
Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

author:Little Tree Stories

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When the "immigrant dream" and the "workplace reality" collide fiercely, what kind of sparks will be created?

The 17 Hong Kong people's workplace trip to the UK was expected to be the starting point of a new life, but they did not expect to encounter unprecedented discrimination and difficulties.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

They bravely went on strike in order to fight for a better working environment, but the result was unexpected - they were ruthlessly fired.

What was it like? What are the profound lessons of their experiences? Let's uncover this shocking story and explore the truth and reflection behind it.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

Hong Kong people chasing dreams, the dilemma of reality

The 17 Hong Kong people found temporary jobs in a factory in the UK through intermediaries.

I thought this was the beginning of a new life, but I didn't expect it to be just a prelude to a predicament.

In the UK, the working style of casual or casual workers is very common, and it has also become the mainstream work of these Hong Kong immigrants.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

But they soon discovered that they were not being treated with the respect and treatment they deserved in the British workplace.

They are assigned to high-loaded, high-efficiency positions, while workers of other nationalities are able to work leisurely in relatively easy jobs.

This apparent differential treatment has made them feel unprecedented pressure and unfairness.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

Went on strike to defend his rights, but was fired

In the face of such injustice, these Hong Kong people decided to stand up and defend their rights.

They organized a joint strike and put forward reasonable demands from the management to be polite to employees and reduce the number of job transfers. However, the result of the strike was not what they expected.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

On the day of the strike, the representatives of the long-term workers who had made the request with them were able to work normally after the strike ended, while all the casual workers who participated in the strike were ruthlessly dismissed by the company.

What is even more difficult for them to accept is that the company still has problems such as not paying wages in line with working hours and insufficient wages.

The incident quickly sparked a heated discussion on social media.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

Many netizens have expressed their support for these Hong Kong people and condemned the discrimination in the British workplace.

The awkward position of a "second-class citizen".

In fact, the experience of these 17 Hong Kong people is not unique.

Since the 2019 Hong Kong "legislative amendment turmoil", the UK has relaxed immigration restrictions for BNO passport holders, and more and more Hong Kong people have chosen to move to the UK.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

However, their life in the UK is not as rosy as they could have imagined.

Housing, employment, health care and education have all been struggling.

The social status and living conditions of many Hong Kong people in the UK are far from what they expected.

They found that in the UK, they were treated as "second-class citizens" and suffered from all kinds of discrimination and injustice.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

This embarrassing position made them feel helpless and frustrated.

They began to wonder if they had made the right choice and whether they should continue to stay in the UK.

Lawyers speak out to reveal the nature of discrimination

In the face of this incident, a British lawyer stood up and spoke out.

They said that the placement of work on the basis of an employee's nationality was clearly discriminatory.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

This kind of discrimination not only violates the provisions of the British labour law, but also seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of these Hong Kong people.

However, it is not easy to prove such discrimination.

These Hong Kong people need to provide hard evidence to support their allegations.

At the same time, the lawyer also pointed out that in the UK, strikes must follow certain legal procedures.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

The strike did not follow these procedures and could therefore be considered absenteeism by the employer and a breach of the employment contract.

This incident has undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to these Hong Kong people.

Not only do they lose their jobs, but they also face the risk of legal trouble. It has also made other Hong Kong migrants to the UK nervous, fearing that they will face a similar predicament.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

With the advent of the return wave, Hong Kong people are re-examining their immigration dreams

At the same time, with the tightening of immigration policies in the UK and the growing negative perception of Hong Kong people moving to the UK, more and more Hong Kong people are choosing to return to Hong Kong or other countries.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

They shared their reasons for returning to the country on social media, including not adjusting to life in the UK, their children's education problems, financial pressures and cultural differences.

The returning Hong Kong people said that they originally thought that immigration was a beautiful dream, but the reality made them feel unprecedented frustration and hardship.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

Political commentators in Hong Kong have also pointed out that the growing number of Hong Kong people who have emigrated to the UK are choosing to return, which not only reflects their optimism about the future development of Hong Kong and the country, but also reveals the huge gap between the promises of Western politicians and reality.

Is immigration a dream or a nightmare?

This incident has undoubtedly sparked widespread controversy and reflection.

Is immigration a dream or a nightmare? Different people have different opinions on this issue.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

Some people see immigration as a brave choice, a manifestation of the quest for a better life; While others believe that immigration is a risky and challenging process that requires great effort and cost.

In any case, this incident has brought us profound enlightenment: we must face the dilemmas and challenges of reality while pursuing our dreams; While pursuing personal interests, we should also pay attention to social fairness and justice; Before making a major decision, fully understand and weigh the pros and cons.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!


No matter how many setbacks and difficulties Hong Kong people have encountered in the British workplace, the motherland has always been their most solid support and the warmest harbor.

In recent years, with the rapid development and rise of the motherland, more and more Hong Kong people have begun to re-examine their choices and positioning.

They gradually realized that on the land of the motherland, they can not only enjoy a broader space for development and more opportunities, but also feel the warmth and sense of belonging of home.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

Therefore, more and more Hong Kong people are choosing to return to the motherland to develop their careers and lives.

In short, while migration can bring some new opportunities, it also requires a variety of challenges, and the most important thing is to be able to find a sense of belonging and happiness wherever you are.

For those who are considering immigrating or have already emigrated, perhaps they should look at this issue more rationally, not blindly pursue the Western way of life, but make the most suitable choice according to their actual situation and needs.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, 17 Hong Kong people who moved to the UK went on strike and were immediately fired, netizens: deserved!

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