
On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

author:Southern Weekly
On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

Hello everyone, I would like to remind you: Tomorrow is Mother's Day, do you remember?

If you don't have a blessing or gift ready yet, why not read this post for inspiration.

Not long ago, we launched a call for topics: What is one thing your mom never told you?

Many of the readers' stories were received in the questionnaire and comments. Some of them are mothers, and they tell about the difficulty and sense of accomplishment of parenting; Some children took this opportunity to have a deep chat with their mother, and heard a certain voice from their mother for the first time.

Mother's Day should not only be a holiday to "celebrate", but also an important time to "listen to your mother".

Let's listen to what moms want to whisper on this day.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@明明 52 years old

Fertility is a choice. I don't want to put my hard work on my children, and I don't want you to grow up with a sense of guilt.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers


This is what I said when I became a mom last December. After experiencing the pain of 12 hours of contractions and the fear of doctors and nurses constantly "shaking" because of difficult childbirth, I was physically and mentally exhausted. When the nurse brought the baby to me, I was stitching up the side incision wound. In the face of this "most familiar stranger" who made me suffer, I couldn't be happy, let alone love, and I said this sentence with disgust at a glance.

But mom wants to say sorry to you, you came to the world after all the hard work, and sensibly let mom have a comfortable pregnancy. You won't remember it, and I won't tell you, haha.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@易易 55 years old

Until your grandmother died, she would only ask her son to come to her house to help her get her savings. She didn't trust me, I actually told you once, at her funeral. Because I was really wronged, I couldn't help it.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@美莉 52 years old

When you were a child, every time you wanted to go to the playground, you ended up being sent to the library by your mother, but in fact, it was because the family was poor and couldn't do it. Mistakes have cultivated a little talent for learning Chinese, and it can be regarded as unintentionally inserting willows into the willows.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@奥奥 48 years old

You may not remember, but Mom was dressed appropriately every day to go out with you and accompany you to school. But I turned around and went home and started to submit resumes and interviews, not wanting you to worry about no income at home.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@张姨 49 years old

You have been very sensible since you were a child, and you don't make random requests. But my mother knows that you have always wanted a DSLR, and after the college entrance examination, I bought one for you in installments, and your mother really remembered it for a long time when you were surprised and giggled all night.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@羽翼 58 years old

You know that your mother has been doing finance for more than 40 years, but what you don't know is that your mother was once the first batch of students in Guangzhou to be admitted to the nursing major after the resumption of the college entrance examination. But at that time, my grandmother thought that my mother was timid and would not let me read it, so I obediently gave up. Later, when you told your mother categorically about the major and job you wanted to choose, her mother said yes.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@可可 51 years old

My mom always told you that the people I talked to liked me. But in fact, I will only feel comfortable starting a relationship when I really confirm that the other person likes me more than I like him. I haven't told you all the time, but I actually envy you for having the courage to "confess bravely even if you are not sure about being liked".

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@江姐 45 years old

Before the age of 18, all your New Year's money was handed over to your mother, and you thought that your mother had spent it, but in fact, your mother opened an account in your name and deposited it in your name.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@xing 54 years old

You have taken the first grade exam three times in elementary school, and the school will award the first place with a pure gold medal, which is your baby, and it is also something that your parents were very proud of you back then. But ten years ago, the family was in a difficult situation, and it took a lot of money to rebuild the old house, and my mother really couldn't exchange all the gold for money. I didn't dare to tell you, so I had to wait for the future to buy back the same amount of gold and compensate you.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers


In those two years, I was very busy at work, and I was so tired that I didn't want to do anything. You always come to make trouble when I am working, and I push you away in anger, and you cry loudly, and you can't coax you anyway. As a result, I became even more angry, and my words and actions were full of impatience. Looking back now, I regret that you just wanted to be close to me, why didn't I hug you?

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers


I never picked you up when you were in kindergarten. One day after you resigned, I told you that your mother would pick you up in the future, and your eyes were full of anticipation, and you jumped up excitedly and said, "My good mother, great!" You know, this sentence made me teary-eyed and made me feel guilty.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@南风 57 years old

Knowing that you are a "mother's treasure girl", you have to send me WeChat every day, and you have to tell your mother about big and small things. But I don't read every single one, I'm very busy.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers


After the "total hysterectomy", I feel that my hair has turned gray a lot faster, so I estimate the time when you will go home every time and dye my hair black in advance.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@瑞儿妈 50 years old

After the physical examination of high blood cholesterol last year, my physical condition has been talked about by you. It's just that I'm a gluttonous person, and you don't even have time to stuff my snacks in the cupboard. Daughter, let me relax once in a while.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@沉吟 39 years old

At that time, the little turtle you raised passed away, and I also talked to my mother about my grandfather, who had passed away. When you first came across the topic of death, you asked me curiously, "Will my mother die?" "You said you didn't want your mother to die. If Mom dies, you will look up at the sky and see the stars is Mommy, and you will miss me. At the time, I thought you were so cute and innocent.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers


Thank you for making me a mom, I am very happy to be your mom, you have made me grow into the person I am today. But I still want to say that what I want to do more is to be myself besides being a mother. I hope that in the future, when you encounter problems, you can have more moments to think about how to solve them by yourself, call "Mom" a few less, "throw away" your mother's hand as soon as possible, and embrace the world independently.

There are still some words, but my mother never spoke,

Let the children speak for them.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers


It's been 11 years since my dad passed away, and my mom has always maintained an optimistic attitude in front of us and has been our strong backing. In fact, in the first few years after my father left, my mother sometimes secretly wiped her tears.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers


When I was in my twenties, I introduced my girlfriend at that time to my mother, maybe for some objective reasons, my mother didn't like the girl very much, and then I separated from the girl, and I am still single until now.

Later, at dinner, my mother apologized and told me that if she had accepted that girl at that time, she might have become a grandmother a long time ago. She always thought that it was related to her that I never fell in love again. In fact, my mother has always misunderstood, and I am also sorry that this matter has bothered her for so many years!

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@Riko 22 years old

Mom had an ex-boyfriend who had a good relationship but didn't get married, and when my father was abusive, the ex-boyfriend offered to take my mother away. My mother was impressed, but in the end, she refused because she was worried that I would become a single parent.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers

@欣欣 28 years old

My mother kept saying that I didn't have to worry about her, let me live in Guangzhou by myself and save money. Later, I learned that she secretly spent 50,000 yuan in the nursing center, saying that she had bought a bed, but it turned out to be a fraud, and the money could not be recovered.

On Mother's Day, listen to 22 little secrets from mothers


There are a lot of things about my mom that I learned later.

That winter, when I was in my first year of high school, I had severe rhinitis due to repeated colds and had to go to the county hospital for injections. My mother arrived by bus, and she was so preoccupied with my illness that she didn't stop for a moment to hurry. There was a thick layer of ice on the ground, and she didn't look at her feet in a hurry, and she slipped and fell on her back, and the back of her head fell firmly. But she got up and dusted off her body and walked forward, and in a hurry, her hat fell off, and someone behind her shouted: "Sister, your hat!" She was a little embarrassed. When she got home in the evening, when she undressed, she found that she was bruised all over her body, and a burst of pain hit her.

Mom often said, "A penny is hard to beat a hero." She has personal experience of this. Once, when she came to the county seat to see me in high school, she asked for 2 yuan for a bus, but she only had 1 yuan in her pocket, so she walked 20 miles, brought me delicious food at home, told me a few words, and hurriedly walked 20 miles home. This is the wordless love of mothers.


The above are the 22 "words from the heart" that we have compiled in this "A Sentence My Mother Never Told You" topic collection.

Mother's voice is more than these 22 sentences. In the background messages and questionnaire collection, we also saw many mothers of different ages telling stories about themselves and their children. Thank you to everyone who participated in the topic.

As I said at the beginning, don't let Mother's Day only be "celebrated", let's spend more time and time on "listening to Mom". No matter what has happened in the past, at least let us try to get closer to each other in terms of psychological distance.

The first step is to let your mother confide in you what she has never said.

Happy Mother's Day. Are you ready to reach out to your mom?


Cheng Huajun finally had something to say:

Thank you again for participating in the solicitation

Selected candidates will be contacted as soon as possible

Give a gift as a token of appreciation

See you next time

Editorial Department of City Painting

Editor-in-charge: Wu Yaofeng