
Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

author:Jingle Sports
Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

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Text | North Lemon

Edit | Mo Han

On this exotic May 10th, the WTT Saudi Grand Slam is like a spring in the desert, making the passion of table tennis boil over the Arabian Peninsula. The warriors of the National Table Tennis Legion, like a group of magicians in battle robes, conjured one miracle after another with their rackets, leaving audiences all over the world stunned.

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

In the women's doubles field, the "dream combination" of Wang Manyu and Chen Meng seems to be double musketeers who have traveled through time and space, sealing their throats with one sword and directly taking the throat of the Korean pair, so that before the opponent can react, the trophy is already in their hands. This picture is almost like the plot in a martial arts novel, the master has a trick, not because of how gorgeous the move is, but because of the fatal blow.

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

In men's doubles, Ma Long and Wang Chuqin, the "old and young pair", deduced what "ginger is still old and spicy, and tender is also delicious enough". They joined forces, as if they were a combination of peerless masters and genius teenagers on the rivers and lakes, and with one look and one wave, the Japanese group became a sparring partner. Especially Ma Long, the sentence after the game, "I used to fly with him, and now he takes me to fly", is simply humorous and touching, and people can't help but want to say, Brother Ma Long, are you declaring yourself "rejuvenation" in disguise?

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

And Chen Meng's women's singles matchup against Hina Hayada is simply "the queen's coronation". As soon as Chen Meng made a move, he knew if there was any, and he swept the opponent directly, this momentum simply told the world that I am in charge of my territory, and the singles quota for the Paris Olympics? That has to be mine!

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

The civil war between Sun Yingsha and Wang Yidi is simply "a master's move, a deadly move, and every step is terrifying". Sun Yingsha's expression management is simply "Mount Tai collapses in front and does not change color", no matter how Wang Yidi fights back, she is immovable, as steady as an old monk. This game is not only a comparison of ball skills, but also psychological warfare, Sun Yingsha interpreted "the heart is like stopping water, and the ball moves with your heart" with practical actions.

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

Looking back at this duel, the victory of national table tennis is not only a victory of technology, but also a victory of mentality. Sun Yingsha's calmness, Chen Meng's calmness, and Ma Long's open-mindedness, everyone is telling us in different ways that table tennis is not only a contest of strength and speed, but also a game of wisdom and heart. This is the charm of table tennis, and it is also the reason why national table tennis makes us proud.

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

In short, this Grand Slam match of national table tennis in Saudi Arabia is like a visual feast, and every game is a well-cooked dish, which makes people have endless memories. Their laughter and anger on the field all touched our hearts, and let us be excited, think and grow together. This is the power of sports, and it is also the most beautiful gift given to us by national table tennis.

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

Behind this feast, we should think deeply about the fact that the reason why national table tennis can become an evergreen tree in the world table tennis arena is not only due to the individual talent and hard work of the athletes, but also the systematic training and innovative tactical concepts of the Chinese table tennis team for decades. Every drop of sweat, every reflection after failure, is an indispensable part of casting brilliance. This is not only the embodiment of sportsmanship, but also the perfect interpretation of "craftsman spirit".

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

However, in the aura of victory, we should also see challenges and pressures. With the continuous improvement of the level of table tennis in various countries, especially the rise of traditional strong teams such as Japan and Germany, the competition faced by national table tennis has become more and more fierce. How to maintain our advantages while constantly breaking through ourselves and cultivating more internationally competitive new stars is a problem we need to face. This requires us to celebrate the victory while also having a sense of crisis, continue to promote technological innovation, and optimize the talent training mechanism.

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!

Finally, as spectators, we enjoy the passion and emotion brought by the competition, and we should draw strength from it. The perseverance and never-say-die spirit shown by the national table tennis players is a valuable asset worth learning from in our life and work. All in all, the performance of national table tennis in the WTT Saudi Arabia Grand Slam is not only a victory in a sports event, but also a touch of the heart, a cultural exchange, and a spiritual baptism. Let us not forget to reflect and move forward while applauding the national table tennis, transform this power into a driving force for social progress, and jointly write a more brilliant chapter.

Why take Wang Yidi lightly? was chased continuously, who saw Sun Yingsha's reaction, Wang Nan was right!


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