
The deputy spokesman of the UN Secretary-General responded to "the representative of Israel shatters the UN Charter": I have been at the UN for a long time and have seen too much


On May 10, local time, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on Palestine's accession to the United Nations, which became the focus of the outside world, and the Israeli representative even made an astonishing move to "smash the UN Charter" at the United Nations General Assembly. According to information posted on CCTV reporter Xu Dezhi's social media, after the UN General Assembly, Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, said in response to a question at a press conference that he would not comment on the actions of the representatives of various countries, but the premise of the United Nations as an organization is respect for the UN Charter. When pressed, Farhan also said that he had "been at the United Nations for a long time and had seen too much."


At a press conference held on the same day, reporters asked about Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Erdan's move to "shatter the UN Charter" at the UN General Assembly: What is the Secretary-General's view on this scene?

The deputy spokesman of the UN Secretary-General responded to "the representative of Israel shatters the UN Charter": I have been at the UN for a long time and have seen too much

Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Erdan smashed the UN Charter at the UN General Assembly The picture is from the screenshot of the US media video

Farhan responded: We will not comment...... As we have said, we will not comment on the statements of the representatives, and we will not comment on the remarks of the representatives, whether in the past or in the present, that such dramatic effects are carried out by Member States or are an indispensable part of the presentation.

The deputy spokesman of the UN Secretary-General responded to "the representative of Israel shatters the UN Charter": I have been at the UN for a long time and have seen too much

At a press conference, the Deputy Spokesperson of the UN Secretary-General, Farhan, responded to questions about the actions of the Israeli representative

"But when it comes to the Charter, it is clear that respect for the Charter of the United Nations is the premise of the observance of the United Nations as an organization, and that all Member States have pledged to defend the Charter of the United Nations, and we expect them to live up to their obligations." Farhan continued.

The reporter asked: Do you feel uncomfortable seeing this picture on TV?

"I've been at the United Nations for a long time and I've seen too much. He then pulled out a new copy of the UN Charter from his shirt and said, "There are many more Charters, such as this one, which is intact and the idea has not been damaged." ”

The deputy spokesman of the UN Secretary-General responded to "the representative of Israel shatters the UN Charter": I have been at the UN for a long time and have seen too much

In response to a question at a press conference, Deputy Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, Farhan Haq, said that the UN still has a lot of Charter.

"You 'resurrected' it." The journalist said.

"The charter is with us. As I said, this is the basic document of the United Nations, and as long as the United Nations exists, the Charter remains. Farhan said.

According to the live video footage released earlier by the Associated Press and other media, after the UN General Assembly passed the resolution on the accession of Palestine to the United Nations, Israeli representative Erdan said at the meeting, "Today, I will hold up a mirror for you." He then took out a small paper shredder and inserted the cover of the Charter of the United Nations into it to shred, saying, "You are tearing up the Charter of the United Nations with your own hands."

According to Al Jazeera, Iran's foreign ministry later said in a statement that the move showed Israel's "arrogance" and that Israel believed that the UN Charter would only be valuable if member states remained silent about its attack on Gaza. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani also posted on platform X accusing Israel of "serious violations of international humanitarian law and charges of genocide by killing more than 34,000 women, children and innocent civilians in seven months of war crimes" and "shameful criminals." ”

Following the adoption of a resolution granting more rights to Palestine at the emergency special session of the General Assembly, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued a statement thanking the countries that voted for Palestine at the meeting for their "support for truth and justice." In his statement, Abbas said the overwhelming vote in favor of Palestine demonstrated the world's support for the freedom and rights of the Palestinian people and its rejection of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land and aggression against the Palestinian people. In the light of the results of this vote, the State of Palestine will continue its efforts to adopt the decisions of the Security Council leading to full membership in the United Nations and calls on more States to recognize the State of Palestine.

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