
"The bloody game was banned, and the people were angry! Their voices are heartwarming."

author:Positive energy orange 1DKBG7H


In recent years, with the booming esports industry, various types of video games have sprung up, attracting a large number of players to join it, including many young players. However, at the same time, the problem of game addiction has gradually become prominent, affecting the physical and mental health of some teenagers, and bringing a certain negative impact on their learning and life. In the face of the problem of teenagers' game addiction, parents, schools and society are thinking and discussing, hoping to find effective ways and means to help them grow up healthily.

"The bloody game was banned, and the people were angry! Their voices are heartwarming."

1. Parents' care and education

Parents are more concerned about the problem of teenagers' game addiction, they want their children to grow up healthy and happy, and game addiction often makes this wish unrealizable. Therefore, when faced with the problem of children's game addiction, parents often take some measures in the hope of effectively helping them out of the predicament.

# 1. Limit playtime

Many parents choose to limit their child's playtime, either by limiting the amount of time their child can play in a day, or by requiring them to play only after completing a learning task. Limiting play time appropriately can help children establish a correct concept of learning and life, so that they can better organize their time and not fall into a state of overindulgence.

# 2. Communicate with your child

In addition to simply limiting play time, communication between parents and children is also very important, and they should listen patiently to their children's inner thoughts and understand why they are addicted to gaming. Only by finding the root cause of the problem can parents help their children adjust their state in a targeted manner, so as to better face the temptation of play.

# 3. Cultivate a variety of hobbies

In addition to games, parents can also help their children develop other hobbies and hobbies, giving them more options to try out a variety of activities. By participating in sports, arts, and other activities, it can help children develop themselves in an all-round way, and at the same time, they can unconsciously keep them away from games and enjoy the fun brought by different fields.

# 4. Establish incentives

In the process of helping children establish a correct outlook on life and values, parents can also appropriately establish some incentive mechanisms to reward and affirm their children. When children behave well, study hard, and actively participate in various activities, parents can give timely affirmation and encouragement, so that they can realize the gains brought by hard work, so as to form a positive attitude towards life.

"The bloody game was banned, and the people were angry! Their voices are heartwarming."

Second, the joint efforts of the school and society

In addition to the care and education of parents, the role of schools and society is also very important, and they also need to take responsibility for the healthy growth of teenagers and work together to help them stay away from game addiction.

# 1. Diversified education guidance

In terms of school education, more attention should be paid to diversified education guidance and continuous enrichment of students' extracurricular life. In addition to learning knowledge, students should also develop practical ability, teamwork consciousness and innovative spirit, so that they can gain something in various fields and find their own direction of life development.

# 2. Strengthen the regulation of the gaming industry

At the social level, the relevant authorities also need to strengthen the supervision of the game industry, regulate the development and promotion of games, jointly resist the emergence of bad games, and protect young people from bad information. Only by allowing more healthy and uplifting works to enter the field of vision of young people can we effectively guide them to establish a correct outlook on life and values.

# 3. Enhance the awareness of self-protection among teenagers

In the process of helping teenagers stay away from game addiction, it is also necessary to enhance their awareness of self-protection, so that they can clearly understand the harm of game addiction and learn the correct game concept and self-protection methods. Only when their own awareness and ability are improved, can teenagers better resist the temptation of play and grow up healthy and happy.

"The bloody game was banned, and the people were angry! Their voices are heartwarming."


Although the game is a double-edged sword, it can bring joy and relaxation, but if you indulge in it, it can bring a series of problems. Therefore, while enjoying the fun of the game, we must also learn to control and make the game a part of a colorful life, not the whole of life. It is hoped that through the joint efforts of parents, schools and society, we can effectively help teenagers establish a correct outlook on life and values, stay away from the trouble of game addiction, and grow up healthy and happy.

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