
The latest progress of the new Xiaomi SU7 "lying nest": the owner said that the negotiation has been completed

The latest progress of the new Xiaomi SU7 "lying nest": the owner said that the negotiation has been completed

Southern Metropolis Daily

2024-05-11 14:55Posted on the official account of Guangdong Southern Metropolis Daily

As the market continues to heat up, the quality control quality and after-sales service of Xiaomi cars have become more and more the focus of the industry.

On May 6, in Xiamen, Fujian, Mr. Wen, the owner of the car involved, posted a video on social platforms saying that the new Xiaomi SU7 car he bought broke down at the high speed just after leaving the 4S store, driving 39 kilometers before and after, and had to be towed back to the delivery center. Mr. Wen posted a video on his personal social platform, showing that the screen in the car shows that the vehicle is about to close, please pull over safely, please contact the online service center. Later, the screen shows that the drive system is faulty and it is impossible to change gears.

Subsequently, Mr. Wen changed his name to "the weakest Xiaomi SU7 owner" on social platforms, and said: "There is no after-sales maintenance, and the car will not be replaced, and the car must be rescheduled, I want to change the car, not return the car, and the vehicle is still parked in the delivery center." ”

In the latest video released by Mr. Wen, the owner of the car involved, the owner said that he had gone to the Xiamen Center of Xiaomi Auto on May 9 and had completed the negotiation. In this regard, the reporter from Nandu asked the relevant person in charge of Xiaomi Automobile for verification, but has not received an official reply as of press time.

The latest progress of the new Xiaomi SU7 "lying nest": the owner said that the negotiation has been completed

According to previous media reports, the initial plan given by Xiaomi Auto After-sales for Mr. Wen was to return the car, and the chat screenshots it showed showed that the Xiaomi Auto customer service staff was negotiating a refund with Mr. Wen. The customer service staff confirmed the vehicle failure in the chat, but the cause needs to be returned to the factory for further analysis, and it cannot be repaired for the time being.

The latest progress of the new Xiaomi SU7 "lying nest": the owner said that the negotiation has been completed

On May 8, Mr. Wen responded to the media: "It may be that the influence has expanded after the fermentation of the Internet, and now the after-sales promise of Xiaomi Auto can replace me with a new car." But if it is replaced with a new car, I hope that Xiaomi will give priority to producing a car for me, because it will take too long to wait for the rescheduling of production, and it may have to wait until next year, which is unacceptable, and it will be okay if you wait for a month. ”

There are screenshots on the Internet showing that the staff of Xiaomi Auto subsequently agreed to change the car for the owner, and under the condition that the original order number is not changed, the official application will schedule a new vehicle according to the original order number of the system. For the waiting period from the date of signing the replacement agreement to the date of delivery of the replacement new car, Xiaomi Auto can compensate the owner for the right to travel (150 yuan in cash or equivalent points per day, optional).

Just recently, Xiaomi Auto's official Weibo announced the latest delivery and lock order volume of Xiaomi SU7: from the first delivery on April 3, 7058 units have been delivered in April. As of 24:00 on April 30, the number of Xiaomi SU7 locked orders reached 88,063 units. At present, Xiaomi is fully expanding production. Previously, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, had said that the delivery target in June would exceed 10,000 units, and through communication with the supply chain, Xiaomi SU7 plans to complete 100,000 deliveries by the end of 2024.

For Xiaomi Automobile, which is fully expanding production, quality control and quality are also key links that cannot be ignored. Xiaomi SU7 can complete the delivery target of 100,000 units by the end of the year, nearly 6,000 yuan of high premiums, brake pad area and car machine system fluency and other topics that users are concerned about will be optimized and improved in the follow-up, Nandu reporters will continue to pay attention. 

Nandu reporter Yu Dian sent from Shanghai

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  • The latest progress of the new Xiaomi SU7 "lying nest": the owner said that the negotiation has been completed
  • The latest progress of the new Xiaomi SU7 "lying nest": the owner said that the negotiation has been completed

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