
"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

author:Be on the front line


As an important form of cultural expression, film carries rich artistic value and profound social significance, and plays an important role in guiding social values and promoting social progress. However, in the process of film creation, some immoral behaviors and contents often appear, causing widespread concern and controversy in society. Recently, the filming process of a film once again introduced "fake scenes and real doing" into the public eye, and the filmmaking team used the method of "fake scenes and real doing" on the grounds of "authenticity" when filming rape scenes, which caused strong controversy and condemnation in society, and also once again triggered people's thinking about the morality and value orientation of films.

1. Overview of the incident: The production of rape scenes adopts the method of "fake scenes and real doing", which has caused social controversy

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

Recently, the filming process of a movie has once again aroused widespread heated discussions and controversies in the society, the film involves the filming of a rape scene, and when making this scene, the film production team actually used the "fake scene" method on the grounds of "authenticity", that is, without informing the actors, directly carried out "real" shooting, once this move was exposed, it immediately triggered a strong response and condemnation from all walks of life, and many netizens expressed extreme indignation at this, believing that this practice seriously hurt the feelings and personality of the actorsIt is also a great humiliation for victims of sexual assault and a complete violation of ethics and professional conduct.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted
"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

2. Social reaction: strong condemnation and concern about the "fake show".

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

In the face of such an irresponsible practice of the film production team, all walks of life have also expressed their own views and attitudes, expressing strong condemnation and dissatisfaction with this, believing that the behavior of the film production team seriously offends the audience's moral bottom line, and is also a serious damage to film art, and this practice will also greatly harm the actors, so that they can experience great mental and spiritual trauma without consent, and this kind of injury may even accompany the actor's life, which has a great impact on his career and life.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

In addition, some people are worried that this kind of "fake drama and real thing" method is easily misunderstood by the audience, making them think that sexual violence and assault is a normal and acceptable behavior, which is a great misleading and harmful behavior for the whole society, and will also have a great negative impact on our understanding and response to the problem of sexual violence, and may even make more people become perpetrators or victims of sexual violence.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted
"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

3. Reflection and Reflection: The Ethical and Artistic Balance of Filmmaking

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

Such an incident has once again made people think deeply about the morality and value orientation of filmmaking, and when pursuing the authenticity and shock of film and television works, can we ignore the feelings and personality of the actors? How should we view the phenomenon of "fake drama and real play"? And how to complete the various dramatic conflicts and creative requirements in film works on the premise of protecting the actors?

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

In fact, film, as a special art form, does require a certain degree of fiction and performance, and the so-called "authenticity" is more based on the audience's identification with the inner emotions and thoughts of film and television works, rather than really needing to let actors experience real harm and infringement during the filming process.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

Therefore, when the film producer is creating, it must fully consider the feelings and rights and interests of the actors, and when it comes to some sensitive and psychological conflicts with great psychological pressure, it should use reasonable shooting techniques and post-production methods to complete these scenes, rather than using the method of "fake drama and real work" to hurt the actors and offend the audience's bottom line.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

4. Countermeasures: Build a respectful and safe environment for film creation

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

In view of the problems and contradictions exposed by this incident, we should fundamentally solve them, so that the moral and artistic orientations in film creation can be better balanced, and can also bring positive energy and deep thinking to the audience.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

First of all, filmmakers should strengthen education and training on ethics and law, raise awareness of humanitarian principles, and make them aware of the serious harm and negative impact of "fake plays", so that they can consciously resist such bad creative methods, truly put people first, put morality first, fully respect actors in the creative process, and convey positive and healthy social values.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

Secondly, we also need to establish stricter and more complete ethical guidelines and creative norms within the industry, clearly stipulating that any form of sexual violence and infringement is not allowed in film creation, and when it comes to some sensitive dramatic conflicts, we must also follow up and supervise the whole process to ensure that all filming work is carried out with the informed consent of the actors, and also provide psychological counseling and protective measures for the actors, so that they can complete their performances and creations in a safe and respectful environment.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

Finally, film creators should be more aware of their social responsibility, they are not only making a film and television work, but also conveying a specific emotion and thought to the audience, and should actively guide the audience's emotional resonance and deep thinking, convey positive energy and positive values, arouse social attention and reflection on the issue of sexual violence, and also allow the audience to enjoy the film works at the same time, they can have a certain inspiration and change in social reality.

"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted
"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted


"Edge scenes" come to life: dark chapters in the history of cinema continue uninterrupted

As an important form of cultural expression, film does require a certain amount of creative freedom and imagination, but this does not mean that it can ignore the restrictions of morality and law, nor can it arbitrarily hurt the feelings and personality of actors and audiences in the name of pursuing "authenticity".

What we are looking forward to is not only a film and television work, but also a deep reflection and care for social reality, as well as a firm belief and call for the bright side of human nature.

It is hoped that in the future, film creation can truly achieve the harmony and unity of art and society, bring the audience the enjoyment of beauty and the shock of the soul, and also become an important force to promote social progress and humanistic care.

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