
Poetry Beginners|Structural techniques of poetry

author:The truth of Jinfeng's covenant is forever

First, take care of the beginning and the end

Correspondence refers to the foreshadowing between the chapters of the poem, also known as echoing, the beginning and the end of the correspondence, that is, the beginning and the end of the correspondence, should make the poem have a sense of unity in the structure, can more highlight the theme, play a good expression effect.

"Remembering My Brother on a Moonlit Night"


The drums cut off the pedestrians, and the sound of geese on the autumn side.

The dew is white from tonight, and the moon is the hometown of Ming.

There are brothers who are scattered, and there is no home to ask about life and death.

The length of the letter is not reached, and the army has not ceased to be suspended.

This poem was written by Du Fu in Qinzhou, due to the Anshi Rebellion, the brothers were separated, the war was blocked, and the communication was incomprehensible, which caused him to have strong worries and thoughts.

The first couplet of this poem and the jaw couplet write the scene, setting off the atmosphere of war; On this basis, the neck couplet and the tail couplet write that the brothers were separated due to the war, and there was no fixed place and no news, so the feelings of longing arise spontaneously, especially in the white dew season after the autumn, under the background of the drums on the upper floor and the wailing of the lonely geese, this longing is more and more deep and intense.

The whole poem is well-leveled, the beginning and the end are taken care of, the bearing is round, and the structure is rigorous.

"No truce" will "cut off people", Mochizuki will "remember his brother", "homeless" will "send books", and "scattered" will "die and live" is unknown.

Poetry Beginners|Structural techniques of poetry

Second, get straight to the point

Getting straight to the point means that the poem starts at the beginning and does not beat around the bush.



Where to find the Prime Minister's Ancestral Hall? Outside Jinguan City, Parson.

The green grass is from the spring, and the yellow oriole is hollow and has a good sound.

Three times to worry about the world, two dynasties to help the old ministers.

He died before he left the school, which made the hero cry.

This is a poem composed by Du Fuding when he visited the Wuhou Temple, which expresses the poet's praise for the great talent of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, the assistance of the two dynasties, and the loyalty to the country, as well as the regret that he died after failing to succeed in his education.

"Where to find the Prime Minister's Ancestral Hall? Outside Jinguan City, Parson. The green grass is from the spring, and the yellow oriole is hollow and has a good sound", the beginning of the poem is caused by the question, where is the ancestral hall? Outside Jinguan City, a few miles away, looking at it from afar, I saw the green cypress into a forest early, a good piece of lush greenery, the weather is extraordinary, that is where Zhuge Wuhou Temple is located.

This first couplet is straight to the point, sprinkled and falling, and the two sentences are one question and one answer, opening and closing. The first two couplets write the scene, free and easy; The last two couplets discuss people, and suddenly become depressed. The whole story is from scenery to people, from looking for admiration to retrospective review, from sighing and remembering to tears, frustrated and heroic, and folded several times.

The whole poem is majestic and tragic, depressed and frustrating, and has a tremendous power that shocks people's hearts.

Poetry Beginners|Structural techniques of poetry

Third, layer by layer

Layer-by-layer in-depth refers to the structure of the poem from shallow to deep, interlocking structure, so that the structure of the whole poem is rigorous and clear.

"Morning Glory"

Nineteen ancient poems by Han Dynasty

Morning Glory, the Han Girl of the Bright River.

Slender hands, zaza lanes.

All day long, sobbing like rain.

The river is clear and shallow, how much is it different?

Yingying is in the water, and the pulse is silent.

This poem grasps the Milky Way and the machine, which are related to the myth of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, and writes about the Weaver Girl's feelings of longing for her relatives, weaving cloth unintentionally, crying across the river, and sighing at the water, which is actually a metaphor for the lovesickness of a divorced woman in the world for her husband who has left her relatives and gone away.

This poem adopts layers of in-depth structure to express the sorrow of the Weaver Girl thinking about the morning glory across the Milky Way, and expresses the pain when love is tormented. The poem is written from the Altair and Vega in the distance, from far to near, the gaze moves to the Vega, and the Vega weaves cloth to meet the Cowherd, but she can't weave all day long, and she is so anxious that tears rain.

A shallow galaxy just can't meet. Poetry goes from things to people, and then to people's feelings. The scenes are blended, the voices are full of emotion, and the grievances are moving.

Poetry Beginners|Structural techniques of poetry

IV. Heavy Chapters

Repeating sentences refers to a structural way in which the upper and lower sentences or upper and lower paragraphs are repeatedly sung in the same structural form.

"The Ugly Slave: The Middle Wall of the Shubo Mountain Road"

Southern Song Dynasty Xin abandoned the disease

The young man does not know the taste of sorrow, falls in love with the floor, falls in love with the floor, and says sorrow for the new words.

Now I know the taste of sorrow, and I want to talk about it. I want to say that I will not rest, but I say that the weather is cool and autumn.

This is a poem made by Xin Qiji when he was impeached and removed from office and lived idly in Daihu.

This word is full of sorrow, the first film depicts the young man's deep involvement in the world but pretends to be deep, and the next film writes the depression full of sorrow but nowhere to confide, through the contrast between the "youth" and the "now", it expresses the author's pain of being suppressed, excluded, and having no way to serve the country.

The upper and lower parts adopt the structural form of repeated chapters and sentences, "fall in love with the floor", "fall in love with the floor", "want to talk and rest", "want to say and rest", in this repeated chanting, there is a sharp contrast in the content, and the language has a musical beauty.

The whole word prominently renders the word "sorrow", which is used as a clue throughout the whole article, which is exquisitely conceived, sincere and euphemistic, shallow and deep, and evocative.

Poetry Beginners|Structural techniques of poetry

Fifth, the scene before the situation

That is, through the description of the scene, it focuses on the expression of the poet's thoughts and feelings due to the described scenery, so as to shape the poet's own image, create artistic conception, and express the theme.

"Bodhisattva Man"

Southern Song Dynasty Xin abandoned the disease

Yu Gu is in the Qingjiang River under the stage, and there are many pedestrians in the middle of tears. Looking at Chang'an in the northwest, there are countless mountains in pity.

The green mountains can't cover it, after all, it flows eastward. Jiang Wan is sad, and the mountains are deep and smell partridges.

This is a poem written by Xin Qiji when he passed by the ostomy in Ganzhou. "Borrowing water to complain about the mountain" expresses the emotion of the rise and fall of the country.

The last film leads to historical memories from the foreground objects, seeing the flowing water of the Ganjiang River under Yu Gutai, I can't help but think of the southern invasion of the Jin soldiers, the people in exile and the death and injury, and feel that the flowing water is full of blood and tears of the exiled people.

Then, combined with the scene, the thoughts and emotional activities were expressed, and the great rivers and mountains were still occupied by the enemy. The next film borrows the scene to create love, grief and anger are empty of patriots, it is difficult to reverse the decline of the country, and it is difficult to worry about the fact that the country is embarrassed.

In this way, the image of the poet himself who cares about national shame and worries about national affairs creates a gloomy and vast artistic conception, expressing deep patriotic feelings and resentment against the corrupt and incompetent rulers of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Poetry Beginners|Structural techniques of poetry

Sixth, the chapter of the chapter

The poet expresses his heart or feelings at the end of the poem, so as to increase the profundity, appeal and structural beauty of the poem, and has the artistic effect of "finishing touch".

"Difficult to Walk"

Don Lee Bai

The gold bottle sake bucket is ten thousand, and the jade plate is shy and ten thousand dollars.

I couldn't eat when I stopped throwing my cup, and I was at a loss when I drew my sword and looked around.

If you want to cross the Yellow River and ice congestion river, you will climb the snow-filled mountains of Taihang.

Idle fishing on the blue river, suddenly take a boat to dream of the sun.

It's hard to walk! It's hard to walk! Duoqi Road, where is it today?

There will be times when the wind and waves will be long, and the clouds will sail into the sea.

This poem expresses the poet's feelings after encountering difficulties on the political road, profoundly reveals the suppression of talents by the rulers, and shows the poet's positive pursuit, optimistic self-confidence and tenacious adherence to ideals.

The first four lines of the poem write that the friend set up a feast for Li Bai out of deep friendship for Li Bai. Then write "difficult to walk" on the front, and use "ice jam river" and "snow full of mountains" to symbolize the difficulties and obstacles on the road of life. Then the pen turned around, thinking of the experiences of Jiang Shang and Yi Yin, two historical figures, which increased the poet's confidence.

The poet's strong demand for active use of the world finally made him get rid of the boredom of wandering on the wrong path again, and sang a strong note full of confidence and prospects: "There will be a time when the wind and waves will be long, and the clouds will sail into the sea!" The last sentence highlights the poet's stubbornness, self-confidence and his persistent pursuit of ideals, and shows the poet's strong spiritual strength to break free from the bitterness.

Poetry Beginners|Structural techniques of poetry