
Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance


In the inhuman story, there is a plot where Bajie takes the initiative to get into the iron pot. In order to prove that he was "delicious", he even took the initiative to jump into a big iron pot in front of them in September and stew himself in an iron pot:

Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance
  1. Plot background: The plot takes place in Bajie and three other people (Sun Wukong, Sha Seng, Ao Lie) eating hot pot together, but they didn't bring anything and went empty-handed, so the other brothers joked and said that they wanted to eat pork hot pot. Later, during his escape, he met September, who said that raw pork could not be eaten and that there were parasites, and in order to prove his innocence and prove that his meat was safe and free of parasites, Bajie made an unexpected move.
  2. Bajie's action: In order to prove the safety of his meat, Bajie actually took the initiative to jump into the pot. This act of his not only shocked the other characters, but also brought a lot of joy to the reader. This move can be said to be Bajie's extreme confidence in the safety of his flesh, and it is also a manifestation of his honest character.
Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance

To sum up, there is indeed a plot of Bajie taking the initiative to drill into the iron pot in the inhuman story, which not only shows Bajie's character characteristics, but also adds a lot of comedy elements to the whole story.

In the inhuman story, September did boast that Bajie had a high-grade tonkatsu fragrance. Here's a detailed summary of the episode:

Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance
  1. September's sense of smell: September has a keen sense of smell, and she is able to tell a lot of information through her sense of smell. In the story, she relies on her sense of smell many times to identify people and things.
  2. Description of Bajie: When she met Bajie in September, she smelled the smell of high-end tonkatsu rice bowl. The scent made September's mouth water, as it was very tempting for her, a carnivore.
  3. September's reaction: When facing Bajie, September was not only attracted by his fragrance, but also directly praised his meat for looking very top-notch and feeling very chewy. This shows that September did give high praise to the fragrance on Bajie's body.
Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance

To sum up, in the inhuman story, September did boast that Bajie had a high-grade pork cutlet fragrance, which was also a unique and interesting evaluation of Bajie by September.

Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance

In the inhuman story, September smelled the aroma of high-grade pork cutlets on Bajie's body, which is mainly due to the following possible reasons:

Bajie's physical characteristics: Bajie, as a pig demon, may have a special body fragrance. This body fragrance may smell similar to the aroma of tonkatsu to humans, especially in September, when the sensitive sense of smell is amplified.

Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance

September's sense of smell and preference: September is a carnivore and is particularly sensitive to the aroma of meat. Therefore, when she smells the fragrance on Bajie's body, it is easy to associate this fragrance with her favorite tonkatsu.

Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance

The humor of the storyline: This plot may also be deliberately set by the author in order to increase the humor and interest of the story. By letting September smell the "tonkatsu" fragrance on Bajie's body, it not only shows the cute image of September, but also brings joy to readers.

Inhuman: Bajie staged an iron pot to stew himself, and in September, he praised his meat for its good quality and fragrance

To sum up, the reason why Bajie's meat is so fragrant in September's nose may be due to the combined effect of Bajie's physical characteristics, September's sense of smell and preferences, and the humorous setting of the storyline. It is important to note that this is just a reading of the storyline, and the specific reasons may vary depending on the reader's understanding.