
Visit Comic Con and play a super fun game by the way!

author:Game Teahouse

Hello everyone, I'm Max sharing the game for you! As a heavy gamer, I didn't go to travel to see the crowds on May Day, but came to the Chengdu World Line Comic Con to watch coser, play games, and buy millet.

Although it was a comic con, there were also a lot of indie game demos at the show, which was the main purpose of my visit.

And one of the things that impressed me the most was a card-based domestic indie game - "Skywalker"

Visit Comic Con and play a super fun game by the way!

Although I had never heard of this game before, it was obvious that the enthusiasm of the players on the scene was still very high!

Visit Comic Con and play a super fun game by the way!

After waiting a little bit, I joined them, tried the game, and briefly chatted with the staff about how it was like to play.

My first impression of the game was that the art style was more beautiful, and it was generally cartoon-style, but it didn't have the greasy feel of Japanese cartoons.

Overall, the gameplay is relatively simple, which is the most classic card game and tower defense game fusion gameplay, you need to constantly play cards and place them on the spaceship to prevent the invasion of monsters.

Visit Comic Con and play a super fun game by the way!

Although there are still some numerical problems with the gameplay of the game, it is still interesting to play overall.

In addition to the selection of decks, the space on the spaceship is also limited, so players need to plan reasonably and achieve the best match in the limited space.

Of course, you can also gather the crew to help yourself, and the crew can also be sent to the academy for "further study" and upgrade

In addition to recruiting crews, you can also upgrade and modify your ship.

Visit Comic Con and play a super fun game by the way!

Of course, this game trial,I only played a small part of the game content.,So I went back and searched for some B station videos and looked at them.,I think it's indeed playable.,And I heard that the developer is still adjusting the game.,There will be different genres launched next.,I'm looking forward to it.。

Visit Comic Con and play a super fun game by the way!

The game has also been put on Steam, so if you are interested, you can download it and play! I also hope that you can support the research and development of the two solo games and add a wave of wishlists~

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