
Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

author:Emotional drifting bottles

The summer breeze gently blows the small town, the willow branches gently shake the green silk, and the crisp laughter of children can be heard in the distance, everything seems so peaceful and peaceful. Zhang Wei, who was busy in the bank, had no time to enjoy the quiet, and he buried his head in the mountains of work. However, that afternoon, an opportunity changed his monotonous work life and sent ripples through his peaceful life.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"Zhang Wei, do you have any arrangements for the evening? Can you do me a favor? Li Xiaomei, a new female colleague at the bank, walked up to his desk shyly with a few requests.

Zhang Wei put down the documents in his hand, took off his glasses and gently rubbed the bridge of his nose, "At night, there are no special arrangements, what's wrong?" Can I help you? ”

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Li Xiaomei's eyes were a little dodgy, and she twisted the folder in her hand uncomfortably, "Actually, that's the case, I'm going to move recently, the furniture and boxes are too heavy, I can't move it myself, I heard that you have a lot of strength, so..."

"Oh, that's what happened, no problem." Zhang Wei interrupted her, "I'll be over on time in the evening, you send me the address first." ”

"Really? Thank you so much, I... I'll treat you to dinner as a thank you! Li Xiaomei had a relieved smile on her face.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

In the evening, Zhang Wei found an old building in the old city according to the address sent by Li Xiaomei. I saw Li Xiaomei standing at the door to greet him, looking even weaker than in the bank.

"There's Brother Lao Zhang, oops, my weak body is really troublesome to others." Li Xiaomei said as she pointed to the room full of boxes and furniture.

Zhang Wei smiled and rolled up his sleeves, "It's okay, it's quite easy for me." By the way, how do you move so many things by yourself? ”

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"Hey, I'm alone in my house." Li Xiaomei replied simply, hiding a trace of elusive gloom in her eyes.

In fact, she had just arrived in the town, and her network was not extensive, and the only people she could find to help her door were a few colleagues in the bank. Especially Zhang Wei, who gave her the impression of being a tough guy, but with an unbreakable gentleness, it was this gentleness that gave her the courage to ask for help.

The process of moving was not easy, and sweat soaked Zhang Wei's back. Li Xiaomei could see Zhang Wei's hard work, kept handing him water, and kept thanking him.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"Brother Zhang, are you tired? Would you like to take a break? ”

"Ha, it's okay, I can't use up my physical strength. But what's the deal with your appliance? Why is it heavier than a bank's vault? Zhang Wei wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and complained jokingly.

Li Xiaomei was amused, and her laughter was mixed with a little embarrassment: "These are my father's old things, although I have moved many times, I am still reluctant to throw them away." ”

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Sunlight shines through the window and onto the opened box, illuminating the room brightly. As the sun set slanted, the shadows of the two were also stretched. This night is a simple time that belongs to Zhang Wei and Li Xiaomei inadvertently intertwined, and the two hearts have quietly approached a little quietly.

With the deepening of the moving work, Li Xiaomei's living room gradually revealed its original appearance. As night fell, Zhang Wei looked up at the window, and the faint moonlight sprinkled in the house, which seemed extraordinarily quiet.

"Zhang Wei, are you tired? Would you like to eat something first? Li Xiaomei took out a box of lunches and a few bottles of drinks and put them on the small table in the living room.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"Okay, then I'm welcome." Zhang Wei sat down and said while eating, "It's really not easy to move, you should find a reliable person to help you as a girl in the future." ”

Li Xiaomei lowered her head and smiled, but didn't say much. In this way, the two of them ate dinner separately in the dim light, and the atmosphere gradually became a little warmer.

Just as Zhang Wei finished packing up his lunch box and was about to continue carrying the rest of his belongings, he accidentally knocked over a cardboard box full of books. The box opened a corner, and an old diary with a brown cover slipped silently to the ground.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"Oops, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention." Zhang Wei bent down to pick up the diary.

"It's okay, that's what I was a kid with." Li Xiaomei hurriedly walked over and wanted to retrieve the diary.

However, curiosity drove Zhang Wei to turn the first page, and he planned to return it to Li Xiaomei after a casual glance, but the content of it made him inadvertently take a few more looks. The diary records the bits and pieces of Li Xiaomei's childhood, as well as the family situation that she has been subtly avoiding mentioning.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"It's... When I was a kid, I wrote something childish. There was a hint of nervousness in Li Xiaomei's voice.

Zhang Wei was attracted by one of them: "'Today, I didn't get praise from my father, he only seems to care about my brother...' Did you feel very aggrieved when you were a child? Zhang Wei handed back the diary, his eyes full of concern.

The eyes of the two met, Li Xiaomei seemed to have made up her mind, and slowly spoke: "Actually, my family is very patriarchal, my father always only values my brother, I try to get recognition, but I always can't get it." So I decided to leave and come to this small town to live on my own. ”

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Zhang Wei could hear the firmness and helplessness in her voice, "Xiaomei, it's not easy, but you have done a good job, and it is not easy to live independently alone." ”

Li Xiaomei lowered her head and whispered, "Thank you, Zhang Wei, I didn't expect to tell someone about this here, I feel much more relaxed." ”

The atmosphere between the two became more intimate, and the old diary was no longer a burden of secrecy, but turned into a bridge between the two of them. In the evening breeze, two lonely hearts began to try to rely on each other.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

For the rest of the day, the two continued to be busy together. Zhang Wei carried the heavy load, while Li Xiaomei carefully took care of every detail. Despite her calm appearance, Li Xiaomei has quietly sown a small seed in her heart, which is gratitude to Zhang Wei and trust in the new life.

"Xiaomei, I see that although your furniture is old, it is well maintained." Zhang Wei moved an old table and couldn't help but praise.

"It's all left by my father, and everything has his memory." Li Xiaomei gently stroked the tabletop, "Although we don't have a good relationship, I still hope to keep this memory." ”

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"I understand that everyone has something they want to treasure." Zhang Wei pursed his lips, "After all, the past has shaped us now. ”

Li Xiaomei felt Zhang Wei's empathy, and her mood became more and more peaceful: "You are right, everyone's experience is different, but I believe that the future will be better." ”

"Zhang Wei, thank you very much for your help today." Li Xiaomei's voice was soft, "I think, this town is no longer so strange to me." ”

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Zhang Wei smiled and waved goodbye: "It's okay, we are all friends, and it is appropriate to help each other." Goodbye, Xiaomei. ”

With the light opening and closing of the door, Zhang Wei's figure disappeared into the night, while Li Xiaomei stood at the door, her heart surging warmly. This ordinary night has become a beautiful scenery in her life's journey.

Although the matter of moving is over, the story of Zhang Wei and Li Xiaomei has just begun. As time passed, the two interacted more and more in their daily work, and their care for each other became more and more delicate. Sometimes a cup of coffee is handed over, sometimes a lunch is enjoyed together, these warmth and care are like a long stream of water, slowly nourishing the hearts of the two.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"Xiaomei, are you free this weekend? I found out that a new bookstore had opened nearby, and I felt like you would love it. Zhang Wei asked her to say after work.

Li Xiaomei's face was flushed, and she nodded: "Okay, I also like to visit bookstores." ”

However, just one day before the weekend date, a colleague at the bank inadvertently revealed the news of Zhang Wei's engagement.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"I'm sorry, I might... There was something going on this weekend and I couldn't go. Li Xiaomei's voice trembled a little, and she couldn't hide her loss.

Zhang Wei felt a little strange and hurriedly explained: "Is it because of my engagement?" I'm not trying to hide it, I'm just looking for the right time to tell you..."

"I know, it's not your fault. It's just me... I don't want to be hurt anymore. Li Xiaomei avoided her eyes, and her voice revealed deep helplessness.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Zhang Wei's heart also sank, and he realized that the relationship between the two was no longer a simple colleague relationship, but he couldn't easily shirk the responsibility of the engagement. He was silent for a long time before he spoke again: "Xiaomei, I... I have genuine feelings for you, can we sit down and have a good talk? ”

Li Xiaomei took a deep breath and finally agreed to him, and the two agreed to meet in a quiet café.

On the day of the meeting, the two sat opposite each other in a small corner filled with the aroma of coffee. Zhang Wei said his heart with hesitation and firmness: "Xiaomei, our relationship may have become complicated because of my past, but what I want to say is that I am serious about this emotion between us. ”

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"I... Me too. The light in Li Xiaomei's eyes was dim but sincere, "It's just that I don't know how far we can go between us." ”

In the dialogue between the two people, a new problem emerged. Li Xiaomei has long noticed the change in her feelings, but her past seems to be an insurmountable chasm. The changes in her family and her father's incomprehension when she was young made her cautious and afraid of commitment, and even the relationship with Zhang Wei, she was not sure if she could accept it bravely.

"Zhang Wei, you may not understand what happened to me in the past." She whispered stories about her childhood.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Zhang Wei held her hand, "Xiaomei, no one's past is perfect, I am willing to face the future with you." ”

However, in the most fragile moments of emotion, the truth is cruel. Zhang Wei's fiancée suddenly appeared in the café, and her tears and questions made the already complicated situation even worse.

"Zhang Wei, what are you doing here? Have you forgotten that you are engaged? Zhang Wei's fiancée was in tears and emotional.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Li Xiaomei stood up, with tears in her eyes but forced a smile: "I'm sorry, I have to go, you two have a good talk." ”

She turned to leave, leaving Zhang Wei standing still, the struggle in her heart like a turbulent wave. That's when he realized he had to make a difficult choice.

The emotional climax reached its peak that night, and the two hearts, which were originally attracted to each other, temporarily went in their own directions due to the twists and turns of reality.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Zhang Wei couldn't calm the excitement in his heart for a long time after that chaotic night. He decides to re-examine his feelings and past, and has to face conflicts and discord with his fiancée. After several days of contemplation, he finally made the decision to sit down with his fiancée for an in-depth and sincere conversation.

"I think it's clear to all of us that it's not just a spark that's missing between us, but more importantly, how different our understanding and expectations of life are." Zhang Wei's words carried a tiredness that was difficult to hide.

The fiancée listened silently, her eyes surging with mixed emotions, and finally sighed and said, "Maybe we pushed each other too hard and forgot to ask ourselves what we really wanted." ”

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

The two were silent for a while, and finally reached a consensus in relief and broke off the marriage contract with each other. Although this decision was accompanied by reluctance and heartache, it brought more of a sense of release and freedom.

In the days to come, Zhang Wei will try to understand the people and things around him from a new perspective. He found Li Xiaomei again, and the two had a long conversation in a quiet park.

"Xiaomei, I'm out of engagement. I thought about it a lot, but in the end I realized that there are some things in life that you will never know if you don't try. Zhang Wei's tone was firm.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

Li Xiaomei looked at him, and the shock in her heart was indescribable: "Are you sure this is what you want?" ”

"I'm sure." Zhang Wei looked into her eyes, full of new hope, "Xiaomei, I want to work with you to discover the beauty of life and face challenges, no matter what the future holds." ”

On that day, the park's flowers bloomed extraordinarily brightly, as if celebrating two hearts that had finally found their way. Li Xiaomei's hand gently shook Zhang Wei, and that handshake represented the promise and the future.

Helping my female colleague move, I was tired and paralyzed, and I accidentally discovered her secret and achieved a beautiful marriage

"Then let's slowly explore the world together and experience the wind and rain together." Li Xiaomei's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Since then, they have started a new life and walked towards that common path together. Their stories are like sequels on those diary pages, with laughter and tears, but always moving towards the future.

The moonlight was like washing, and the two walked side by side on the way back, Zhang Wei suddenly spoke: "Xiaomei, do you think that if I hadn't helped you move, we would have today?" ”

[This content is a fictional story, please read it rationally, do not sit in the right seat]

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