
A tragedy that shouldn't have happened (short story)

author:Passionate desert 2887

Author: Wang Hongliang

Brother and sister-in-law's deformed love

Adults in the village, regardless of gender, almost all know: Zhang Xiucheng is in love with Fan Xiaohua, and Fan Xiaohua is in love with Zhang Xiucheng.

These two people love insolently, love obsessively, love forgetfully, love like glue, and there is a sense of not seeing each other for a day.

Zhang Xiucheng and Fan Xiaohua are not two people, they are two people living in the same village and the same villager group.

Zhang Xiucheng called Fan Xiaohua his younger brother and sister, and Fan Xiaohua called Zhang Xiucheng his brother and brother-in-law's brother.

This love affair itself is a deformed, deformed love, and an abnormal love affair, which will inevitably be ridiculed and despised by most people.

Fan Xiaohua and Zhang Xiucheng no matter what the villagers say, how they do, how they look, how they discuss, regardless of the occasion, they still love each other so much that they are dead and alive, which is more than the two people who love each other.

Oh, by the way, in order to enhance the relationship and promote passion, not to live in vain, and to get better in the long run, Fan Xiaohua also gave birth to a son to Zhang Xiucheng. It is precisely because of this son that the relationship between Zhang Xiucheng and Fan Xiaohua is so strong.

Some villagers said: "Hehe, these two people love like glue, embarrassed, not afraid of other people's jokes, really strong, a pair of shameless dog men and women, how can they wear a human skin!" Pity his or her spouse, he or she is a man in vain! Wait, wait for Fan Xiaohua's husband, Erzhu, to be released from prison, and it will be troublesome to come out of prison. Let's see, by then, how Zhang Xiucheng and Fan Xiaohua will end! ”

A villager said: "Actually, this is normal, I think: as long as there are crowds, there are these messy and dirty things, and people have already seen it!"

A tragedy that shouldn't have happened (short story)

Couples without affection

Zhang Xiucheng's name has the word "show", but his posture and appearance, as well as his speech and deeds, do not show off at all. He is honest, upright, fast-talking, reckless, straightforward, clumsy, and arrogant.

When Zhang Xiucheng was thirty years old, he married a woman from a neighboring village, Xiangxiu.

After Xiangxiu entered the door, she would not get pregnant for a long time and would not give birth, which became her shortcomings and handles, and Zhang Xiucheng firmly grasped them. As long as Zhang Xiucheng is in a bad mood or angry, he will say that Xiangxiu will not have children. A few years later, this situation continued to escalate, and Zhang Xiucheng insulted and even beat Xiangxiu at every turn. The masses all think: The life of these two people is not salty or light. These two people are not so much husband and wife, but rather male and female animals living under one roof, male and female, who have long lost the feelings of husband and wife.

As everyone knows: whether to have children or not, to have boys and girls, the old man is the key. For these, Zhang Xiucheng doesn't know, and Xiangxiu doesn't know either. Zhang Xiucheng put all the responsibility on Xiangxiu. Zhang Xiucheng yelled at Xiangxiu lightly, and raised his hand to hit her. Xiangxiu smashed her teeth and swallowed it in her stomach, feeling very hurt in her heart, but she endured it silently.

In that era when men were inferior to women, traditional and conservative, although they advocated equality between men and women, they only stayed on slogans and slogans, which was not the case in real life, and people still lived in the reality of male superiority and inferiority, tradition and old-fashionedness.

Time is wasted like this, and the days are just like this. On such days, there is neither enthusiasm, nor passion, no feelings, and no style, like a pool of stagnant water.

Zhang Xiucheng and Xiangxiu are like this, they have no feelings, and they live a life of male superiority and inferiority of women, male cultivation and female weaving.

A tragedy that shouldn't have happened (short story)

Peek into the toilet

Zhang Erzhu is Zhang Xiucheng's cousin, three years younger than him.

Zhang Erzhu has developed limbs and a simple mind, he is a man who has no city, no brains, and will act rudely if he doesn't agree with him.

He was thirty years old and didn't have a wife yet.

Fan Xiaohua is a girl who grew up in the county and looks like a water-based poplar. Because of her style, Fan Xiaohua's parents thought she was embarrassed, so they asked someone to introduce her and married her to Zhang Erzhu, who usually looks like a fool. He and she also have a marriage certificate and belong to a legal couple. Fan Xiaohua's father and mother said: "Try to marry her as far away as possible, the farther away the better, out of sight, not upset, so as not to be embarrassed by her again."

To say that this man, or woman, as long as it is a peach blossom, it is something engraved in the bones, and it is impossible to reform for a lifetime. Therefore, many women are scolded and beaten because of water-based poplars, and it is useless to be beaten, and they still have to do nonsense outside.

Fan Xiaohua is such a woman.

She was both restless and restless in the countryside, and she got together with this man for three days and that man for two days, and she was panicking all day long.

During that time, Zhang Erzhu beat and scolded Fan Xiaohua a lot, but Fan Xiaohua was still like that, without the slightest change. Later, Zhang Erzhu figured it out, regardless of Fan Xiaohua, let him go to Qin and Chu, and do nonsense. To be honest, he can't actually control it. Zhang Erzhu thought to himself: Whatever she does, as long as she gives me the right children, as for everything else, it doesn't seem so important.

In the past, the toilets in rural areas were simple and simple, and it was important for people to put things on top of the toilet to prevent them from being spied in the open air or by others. Families who don't know how to simply set up open-air toilets are not afraid of being peeked at.

The toilet of Zhang Erzhu's house is located in the northwest corner of the courtyard, next to the gate. The toilet is open-air and very simple. To the west of the toilet is a ridge with crops on top of it. Zhang Xiucheng's crop field is on this soil ridge.

One afternoon, the sun was like a brazier, scorching the earth and the people. People don't talk about doing farm work, they just don't do anything, and they sit there and sweat runs down their bodies.

Zhang Xiucheng slept for more than an hour, and after getting up, he decided to go to the crops on the soil ridge to see the growth of corn.

Zhang Xiucheng looked at the gratifying growth of corn, and his honest face was full of satisfaction.

He stood on the soil ridge and inadvertently saw Fan Xiaohua go to the toilet to relieve himself.

If you want to say that this woman is cheap and a woman is promising, it can be said that her speech and demeanor are provocative.

Fan Xiaohua finished untying her hand, lifting her pants while looking up at her face, and she was still laughing when she saw Zhang Xiucheng peeking at him going to the toilet.

Fan Xiaohua didn't get angry, but said loudly with affection: "Brother Xiucheng, what are you looking at, I've never seen a woman go to the toilet!"

Zhang Xiucheng didn't answer, but still laughed.

Fan Xiaohua walked out of the toilet, and Zhang Xiucheng asked, "Brother and sister, why did Brother Erzhu go?"

Fan Xiaohua replied: "Playing mahjong, what else will he do besides playing mahjong!"

Zhang Xiucheng let out an "oh" and deliberately opened his bearded mouth into an O-shape.

Fan Xiaohua continued: "Brother Xiucheng, the weather is very hot, come down and go to my house to rest for a while!" I just made tea, let's drink some? ”

What Fan Xiaohua said contains deep meaning and ulterior motives, it should be something in the words.

Zhang Xiucheng was not stupid, he immediately understood, smiled and said, "Okay, let me taste the tea made by my younger brother and sister, how about drinking."

Zhang Xiuli said, "poof", jumped directly from the soil ridge, came to Fan Xiaohua's house, and stood in her yard.

Zhang Xiucheng walked into the house, Fan Xiaohua followed into the house, she closed the door directly and forked the latch.

In this way, Zhang Xiucheng and Fan Xiaohua got along by mistake, Zhang Erzhu didn't know it, and his wife didn't know it.

In the following days, Fan Xiaohua and Zhang Xiucheng secretly cheated on each other, at least behind her husband's back, his wife.

If this person, no matter who he is, if he or she is lucky, the heavens will help him (her). Zhang Xiucheng and Fan Xiaohua are like that.

One night one winter, Zhang Erzhu, as an accomplice, participated in a fight and died. After trial by the court, Zhang Erzhu was not the mastermind and main offender, but an accomplice, and could be punished lightly. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

During that time, Zhang Erzhu served his sentence in prison. gave Zhang Xiucheng and Fan Xiaohua a chance, no matter what others think, what they think, how they poke their backbones, they openly get together like a couple.

Someone wants to ask: "Zhang Xiucheng and Fan Xiaohua openly got together, like two people." His wife Xiangxiu doesn't have any ideas? ”

This point must be explained clearly: Zhang Xiucheng is not afraid of his wife, regards Xiangxiu as grass mustard, no, air, and does not take into account her existence, thoughts and feelings at all. Many people in the village know that only if he doesn't beat and scold her, it's enough for her to burn high incense! She still dares to care about her, isn't that unpleasant?

When the feelings were strong, Fan Xiaohua willingly gave birth to a son for Zhang Xiucheng.

She felt it was the most important thing, and he felt that way.

A tragedy that shouldn't have happened (short story)

Tragedy struck

The discussion and worries of the masses are not superfluous, and there are completely rules to follow.

Zhang Erzhu came out of prison, borrowed 1,000 yuan from his eldest sister's house, led Fan Xiaohua to the county seat to buy clothes, and had a big meal at the best restaurant.

The next night, Zhang Erzhu set up a banquet in the town, called and invited Zhang Xiaodou, a young man from the same village, to continue his old relationship.

Zhang Xiaodou is not a good person, he usually likes to turn his wife's tongue, say bad things about others behind his back, add oil and vinegar, and add fire, making other people angry, fighting, and making awkward trouble.

Zhang Xiaodou is most concerned about the affairs of men and women in the village.

Zhang Erzhu and Zhang Xiaodou were eating, drinking, smoking and reminiscing about the old days in the restaurant in the town. It feels like time is not passing fast or slow, just right.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaodou looked left and right, and found that there was no one around, so he said mysteriously: "Brother Erzhu, there are some things that I don't know whether to say or not."

Zhang Erzhu looked at Zhang Xiaodou in a daze, and said as if surprised: "Dude, we are brothers for decades, and we are like brothers, if there is anything else that should be said or not, you just say it, I'm listening here."

Zhang Xiaodou said cautiously: "Since you went in and lived in prison, Fan Xiaohua and Zhang Xiucheng have been openly together. This is something that everyone knows, and the whole village knows it, but you alone don't know it. ”

Zhang Erzhu smiled bitterly, and then said: "It's okay, I'm not in the mood to care about these people, these things." To be honest, Fan Xiaohua followed me to give birth to a pair of children, and this is enough! As for the rest, I don't bother to care! ”

Zhang Xiaodou continued: "Fan Xiaohua also gave birth to a son to Zhang Xiucheng, and right now, Zhang Xiucheng is raising two of them!"

Zhang Erzhu lit a cigarette, combed his freshly haircut, pretended to be calm and said "oh", and then asked, "Is there such a thing?"

Zhang Xiaodou said: "Yes, it's true."

Zhang Erzhu thought to himself: It's bearable, it's unbearable, she is looking for death, and he is also looking for death!

Zhang Erzhu frowned and said, "Brother, don't say anything, don't say anything, drink and drink."

Zhang Xiaodou accompanied Zhang Erzhu to drink the remaining liquor in the bottle, and after that, they went home.

Zhang Erzhu returned home and asked about Fan Xiaohua giving birth to a son to Zhang Xiucheng.

Fan Xiaohua told the truth and told the story of giving birth to a son to Zhang Xiucheng.

Zhang Erzhu was so angry that he jumped like thunder, and he roared loudly: "Usually, you are messing with other men, I only hear it when I don't hear it, and I don't see it when I see it." Now it's good that you actually carried me behind my back and gave birth to someone else's child, you really don't take me seriously, and you deceive people too much! ”

Zhang Erzhu was emotional, and dropped the tea set on the dining table.

Zhang Erzhu's actions completely angered Fan Xiaohua, and her arrogance also came up.

Fan Xiaohua glared, pinched her waist, looked angry, and said confidently: "Zhang Erzhu, to tell you the truth, I have lived with you for a few years, and I haven't lived happily with Zhang Xiucheng for a day, are you still a man!"

As soon as Fan Xiaohua said this, Zhang Erzhu was completely enraged.

He quickly ran into the kitchen room, picked up the kitchen knife, walked up to Fan Xiaohua, raised the knife and cut the artery in her neck, and soon, she was dying.

And that's not all.

Zhang Erzhu came to Zhang Xiucheng's house with a kitchen knife again, and cut everyone he met. Zhang Xiucheng, Xiuxiang and his son were all hacked to death by Zhang Erzhu.

That night, Zhang Erzhu's two children came home from school in the town, and he hacked the two innocent children to death.

Then, he jumped off a cliff at the top of the mountain and fell to his death.

In this way, a tragedy occurred, which can also be said to be a case of extermination, which could have been avoided. In the end, there are no winners, they are all losers. This lesson is painful enough, and it is enough for people to learn from it, draw inferences, and live the rest of their lives.

Some of the people in the village said this, some said that, some said hypothetical this, and some said hypothetical that. For a while, the big guys were talking about everything.

However, realization is reality, life is life, and some things in the world still inevitably happen. It does not have assumptions, there is no need to make assumptions, it has no value for assumptions, and it loses the meaning of assumptions. I hope that from now on, tragedies like this will never happen, never, forever......

The work was completed on May 11, 2024

A tragedy that shouldn't have happened (short story)

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