new members undergo a solemn, solemn and educational oath-taking ceremony.

This is not a simple form, but through this ceremony, the new members of the new league members will keep in mind the oath of joining the league, and use this to inspire their sense of honor and responsibility as a member of the Communist Youth League, and also reflect the work direction of Daliang Street to strictly govern the league.

At the event, the old league member student representatives from Chengmei Junior High School and the new league member student representatives from Shunde Yangzheng School made speeches. Xie Xinzhan, member of the Party Working Committee of Daliang Street and secretary of the Youth League Working Committee, delivered a speech and read out the list of new league members, and sent a message to young students to be models with lofty ideals and firm beliefs; It is necessary to be a model of virtue and goodness and strict compliance with law and discipline; It is necessary to be a model of hard work and innovation, interpret and practice the oath of joining the group with practical actions, and strive to become a good example for those around you to learn.

Various forms: The May Fourth Youth Day series of activities were carried out "hot and hot".

During this year's May Fourth period, the league organizations at all levels in Daliang Street innovatively designed a number of educational practices and theme group day activities with the theme of "Youth Standing Up and Responsible".

At the joining ceremony, the relevant leaders and guests jointly carried out the launching ceremony of the "May Fourth" Youth Day series of activities in Daliang Street, and released 30 different types of educational practice activities to unite and educate young people in the form of art festivals, concerts, and research that young people like to see.

Youth is very responsible! Daliang Youth Power Helps "Millions of Projects"

The launching ceremony of the "May Fourth" Youth Day series of activities in Daliang Street.

In this activity, the Daliang Youth League Working Committee linked Liu Jinxin, a member of the Foshan Youth Lecturer Group and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Shunde Vocational and Technical College, to give a lecture on the theme of "Lighthouse Project" for new members and grassroots League cadres with the title of "Youth Stands Up for Chinese Modernization".

Youth is very responsible! Daliang Youth Power Helps "Millions of Projects"

Daliang Street's "Join the Group to Plant a Tree, Create a Green and Beautiful Campus" theme group day activity was held.

In addition, the Youth League Working Committee and Education Office of Daliang Street organized more than 50 new members of Chengmei Junior High School to hold the theme group day activity of "Joining the League and Planting a Tree, Creating a Green and Beautiful Campus" in Daliang Street, organically combining the joining ceremony education with the volunteer service of "Green Beauty Guangdong Youth First".

The seedlings were supported and provided by the Daliang Comprehensive Law Enforcement Office and the Daliang Young Entrepreneurs Association, and at the event, the relevant leaders of Chengmei Junior High School presented donation plaques to the representatives of the Daliang Young Entrepreneurs Association. Each planted sapling is marked with a sign and the name of the member of the management team is noted, and the new member will be the "responsible person" of the sapling, responsible for the regular maintenance of the sapling.

Editor: Zhong Liumei

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