
After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

author:Brief Food

In the summer, as the temperature gradually rises, the human body is prone to fatigue and loss of appetite, and health preservation is particularly important at this time. Excessive sweating can easily lead to an imbalance of water and electrolytes in the body, so it is necessary to increase the amount of water you drink, replenish water regularly, preferably warm water or light salt water, and avoid drinking too much sugary drinks and iced drinks. In summer, it is suitable to carry out an appropriate amount of outdoor activities in the morning or evening when it is cooler, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., and avoid strenuous exercise during high temperature periods to avoid heat stroke or excessive physical exertion.

After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

In addition, ensure sufficient sleep time, the days are long and the nights are short in summer, it is advisable to go to bed early and get up early, a good sleep will help restore physical strength and improve the body's resistance. High temperature is easy to make people irritable, keep a happy mood, avoid excessive mood swings, and appropriately carry out some relaxing activities, such as reading, listening to music, yoga meditation, etc. Of course, a sensible diet is also crucial. After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health!

After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

1) Ginger. Eat more ginger in summer, and in the hot summer, although the outside temperature is high, people are often overly dependent on air conditioning. At this time, moderate consumption of ginger can help the body drive away cold and warm the stomach, promote digestion, and improve the body's resistance to moisture.

After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

Ginger tea

ginger 30 grams (about a medium piece of ginger); 20 grams of brown sugar (can be adjusted according to personal taste); Water 500ml;

Ginger is washed, peeled and cut into thin slices or strips, which makes it easier to release the flavor and nutrients of the ginger.

Add 500ml of water to a pot and bring to a boil over the heat.

Once the water is boiling, put the sliced ginger into the pot and simmer for about 5-10 minutes on low heat to allow the flavor of the ginger to fully integrate into the water.

To taste, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar and continue stirring until the brown sugar is completely dissolved.

Continue to simmer for a few minutes to make the ginger tea more fragrant.

Strain off the ginger slices using a strainer or gauze, pour the ginger tea into a cup, and you're done.

After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

2: Barley. Barley (also known as coix seed, coix seed) is a medicinal and edible ingredient. Especially in the hot and humid summer, it promotes metabolism and relieves discomfort.

After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

Barley porridge: The easiest way to eat is to cook barley porridge, which can be boiled alone, or you can add other grains such as red beans, mung beans, and millet, which not only increases the flavor, but also enhances the nutritional value.

Barley tea: Stir-fry the barley until it is slightly yellow, and then soak it in water as a tea, which helps to quench thirst and dispel dampness and detoxify.

After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

3: Papaya. Papaya is also a good choice to eat in summer, papaya is not only sweet, but also nutritious, and has many benefits for the body, especially suitable for summer consumption. Papaya is low in fat and high in fiber, which is good for weight management.

Eaten directly: Ripe papaya can be eaten directly into pieces, which is the easiest and most beneficial way to retain its nutrients.

After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

Papaya Shake: Papaya is mixed with milk or yogurt and a little honey to make a smoothie, which is cool and nutritious, and is a good drink to relieve the heat in summer.

Salad: Dice papaya, mix with other fruits such as mango, strawberry, etc., and add some mint leaves to make a refreshing fruit salad.

Stewed soup: In some regions, papaya is also used to stew soups, such as papaya snow fungus stewed white fungus, which is both moisturizing and nourishing.

After entering the summer, no matter whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "3 treasures of summer" often, eat according to the season, and be in good health

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