
Zhou Hongyi suddenly fell ill! Wearing a mask and pricking needles to no avail, the day before I actually received a strange beauty to hand water!

author:Ouyang Yuhan
Zhou Hongyi suddenly fell ill! Wearing a mask and pricking needles to no avail, the day before I actually received a strange beauty to hand water!

The health crisis of the tech giants

In this era of rapid technological development, we are accustomed to thinking of the founders of tech companies as supermen who can do anything and never get tired. A recent shocking incident has made us realize that even these tech giants are not omnipotent, and they are also subject to physical and environmental threats and constraints.

The event passed

On May 7, Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360 Company, suddenly fell ill after participating in the 2024 Beijing Auto Show. On the same day, he posted a video on social media, and he was seen wearing an oxygen mask, his voice was weak, and he kept coughing, and his state was worrying. What's even more puzzling is that in the video, his finger was pricked three times, and no blood came out at all.

Zhou Hongyi suddenly fell ill! Wearing a mask and pricking needles to no avail, the day before I actually received a strange beauty to hand water!

The bizarre symptom immediately sparked a heated discussion online. Some netizens may have seen this situation after Zhou Hongyi drank the Kaifeng water handed to him by a strange woman at the auto show. The video shows that a strange woman did approach Zhou Hongyi that day and handed him a bottle of mineral water that had been opened. Although Zhou Hongyi asked her if she was an employee of the company, she still took a sip.

Possible causes are discussed

In the face of this bizarre illness, netizens have put forward various speculations. One theory is that Zhou Hongyi's finger was abnormally swollen at the end, which may be an early sign of lung diseases such as lung cancer, known as "clubbing". Another popular speculation is the poisoning theory, suspecting that the bottle of water may have been tampered with, causing Zhou Hongyi's poisoning.

Zhou Hongyi suddenly fell ill! Wearing a mask and pricking needles to no avail, the day before I actually received a strange beauty to hand water!

Some netizens believe that Zhou Hongyi may be due to long-term high-intensity work pressure, which leads to serious abnormalities in physical functions. Some people also suspect that this is a new type of virus attack carried out by hackers on Zhou Hongyi, which affected his physical functions.


Whatever the reason, Zhou Hongyi's sudden appearance of this symptom undoubtedly shocked the entire technology community. As the founder of 360, his health condition may have a direct impact on the normal operation of the company. The development of a company largely depends on the decision-making and leadership of the founder. If Zhou Hongyi's condition continues to deteriorate, he will have to temporarily hand over power, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for 360.

Zhou Hongyi suddenly fell ill! Wearing a mask and pricking needles to no avail, the day before I actually received a strange beauty to hand water!

On the other hand, this incident has also triggered a high level of public attention to food safety and cybersecurity. If it is really as netizens guessed, Zhou Hongyi was poisoned or hacked, then this will completely subvert people's trust in the daily life environment. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and even the online world can be uncertain. This all-round sense of insecurity will inevitably prompt relevant departments to increase supervision.

Suggestions for coping

Zhou Hongyi suddenly fell ill! Wearing a mask and pricking needles to no avail, the day before I actually received a strange beauty to hand water!

In the face of this crisis, we should not stop at speculation and suspicion, but also reflect on how to avoid such incidents in the first place. For tech professionals, taking care of your health and mindful work-life balance is a top priority. The source of innovation is a healthy body and a strong mental state.

Food safety supervision also needs to be strengthened urgently. We must cut off the flow of toxic and harmful substances into the market at the source to ensure that the public is safe from eating. For cybersecurity, it is also urgent to raise awareness of protection and increase investment. We need to be on the lookout for hacker attacks on individuals and businesses to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

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