
Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series

Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series


2024-05-11 23:00Published in Guangdong game creators

On May 11th, TES faced GEN, the No. 1 seed in the LCK, and although it was said that the last time GEN won the LPL in an international tournament was in 2017, this year's GEN does look not to be underestimated. Kiin is experienced enough to carry and can choose a tank to sacrifice for his team; Although Canyon's individual ability has dropped significantly, Chovy's jungler rhythm is more comfortable due to his strong laning ability; Peyz's general drawbacks are more pronounced after the big nuclear shooter nerfs and the Mythic outfit is removed, but Lehends can reduce the laning pressure.

Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series

TES are the challengers in this series, and if they want to win, they must limit Chovy's crazy development and give JackeyLove the upper hand to lead the team to a quick break. As long as Chovy doesn't have obvious line power, then Canyon will play timidly and even pay the price for his aggressive play. Easier said than done, TES failed to follow through on this tactic in the first two games. In the first game, GEN crossed the tower in the early stage, and Niu Tou and Wei Qiang opened the back row in the middle stage, JKL's Delevin had little room to play, and Akali could only change 1 in the face of the three-shooter lineup.

GEN also showed in the first game that they were able to handle the game of changing lanes and still keep Kiin's Wayne on track. Moreover, the lane change tactic can better solve the problem that Peyz is not strong on the lane, and when he does not get a strong lane combination in the lower lane, GEN has more initiative in changing lanes. The second game was still played around the bottom lane, and GEN took out Lulu Ephelius to play against the Luna combination, but after the TES laning period ended, due to the suppression of the first half, Lucian could only be asked to help grab the worm, so that Ephelius could eat on the lower road. In the follow-up, GEN invaded in a group, and the vision advantage repeatedly achieved kills.

Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series

As you can see from the first two games, the combination of JKL and Meiko has a strong laning ability, but it is not enough to directly suppress Peyz to no sound. And with the advantage in the first half, Peyz has a good output environment in team fights. GEN did a better job of operating the line, pushing down more towers in the mid-term, and then carrying out Korean-style vision control to the end. TES found a way to break the game in the third game, which was to let Creme get a hero like a small cannon, and when Chovy chose to develop in the mid lane, TES could invade the jungle in the midfield, and then force GEN to fight various small-scale team battles.

This leaves GEN's double C with no more time to develop, and it is difficult for the towers to fall too early to organize their troops, and they also lose control over neutral resources. Creme in the third game enjoyed a cool game, with 10 kills and 0 deaths of small cannon damage exploding, and the big dragon team battle was perfect 0 for 5 to pull back a game. In the fourth game, due to TES's choice of a more developed lineup, coupled with TES's disadvantage in the lower lane, the rhythm was relatively slow, especially after the GEN three-man crossed the tower in the lower lane and was replaced by 0 for 3. After Draven and Kuchi developed, TES's team battles were easier to fight, and Chovy's Tsar's output pressure was higher, and they were also targeted.

Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series

After the match came to the tiebreaker, GEN immediately made adjustments to BP, TES could not get a particularly good lineup, and selected Luna and Akali, and 369 also tried to continue to use Urgart against Quisanti. Luna couldn't beat Kalista Ash in the early stage, and TES chose to switch lanes and cross the tower to kill Kiin, sacrificing the development of 369 in exchange for JKL's advantage. However, after returning to the normal lane, Urgart's backward level could not suppress Quisanti, and Lucian, who got a blood, was still consumed by Ash. It wasn't until Canyon's leopard girl sent 2 heads that LPL viewers saw the dawn of victory.

However, the 12-minute lower lane team battle was too deadly, and GEN had more advantages in support, allowing Canyon to get a double kill directly, and Leopard Girl reconnected the game and controlled 6 nest bugs and vanguards. The dominant leopard girl can resolve Luna's consumption, and the TES mid lane tower was pushed off in 16 minutes, Lucian didn't dare to stand in the middle of the front pressure without vision, and the Luna combination was directly dumb. Although JKL has some equipment advantages, Quisanti puts too much pressure on the front, GEN various Pokes make TES completely unbearable, and teammates do not suppress the HP and cause Akali to not be able to harvest.

Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series

TES failed to consolidate its advantage in the middle of the game, so it was a pity to lose the fifth game, falling to the lower bracket to fight G2. Then again, although sara didn't like GEN as a team, she also thought that GEN had a better chance of winning before the game, and TES was able to drag it out to the fifth game after losing two games, which was already beyond my expectations. 369 didn't play very well today, and he didn't handle the line change very well, resulting in a small presence for the whole series. Creme's hero pool is a bit of a problem, he can't put pressure without Cannon and Couch, and he admitted in his post-game interview that Akali was the wrong BP choice.

The core of the entire series is still Chovy, and the lineup of GEN's later innings relies on Chovy to play damage alone in the late stages, and their operation is to build a huge lead in the middle. If Creme can get the line and cooperate with Tian to suppress the jungle, Canyon will be full of flaws if he can't move, and the two games that GEN loses are Chovy's lack of sound. But hard power and hero pool are insurmountable gaps in the short term, Chovy's laning ability is too perverted, Creme wants Meiko to help untie the line, and it is only by getting strong heroes that he can have some initiative.

Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series

If TES encounters GEN again, then they will have to consider lowering the priority of the lower lane, because the characteristics of the non-displacement hero are doomed, and even if they get the advantage, it is easy to overturn, and today JKL was pushed several times by the Celestial Lock, Bull Head, and Tsar. GEN has the means to deal with Luna, but Ash has a greater impact on TES, providing vision and the ability to take the lead, GEN likes to play the Poke lineup, and TES plays hard without the first move. The LCK team likes to ban small cannons to grab Kutch, Creme doesn't have many heroes to choose from, Tsar Clockwork proficiency is not very good, and Dragon King is not suitable for TES.

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  • Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series
  • Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series
  • Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series
  • Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series
  • Although TES lost five games, the middle route became the key to the series

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