
married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

author:Frye talks about gossip

1. The bustling urban entertainment industry that accompanies the arrival of night has always left people with a strong stereotype of vanity and vulgarity. However, on this seemingly noisy stage, there are actually many famous female movie stars who are extremely loyal to their marriage.

These brave and beautiful women interpret what sincere love is with practical actions, and devote themselves to the construction of marriage and family.

Some of them chose to enter the marriage hall with their young and ignorant first love, from falling in love at first sight in their youth to supporting each other in their later years; Others have established a deep emotional bond with their mentors, and sincere love has gradually developed between teachers and students.

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

They have gone through countless hardships and many tests, and in the face of various temptations and interferences from the outside world, they have always been steadfast and sincere in their lovers.

Because of this, we can witness that pure love still has a world of its own in the entertainment industry. In the face of the dazzling and heart-warming temptation of fame and fortune, they have always adhered to the awe of marriage in their hearts, carefully caring for each other's feelings, so that we can glimpse the purest and most moving face of love in this seemingly illusory world.

Second, the master-apprentice relationship is deep

In the minds of the audience, Mr. Dai Chunrong is always eye-catching with his temperament of not being angry and arrogant and the coldness revealed between his eyebrows. After all, she rose to fame by successfully portraying the role of a ruthless queen in a hit series.

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

However, what is less known is that before becoming an actor, Mr. Dai was a highly skilled Qin-style performing artist. Her husband, Hao Jie, is also a leader in the industry, and the two have formed a deep friendship between master and apprentice in the artistic world of opera.

At first, Hao Jie, as a senior opera senior, did not expect to be able to tie the knot with Dai Chunrong in the future.

Now, they have walked hand in hand for more than 30 years, although Mr. Dai has made great achievements in his acting career, their relationship has always been the same, and they have interpreted the beautiful vision of "master and apprentice are open, and a hundred years of good together" with practical actions.

One presents a wonderful performance for the audience on the stage, and the other silently dedicates and accompanies behind the scenes, they are undoubtedly a model couple in the opera industry.

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

3. First love deep

In the long river of time, the emotional story of Gui Yalei and her husband Zhang Mengkui is like a romantic epic, with ups and downs and touching. When Angelica Yalei was only 18 years old, they met by a chance encounter, and the spark of love at first sight was ignited instantly, which was the first love diary they wrote together.

At that time, they were young and frivolous, full of enthusiasm, full of longing for the future life, but unknown challenges and problems were waiting for them to overcome.

In the warm and sweet years of love, Gui Yalei's acting career was booming, her popularity soared, and there were many rich suitors around her, trying to snatch her away from Zhang Mengkui with wealth and power. However, Gui Yalei remained steadfast, and she replied with a smile: "I, as early as the age of 18, have already decided that he is the only one in my life. ”

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

Now, they have gone through 50 years of ups and downs hand in hand, from the youthful love of youth to the current sunset red years, Gui Yalei and Zhang Mengkui have become indispensable partners in each other's lives. Looking back on the past, they all felt glad for their original choice, and sighed that their fate with each other was like heaven.

Yuan Quan's husband Xia Yu was also her first love in college. After 10 years of long-distance love, they finally entered the palace of marriage, and although they went through twists and turns, they were still able to achieve positive results in the end. Now they are still in love and have a deep relationship, as if they have returned to the sweet moment when they decided to spend the rest of their lives together, which is enviable.

Fourth, family grinding

Wang Ji, the resilient woman, is both a dutiful wife and a great mother. She shoulders the responsibility of taking care of her son with intellectual disability, and at the same time fully supports her husband Gao Feng in his career efforts.

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

In the face of various difficulties in the family, she has never given up and has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude.

Wang Ji's son has suffered from intellectual disability since he was a child, which undoubtedly caused her a lot of pressure. As a mother, her greatest wish is to see her children grow up healthy and happy. However, the reality is often not satisfactory, and she can only patiently guide the child and help him overcome difficulties. Whenever the child loses control of his emotions due to his inability to understand complex things, she always hugs him gently and gives him endless comfort.

However, she also needs to dedicate herself wholeheartedly to her husband's peak career and give everything to his success. Gao Feng, an outstanding actor, and Wang Ji is his most solid support and backing. On the days when Gao Feng was away from work, she had to take care of the complicated and trivial affairs at home alone, take care of the daily life of the children, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of helping her husband solve his troubles and solve problems.

Despite the difficulties of their families, they have also fallen into quarrels and accusations, but in the end, they are able to find spiritual resonance and harmony.

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

So far, their son has gone through 30 years of ups and downs, and despite some intellectual deficiencies, he is still living a stable and happy life under the careful care and care of his parents. Whenever Wang Ji stared at her son's innocent smiling face, she could always feel that powerful spiritual pillar. Gao Feng, too, accompanies his wife as much as possible after the work is completed, giving her selfless support and encouragement.

Wu Mian's husband, Gao Yuan, is an unknown literary and artistic worker. It is precisely because of his firm support and companionship for decades that Wu Mian was able to show his talent on the stage and present one wonderful performance after another for the audience. Gao Yuan often joked to himself that without his hard work behind the scenes, Wu Mian might not have been able to devote himself to his work. In fact, in Wu Mian's heart, her husband's words are the greatest support and encouragement, and over the years, she has always repaid Gao Yuan for her great help to her career with practical actions.

Fifth, a happy life

For He Saifei and her husband Dink, entering the palace of marriage is undoubtedly a long and challenging journey. They have experienced a decade-long love run, and they have also encountered many obstacles and doubts during this time.

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

He Saifei's relatives in his hometown are most worried about her advanced age and childbirth, fearing that it will be difficult for the couple to have healthy offspring.

However, facts have proved that He Saifei's persistence and hard work have been duly rewarded. When she turned thirty-five years old, she finally ushered in the long-awaited news of pregnancy. When the whole family learned the good news, they were all overjoyed and beaming.

Since then, He Saifei and Dink have lived the happy life that their parents have been waiting for for a long time, and the arrival of their son has injected endless warmth and joy into this small family.

Juanzi, the once smash hit pop icon, has many loyal fans. However, she was not bound by fame and fortune, but chose a low-key lifestyle and married an outsider.

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

In the days after marriage, Juan Zi has always lived a simple but extremely happy life, and has welcomed two lovely sons, and now they have grown into handsome and chic young people. Whenever she watched the two brothers follow the rules and be as quiet as humble gentlemen, Juanzi's mother felt endless joy and pride in her heart.

Similarly, Wu Yufang's marriage to her husband is a model for the world. After more than 30 years of marriage, the couple has always been inseparable, and their relationship is as rich as mellow old wine. And their two daughters are also like a copy of their parents, beautiful and moving, each with their own strengths.

With such a harmonious and happy family as a solid backing, Wu Yufang was able to display her talents without scruples on the road of her career and devote herself to every role. Whenever she changes into a new costume, she always gently caresses the choker around her neck, silently praying for the safety and health of her family. This deep blessing is the inexhaustible motivation for her to shine brightly on the stage.

From Dai Chunrong, Wang Ji to Wu Mian, from Gui Yalei, Chen Baoguo to Yuan Quan, these female stars who have made brilliant achievements in the entertainment industry have interpreted what loyal and unswerving love is with practical actions. Some of them are married to their first lovers, some have feelings between master and apprentice, and some have experienced the baptism of family ups and downs. However, no matter what the situation is, they do everything to care for each other and do their best to maintain this deep relationship.

married to the 18 female stars who were married to their first love, holding hands for a lifetime, and two pairs were in a master-apprentice relationship.

It is precisely because of these touching stories that we can see that sincere love still has a place in the entertainment industry. In this glamorous but complex world, they defend the purest pursuit of love with unwavering faith.

Their life journey has witnessed that as long as they give sincerely, no difficulty can stop them.

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