
I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

author:Liberty Hawthorn 7L8b

On the first day Li Ming moved into the new community, he was attracted by the verdant trees and neat environment around him. He loved it, and the serenity and comfort in the air made him look forward to his future life. But in the fragments of life day after day, Li Ming gradually realized that this new home seemed to be inadequate—Wang Gang and Wang Fang's family on the other side of the door were always quiet and silent.

Time passed quietly, Li Ming lived here for a full year, and Wang Gang and Wang Fang's doors were still closed, isolated from the world. This situation made Li Ming suspicious, and he secretly thought to himself: "Did they move away, or did no one live there at all?" Curiosity drove him to observe everything on the other side.

Unusually, there has never been a movement of changing shoes outside the door, and the courier brother rang the doorbell, but no one answered. Li Ming would occasionally see a few courier orders under the crack in the door, but it didn't take long for these courier orders to magically disappear. These details made Li Ming's thoughts fly farther and farther like flying a kite.

The following weekend, Aunt Wang was walking downstairs with a walking stick, and Li Ming walked over to say hello. During the chat, Li Ming mentioned Wang Gang and Wang Fang on the other side by the way. "Oops, that pair of kids are quite pathetic, they've been busy with work and don't come back often." Aunt Wang said slowly, "Don't think about it, in fact, they live there, but they don't come back much." ”

I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

"So that's the case, I thought it was ......" Li Ming waved his hand, signaling that his guess was ridiculous, "Aunt Wang, you go back early to rest, it's a little cold outside." He smiled goodbye, but the pace of his return home was heavy, and his heart was full of another conjecture about the right door.

Li Ming looked across the door from the balcony, imagining which city Wang Gang and Wang Fang might be working hard in order to live a better life. There were thousands of thoughts, and a courier bill floated out from under the door, breaking Li Ming's contemplation.

The days are like a river that does not stop, always flowing forward. Li Ming began to devote himself to his own life, and the pace of returning home at night was hurried, and the doubts about the door gradually disappeared. However, whenever he looked up at the closed door, he always felt a little reluctant in his heart, wondering if they would experience the hardships of life and whether they could feel the warmth of the neighborhood.

At the same time, Aunt Wang will still chat with other old people on the bench downstairs, and the affairs of Wang Gang and Wang Fang will be mentioned from time to time. This community is like a painting, everyone has their own place, and Li Ming is gradually attracted by the colors inside and has become an indispensable part of this community.

I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

As summer approaches, the trees in the community are gradually revealing new green, and the slender branches are swaying in the sunlight, supporting a cool sky. Li Ming is as busy with work and life as ever, but his gaze will always unconsciously go over the railing of his balcony and land on the door that is closed on the other side. The recent change is that Wang Gang and Wang Fang's homes have begun to pile up all kinds of express and takeaway packaging, and the disorder of the sense of order in life has made him have to pay attention.

Why is it that no one has ever picked up those couriers that are obviously sent to the right door? Li Ming thought to himself. Is it that Wang Gang and Wang Fang are too busy to even take the express delivery? But that idea was soon shattered by a reality — early in the morning, when Li Ming was getting ready to go to work, the usually piled doorway suddenly became empty, and there wasn't even a single courier package. But when he came home from work, the new delivery was quietly stacked there. This back-and-forth made him even more confused, and he realized that there must be some story in the family's life that he didn't know.

On weekend afternoons, the neighborhood is exceptionally quiet. Warm sunlight shines through the window and spreads on Li Ming's home. At his desk, he stared blankly at the blue sky outside the window. His heart involuntarily drifted to Wang Gang and Wang Fang on the other side. Li Ming began to construct their story – perhaps, how hard did their work be? Or is there something on your mind that you don't want to share?

He fantasized that maybe Wang Gang and Wang Fang were just two people who were not good at words, and that there was only each other in their world, and they didn't need to be disturbed by outsiders. Thinking about it, Li Ming suddenly heard an unusual slight movement, which was the voice outside the door. He crept to the door and peeked through the cat's eye.

I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

Through the cat's eye of sight, he saw that Wang Gang and Wang Fang were busy opening their mysterious opposite door, which was the first time he had seen this door open since Li Ming moved in. Wang Gang, who was opposite the door, was bending down to pick up the express package that had fallen last night, while Wang Fang was hurriedly sorting out the shoes outside the door. Their movements were a little awkward, as if they were deliberately avoiding something.

"Do you want to help?" Li Ming asked tentatively while carrying the garbage bag, about to go out. His mind was filled with incomprehension, and his curiosity drove him to understand the story behind it.

Wang Gang looked up and saw Li Ming, a blush of embarrassment flashed across his face, and he stammered and replied, "Oh, no, no, thank you... Thank you. With that, he lowered his head and continued his movements.

Li Ming nodded and didn't say anything more. He pushed open the door and left the house, all possible conjectures about Wang Gang and Wang Fang circling in his heart. At this time, he was no longer just curious, he began to have the urge to unravel this mystery.

I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

Li Ming stared intently at the situation outside the door, and he imagined with trepidation that he was about to have his first conversation with Wang Gang and Wang Fang next door. They were dressed in simple clothes, and their hurried appearance was very different from the image that Li Ming had in mind, which made him feel a little surprised.

Li Ming walked slowly down the corridor, pretending to go downstairs to throw out the garbage, and he slowly approached Wang Gang and Wang Fang, trying to shorten the sense of distance caused by mystery through a greeting. He noticed that when Wang Gang picked up the express, the trembling between the movements and Wang Fang's slightly flustered eyes.

"Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang, long time no see, Happy New Year!" Li Ming deliberately chose a festival to use as his opening remarks. He gave them a friendly smile.

Wang Gang and Wang Fang stopped what they were doing, Wang Gang raised his head, his gaze was a little evasive, but he still responded politely: "Oh, Mr. Li, Happy New Year!" ”

I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

Feeling the other party's hesitation and discomfort, Li Ming's heart tightened, "You rarely go out, are you busy with work?" ”

Wang Gang hesitated, and a reluctant smile squeezed out of the corner of his mouth: "Actually...... It's because there is an elderly person in our family who is physically handicapped and we need to take care of him, so we can't go out often. ”

Wang Fang gently pulled Wang Gang's sleeve, as if reminding him not to say too much. But Wang Gang seems to have decided to be open and honest for once, which can be regarded as a response to the long-standing care of his neighbors.

Li Ming couldn't help but feel that his curiosity had disturbed other people's lives, and his heart was full of apologies, "Sorry, I bothered." If you need help, just say we're neighbors. ”

I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

Wang Gang and Wang Fang glanced at each other, and a trace of gratitude appeared on their faces. "Thank you, Mr. Lee."

At that moment, Li Ming deeply felt a deep connection between neighbors, and it turned out that not every story was what he imagined. Some things are not mysterious, but life is dull and difficult. He understood that there was some privacy that he was not meant to bother with.

At this moment, all the curiosity and suspicion in Li Ming's heart turned into deep understanding and respect. He smiled again and humbly returned to his home, knowing that respect was more important than curiosity.

Since that episode that unveiled the mystery of Wang Gang and Wang Fang, Li Ming rarely cared about the movement of the other door anymore. He realizes that everyone has their own untold story behind them, and there is no need to disturb the lives of others because of a momentary curiosity. He began to respect the privacy of Wang Gang and Wang Fang, and that the neighborhood should maintain not only harmony and friendliness, but also the necessary boundaries.

I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

One weekend afternoon, Li Ming was leisurely watering flowers and plants on the balcony, and the laughter of children could be heard in the distance. Wang Gang and Wang Fang's doors were hidden, revealing a hint of home. Gone is that sense of mystery, replaced by a sense of familiarity.

Li Ming recalled when he first moved to the neighborhood. At that time, he was full of curiosity about all his new neighbors. He remembers trying to get to know everyone, but often forgetting that each person has his own space and boundaries with his or her family.

Over time, the other door that had puzzled Li Ming for a long time was no longer a barrier to separate the crowd in his eyes, but a perception of his mutual assistance and understanding of the neighborhood. He knew that no matter what life was like for Wang Gang and Wang Fang, he would be a good neighbor who understood and respected them. Li Ming emitted a warm current from the bottom of his heart, he was glad that he could live in this community, and he was proud to have such an understanding.

Life always inadvertently gives us lessons and inspirations, and Li Ming knows that he has found his place in this warm community. In the days to come, he will face every neighbor around him with a more tolerant and respectful heart - this indifference and harmony in the ordinary is his most valuable harvest here.

I haven't opened the door for more than a year since I moved, and I once suspected that it was a columbarium, but one day it was opened

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