
People with high blood sugar, what should they pay attention to when eating meat? To avoid elevated blood sugar, you can usually eat more of these 3 things

author:Yishui release

Hyperglycemia and diabetes are very common metabolic syndromes in clinical practice, with more than 10 million new cases almost every year, so they have also received widespread attention from the society and the public.

People with high blood sugar, what should they pay attention to when eating meat? To avoid elevated blood sugar, you can usually eat more of these 3 things

As far as the prevention and treatment of diabetes is concerned, most doctors will recommend a combination of drug treatment and dietary care to regulate from multiple aspects, and the effect may be more ideal.

In the process of dietary control, patients with high blood sugar should not only strictly limit the supplement of sugar and carbohydrate foods, but also pay attention to the consumption of meat and fishy things. So, if your blood sugar is high, what is the point of eating meat? To avoid blood sugar fluctuations, eat more of the 3 types of food.

1. What should people with high blood sugar pay attention to when eating meat?

People with high blood sugar, what should they pay attention to when eating meat? To avoid elevated blood sugar, you can usually eat more of these 3 things

According to medical advice, in addition to controlling sugar intake, friends with high blood sugar should also reduce the supplement of fat, calories and cholesterol, and the content of these substances in meat is quite rich, therefore, many sugar friends have a certain "fear" of eating meat.

However, from the perspective of nutritional structure, the amino acid components and vitamin groups in meat are indispensable to the human body, and the iron and zinc contained in it are also the basis for maintaining physical health, so if you do not eat meat dishes at all, it is not good for health.

Therefore, sugar friends should selectively supplement meat, and you can eat some meat with low fat content such as chicken breast, duck leg, lean meat, etc., which may have the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

2. Avoid elevated blood sugar, and eat more of these 3 things

1. Soy products

People with high blood sugar, what should they pay attention to when eating meat? To avoid elevated blood sugar, you can usually eat more of these 3 things

Soybeans are often referred to as "plant-based meat" by nutritionists, and its rich protein types and content can meet the needs of the human body, ensuring the daily basic energy supply and body activities of the human body.

At the same time, soybeans also contain certain dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and fecal formation, thereby improving the common constipation problem in middle-aged and elderly people, which is conducive to physical and mental well-being.

Moreover, soybeans can also promote blood sugar degradation and lipid utilization, and friends who are at risk of high blood sugar may wish to eat more on weekdays.

2. Vegetable foods

People with high blood sugar, what should they pay attention to when eating meat? To avoid elevated blood sugar, you can usually eat more of these 3 things

Patients with high blood sugar and diabetes can also eat more vegetable products to help improve their condition, and green leafy vegetables rich in water and fiber can not only produce sufficient satiety, but also reduce overall caloric requirements, which can be said to be the right-hand man of "eating full and eating well".

In addition, fresh vegetables also contain a lot of vitamins, folic acid, and plant alkaloids, which can help regulate people's metabolic rate, ease the metabolic burden on the liver and kidneys, and then reduce possible blood sugar fluctuations.

3. Eggs and dairy products

People with high blood sugar, what should they pay attention to when eating meat? To avoid elevated blood sugar, you can usually eat more of these 3 things

In addition to lean meat, sugar lovers can also try to enrich protein supplements by insuming egg products and dairy products. In the impression of many people, eggs are high-cholesterol foods, which have a greater impact on blood sugar and blood lipids, and are not suitable for patients.

However, according to the latest research, the lecithin rich in eggs can accelerate the body's metabolic degradation of cholesterol, and under the two-phase action, its effect on the overall concentration of cholesterol in the body is actually not large, so it is not a big problem to eat it appropriately.

If you are intolerant to lactose and galactose in dairy products, you can also try to drink pre-treated sugar-free milk, which can not only increase the absorption of lactoferrin, but also avoid blood sugar out-of-control, killing two birds with one stone.